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Everything posted by KalTorrak

  1. I've noticed the same thing, BW has seriously no clue at all, now we cant even stunlock a person and prey he has no CC breaker up, otherwise he doesn't die, they stopped that, there is seriously no reason to even play an operative after 1.2, which makes me sad cause I rolled an operative cause of the storyline plus how fun they are to play AFTER the huge nerf to them just recently....
  2. I rolled a Operative AFTER they got nerfed, now 1.2 they are getting nerfed into oblivion.... see you later BW. After such a crap launch, with a severely buggy game , UI etc etc, people leaving, servers turning into ghost towns, no server merges still in 1.2 (I heard 1.3 maybe) its just beyond a joke really, the people that left hardly any will come back they are over it and have moved on, 1.2 is barely keeping people here, once people get through its content they will leave also, and server mergers needed to happen a month ago. My server was very heavy and even had a queue after launch, now its light even in peak hour.... I've already rerolled 3 times so I'm not going to reroll on another server, I'll just unsub.
  3. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/editorial/20027-patch-1-2-concealment-operative-analysis After this (one if not the most underplayed class) you can kiss the rest of them goodbye, wow what a nerf, I have an Operative, he is awesome fun to play, but wasn't my first character, didn't get to play him pre huge nerf to hidden strike but I was on the receiving end of it, all good, I mostly rolled one for the storyline (Which is awesome) but seriously this is a HUGE nerf, I didn't see anything wrong with the class after the hidden strike nerf. My Marauder (and everyone out there that has one unless you are in denial) or vs'd one will know them and Jugs are the most OP out there at the moment, what the hell is the point of making the most rarely played class extinct.... unless you are a healer there will be no point in playing a DPS role anymore.... does BW have any clue? Cause it doesn't seem like it from where I am standing.... Merc / Commando is the other biggy but that is being fixed in 1.2 fair enough (heavy armor and doing the most dps lawl what?) anyways, I always thought the least armoured, was suppose to do the most damage (balance right?) take longer to kill, more survivability, less dps output, apparently not.
  4. A person that writes the truth! I couldn't agree more, although even single player is hell stale after the first round through wouldn't you agree? Unless you PVP through the whole 2nd time and JUST do the storyline (which I did for my 2nd and 3rd character) but now that is even getting boring, I wanted to experience all the characters story's but I just cant be bothered grinding anymore. As an MMO its exactly what you said.
  5. Er no that was EA wanting everyones money before it was finished, not the customer base. I for 1 would have MUCH preferred it to be held off, cause at the moment I think 150 euros for collectors is the biggest and worst investment I have ever bought, period. Months later they still have not got it fixed, WHILST people keep paying for it, I could quit, but will BW refund me for such an awful game? No, so what other choice do people have in my shoes but to be vocal about it?
  6. Every WZ I'm in a Sage is top of the charts for healing AND dps, you are not playing your class correctly, period. They needed a fix, there is a reason half the team or more is one every single time, cause they win games, if it was as broken as you are complaining about no one would roll one or play one now for that matter and I'm still seeing them more than any other class.
  7. Really wish I could start another character there but I really REALLY dont want to grind another character all the way through all the quests I've done so far, if I did would be my 4th time, so over it, wish BW would just fix this bs and do server mergers (amongst fixing the FPS and rubberbanding etc etc, lord the bugs in this game and bad customer service makes me a sad panda)
  8. So this is a late post, but it deserves a bump, as I get this CONSTANTLY whilst PVP'ing, it is NOT lag (as I get lag spikes, but so does heaps of people in the WZ at the same time as I do, I checked) and it is NOT with friendly players, ONLY the enemy I'm fighting, it almost ALWAYS beniefts them, huttball for example, stun them with my imp op, the fall off the edge, only for me to chase them down, them reappear up the top, etc , it is SHOCKING, the amount of times I knock someone down and it goes I'm not behind the target also?!?! There are major problems with this game (just because you do not get them if you are reading this, a LOT of people are) , just FYI not my computer or connection, I'm local to the servers, my machine is pretty top spec (and I still get issue with FPS, again I'm one of those effected by it, not everyone is but a LOT are) and SWTOR is the only game that does it, so pretty much isolated the problem (also BW has confirmed they have these issues) , when is the fix coming though? Seriously....
  9. It's not that easy, try it, I have, no one either joins (since everyone wants only geared people and geared people are already in pre mades) , it NEEDS to be balanced, a whole team of person on skype / vent that are champion or battlemaster geared vs fresh 50's? It's not fun, people will just stop playing if it continues then what will the premades do? Get bored and quit also, everyone loses. You need the PUG vs PUG system and premade vs premade system in place for balance, its as simple as that.
  10. Couldn't agree more, its so broken Premade vs PUGS its not funny, 2 days just to get 3 wins.... cause 99% of the time its premades....
  11. It's also grossly unbalanced, it should be premade vs premade only, I cant even do dailies, takes me longer than a whole day to win 3 games (took me 2 days to get 1 daily done) , and you cannot simply "fix" this buy saying "Make your own premade" lack of people on the servers wanting to do that now cause they are just over pvp or people already in as many premades that want to be, also the gear requirements they are running, all champions and battlemasters only, people will end up just not playing and the premades can sit there for hours waiting for a game, then both parties will end up quitting, there is only one solution and that is, if you want to play like that, you vs other people like that, and randoms vs randoms.
  12. It's not if you "suck" its if you cannot put in the hours you are putting in (playing at work, really? Enough said) and do not do premades (some of us haven't again, like your previous comment, got this luxury either) and that my good man is the majority which BW will care towards not the minority.
