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Everything posted by KalTorrak

  1. I've played every class, other classes need to be brought back down to earn but Imp Op (if you open your eyes you would see this) has less dps, (there is a thread with actual graphs etc so people like you can see this and be like WOW ITS TRUE I NEVER KNEW) less survivability, and less utilities than EVERY other class, so no we DO need to be fixed, its just the others ALSO need to be brought down to earth also, get it right.
  2. Get CC immunity if you use your CC breaker? On what planet do you live on? Maybe to that one player, but ANY of his buddies will just CC you then, I've been CC'd 4 times in a row and I'm dead almost every time I get near a premade, forget about even hitting anyone if they see me I'm dead without being able to do **** about it, even WITH my cc breaker. Being an Imp Op (now anyways) you cannot kill anyone, in huttball you get constantly knocked off the ledges and its the most gimp class ever for playing that WZ. We are the most gimped class at the moment but wow does Huttball just make you wanna quit the game or what, EVERY class has SOMETHING for huttball apart from us, we have no knockback, no charge, no grapple, no force push, every class has something but us. On top of that our dmg is now gimped beyond believe, stuns are also, and to add to insult to injury the most squishiest class in the game.
  3. I know, game runs like **** tbh, the game should have never been released like this. WZ's running at 30 - 40+ fps and getting spikes for no good reason down to 10 and below, *** (And no its not my computer doesn't happen on ANY other game) its just piss poor programming with a piss poor engine.
  4. ^^ I couldn't agree more, and the people think they are actually SKILLED playing these classes and beating everyone, like an Imp Op or something rofl its laughable really how OP these 3 classes are right now.
  5. When are you guys going to fix Imperial Operatives? We are the lowest dps class at current The lowest played class Have the least survivability of any class We have the least utility's (knockback's , grabbles, hell even commando's have more stuns than us if you don't include talented hidden strict 1.5s knockdown) All these are known issues, when are they going to be addressed? It better be soon cause we are not just going to roll another class, we will quit and that means less money Bioware! Address these issues ASAP because after this months free time, me and a lot of others are over being just cannon fodder in WZ's! Or not even getting raid spots because our dps is that low!
  6. Funny that because other classes I've dotted up go away and regen (since it doesn't stop that anymore) where I'm stuck in combat and cant do anything but heal myself (if I have energy left) most of the time though someone comes across and just kills me before I can go invis, happens every WZ, getting over it. And 8 seconds? You are lucky takes me sometimes up to 20. I've had one or 2 instances (no joke) it took up to 45 seconds, it seemed like the person was on the other side of the WZ still and he had to die before I got out of combat. Is completely retarded.
  7. I couldn't agree more! I know for a fact and I'm in full BM + WH wep I do NOT hit for 5k EVER with vs'n people my gear level, I play almost all day ever day (I'm retired, so don't ask, and no I'm not an old fart lol, well not that old ) and its just not possible anymore, PRE 1.2 I could do it on a fresh 50, but this was the only time I saw my 5k + crit. I actually made my Op after the original nerf to acid blade and hidden strike just to see the storyline cause I heard it was the best, and it was, funny enough BEFORE this my main was a Sorc and I was on the RECIEVING end of Imp Ops / SMugglers, I NEVER complained cause I KNEW they were my anti class, every class has one, now 2 over the top and not needed nerfs later (coming from the person on the RECEIVING end remember) they are the most gimp class out there for DPS and survivability. The ONLY way you are helpful is A) Cannon Fodder or B) Stunlocking (and doing **** dps in the mean time) a healer so a DECENT dps can take them out with you. or C) Be a healer. Like I said there was no reason for the nerf in the first place, yes my sorc went down fast but wow, I could almost take down any other class so I didn't care my anti class could kill me! It's a GROUP PVP GAME not a 1v1.
  8. Pretty much yes, healer is where we apparently shine now, DPS is just laughable to every other class plus survivability, there is a reason we are the most least popular class....
  9. Top 3 if you are in a premade sure, try premade vs premade or pug vs pug, entirely different story and if you are getting actually AIMED for, you'll be in the BOTTOM 3 pretty much guaranteed, happens to me all the time, if I'm in a group year sure I can shine, but any other class in the same situation out shines me and my dps (example mara , if I hit 300k he'll hit 660k odd) we are not even close so people like you, should stop smoking crack and come back to reality. Oh yeah also if what you were saying were true and we were not an issue (like at launch) then there wouldn't of been hordes of people quitting their ops (or just switching to pure healing) and GM's basically banning OPS from coming to raids (again, multiple threads on this if you come back to reality and take a search and read) if DPS was not an issue then none of this would be happening, HUGE difference between L2P and class balance.
  10. ^^ This, when a commando (or mirrored class but I'm coming up more against commando's so I'll use them as the example) stuns me and kills me before I get out of it, ***, that is the supposing reason we were nerfed, they then have ANOTHER stun after that, wearing heavy armor, are ranged, have a knockback, and grapple, its beyond a joke.... I'm REALLY getting over our class being pure cannon fodder in WZ's.
  11. Ditto, its the same people who play an Overpowered class (can think of about 3 at the moment each side has but wont name them cause they are obvious and another debate) and say L2P when people complain. These people are one in the same and are killing the game. And do kill MMO's in general.