  13. That is true (although you have to be lucky to get it that fast and win all the games like a lot of people have said they cannot win) but the gap between people who exploited Illum (and BW did not roll back) and Cent is HUGE. It seems like baby steps but for so many stats that are yeah some not that big a difference, some are, but all combined its pretty huge, specially after the exploit and people get battlemaster they nerf bags making it HARDER for people to get champion / battlemaster also now so it takes even longer to close that gap.
  14. Exactly, all you do is see that now, small group (if any) actually running the ball and guarding the person, rest are fighting it up in mid or god knows where tunnel visioning just any red player they see.
  15. Ditto, but come on BW are stupid with balance, sorcs do suck 1v1 and even their dmg I've stopped playing mine, its easy to be lvl 10 and fire off force lightning constantly and people go they are op? That is the scaling, at 50 they suck, any class can beat them, even as healers, they are a LOT better but compared to heavy armored mercs and commando's they are nothing, more dps with heavy armor and the same healing with more protection, something wrong there, and I agree with marauders, when I put my 2 defensive abilities you can pretty much kill anyone 1v1.
  16. You do it EVERY single week for Europeans, do you even think before you implement things? Some of the stuff you do are some of the most stupid things a company could ever do, lets take down servers in EUROPE during the day because we cant be bothered taking them down at a separate time than the USA, THIS is what pisses people off, playing favourites OR even if you are not, not even THINKING what this would do to people? You literally want to drive people away don't you. You MUST do or are you seriously this ignorant?
  17. I'd actually really like one also, playing my operative there are so many ability's once you hit 50 on 2 bars, I'm getting near 3 bars full with all abilities so a stealth bar would save me some room and would actually be REALLY useful.
  18. No, Vanilla there was WSG and AV, AB was introduced later, actually Vanilla didn't even have ANY BG's at all. You guys who talk Vanilla are truly not even there to play it. Anyways the PvP was really good in WoW full stop before whiners got the better of blizzard and they started changing things, Closed beta was probably one of the best group pvp experiences there was, every class was unique until people started again, crying that class has this, I WANT IT, you can tell Bioware thought of this that's why EVERYONE has so many CC's in this game, people have a whinge about it but your class has the same thing pretty much. Only thing that pisses me off about this game is the amount of bugs, feels like it hasn't even been through beta (or should still be there) but EA are greedy so that's why it got released the way it did we all know that, also the customer service is beyond terrible (I heard they outsourced it so would explain why) another thing for EA to get their money back quicker....
  19. AB wasn't even in Vanilla, it was put in later. Love how people talk about being there for vanilla when it is so obvious they were not.
  20. Exactly the same as my server, plus they play smart, I'm capping a node and have a guy CC'd.... what do my team mates do, see read instantly attack... I'm like... are you serious... it happens all the time I've seen few ******* on republic (prob cause there are less of them) at least on my server. Also reps you know, distract people pull them out while the other caps, I've had this maybe one out of 100 games (in pugs) more obviously if playing with friends, just people dunno how to PvP (the majority) in MMO's I think. You get very few good players that know how.
  21. I agree with the OP, and for those of you who say interrupt, give us a ranged interrupt and I wont whinge, but I do not have one, and when you do get close they have a huge knockback which then slows u, how the **** are you suppose to interrupt tracer missle through that then? As I said give me a ranged interrupt and I'll disagree with a "Nerf Tracer" Thread, till then I have to agree, stand there pushing one button a whole WZ and top the dmg charts? What other class can do this? Oh, none.
  22. KalTorrak

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Game is going down hill, more and more people leaving, know it from the forums, the numbers on my 3 servers I play on even my brother (his real life friends he plays with across the other side of the world) and my real life ones have all stopped, I'm the only one still playing, I've been through 3 guilds since release cause they all just stopped logging on, didn't leave just stopped (I still speak to some on skype and just say its boring or bugs or well you know the rest) I wanted this game to be so damn good and sucessful, can I see that happening? No not really, they chose the game to run on a ****** engine since EA rushed them they couldn't make it themselves (not really an excuse after 10 years making it though) the game is client side (really *** were you thinking, any coder knows this is a huge mistake and just bad) so hakes are all out and working (invisible people planting bombs on doors in voidstar, speed hacks etc) the engine cant even deal with the game thats why so many people have FPS issues (if you are reading this and do not good for you, most people still do and its not a case of old computers or underpowered ones) no end gameplay, terrible balance the list goes on. And yeah all this you can sum on to a "new mmo" but really? They have had longer than ANY MMO in development stages so they should NOT be having this many issues, I almost play every mmo out there seriously and have not run into such a BUGGY MMO on launch, WoW (and I hate wow FYI) had SOME server issues and were fixed within TWO weeks, AND refunded anyone having issues with free game time (something Bioware needs to learn, CUSTOMER SERVICE also) so many write up's here saying the same thing , different forums, or in game or out it doesn't matter, most people that cannot see this do not do the game justice, Bioware needs to realise these issues to fix them, the fan boys that think the game is perfect are just shooting themselves in the foot turning a blind eye to all these obvious problems. At the end of the day I'm extremely sad, I don't wanna rag on BW for making such a failure of a game (there are extremely good points about the game like its awesome storyline) but once you have got past that, why would u want to repeat the same stuff over and over? The unique storyline of each character is about 5% of the rest of the 95% repeatable quest boring bs. I hope they catch on soon cause after I bought my collectors edition (yes I was looking forward to it that much) and paid for the 2nd month I'm already over it and wanted this to be the LAST thing, was hoping to play this for a longggg time just do not see it happening in its current form.
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