  12. This ^^ I completely agree. As it is, if you are not in a premade or group on my server, you are constantly vs'n a premade Rep team which just dominates every game, (2 sages and 2 tanks, game is over before it even starts vs a pug) and losing 20 games in a row is fun right? Then people quit, then what do you do with your premade? Oh wait you have no one to play against, cause everyone has left / quit.
  13. Look I agree sorry with the whole 8 man queues should only be against other pre-mades, not everyone are in guilds, if they are not all of them are PVP so they have very limited friends or people they know wanting or that do PvP, putting full premades against pugs is a sure way to get people just to quit, its not fun getting steamrolled all the time all day every day, its bad enough with a group let alone a full WZ. I'm all for 8 man queued WZ's, BUT ONLY against OTHER premades. Bioware needs to get their act together and get rated WZ's happening to fix this issue.
  14. Your lucky I've had it up to 30 seconds, no joke, sitting at the side, just WAITING and WAITING, it seems I had to wait for the person that I was in combat with to die before it even thought about resetting. OFTEN I'm waiting up to like 10 - 15 seconds to get out of combat, by then someone has seen me and I'm dead, its ****in annoying as. Also this thread and http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=412859 should be combined, Bioware needs to fix this **** ASAP before I just get over it (which I'm already starting to) and leave, I'm already unsubbed, it will stay that way till Imperial Operatives are fixed.
  15. I know, I'm constantly getting knocked out of stealth its just ********. We need an increase in damage (because we were nerfed way to much over the top) we have no survivability compared to all other classes, evasion is a joke compared to invul that sins / shadows have and sents / mara's abilities, hell I've noticed commando's have more stuns than we do (whilst still being able to damage us) we have 1 stun that can do that for a decent time, not including the knock on the face TALENT ability we have, just skill. Theirs are what 4 seconds each whilst killing you? Either way just improve ours Also a closer, every Op EVEN other classes I've spoke to we NEED A shadowstep like ability, in huttball we are USELESS, oh there is an imp op, knock off the ledge, game over, sins / shadows can pull the person down to you (same with BH's and Troopers) JK's and Sith Wars etc have leap. We just have to well run all the way back around (half the game is over by that time) just for it to happen again and again all game. We are such a broken class and the only people that recognise this are either the people that play them and most of those have quit already, or the ones just about to, or the ones that run with us constantly in WZ groups or VS us (and can play)
  16. Couldn't agree more, if they haven't fixed the class after this month.... well now I got a free month after this one so in 6 weeks odd I'm out of here (people can say good but Bioware should care about losing paying customers and also others should care cause the population is just getting less and less)
  17. All well and good if you are vs'n fresh 50's, which I also do not have a problem with and I got BM (now with WH wep) stuff still doesn't go down sorry to say with people my gear level like you are mentioning, a lot less gear yes no problem, but same gear or better than mine, they do not, I know cause all I do is PvP all day every day and it just is not true. Guildies and friends are saying the same thing they've either rerolled or just quit the game because unless you are vs'n an undergeared person you are just cannon fodder in WZ's, or stunning to help other people kill their stuff, that is it.
  18. It doesn't , I hit it , hit vanish, I get damaged by dots and come out of stealth again, same when I hit cleanse, it removes some DoT's, not all. Do you even play an Imp Op cause it sure doesn't sound like it.
  19. And what happens if they are at full resolve oh wait its useless then there is no counter at all, relying on a stun and not being stunned and getting resolve before that at all and saving it ALL for that ONE ability is total ********, they are op, people defending them are either stupid , blind or both of them (not to mention like playing an OP class) most people I know playing them on my server admit they are grossly overpowered but they are not to blame, its Bioware. The only way to get them to even look at this is to make noise on these things and pray they pay attention or lose customers. No one likes going up against 1 class that is pretty much guaranteed to lose is pathetic to say the least, people quit over this, and even the people then left playing those classes will have what left? Loooongggg *** queues and just playing against the same people over and over (if there are enough left to even start WZ's at all) ? The people that have left already even the REALLY good Sents / Mara's made youtube vids and said the games pvp balance is a joke and like I said above they are the ones playing the OP classes, it gets old after awhile and for the people it doesn't, the others on the receiving end it gets old faster, this on top of the other stuff wrong with SWTOR is why populations are dropping so severely.
  20. Actually they always have been OP, 1.2 just made them more so. I'm over this ridiculous argument of the OBVIOUS most drastic OP class out there (and its obvious the people playing them cause all they do is react with a L2P) , hell I made a Sent just to see how ******** they are first hand and I win a 1v1 EVERY TIME, hell even 1v2 most of the time with my cooldowns up, with my Imp Op I cannot kill almost ANYTHING alone that is geared at the full BM + gear (since we've just been nerfed to hard and by the time I get even close their team mates notice me and I'm dead) BUT team up with a guildie mara, we kill a tank AND a healer before they can kill either of us, JUST the mara makes all the difference, hell we've killed 4 people (I die after the 2nd goes down) he finishes off the other 2, even HE says they are SO SO OP its funny! The people that defend them just like to OBVIOUSLY play the OP class, the L2P argument is a COP OUT and the most hypercritical one at that.
  21. [quote name='arkzehhh']Shadow's are squishy, even with CD'S up, L2Counteract them, and stop being bad. there more or less a 1v1 class (yes they have the ability too cc etc etc...) but they should destroy you ESP with cooldown's available, stop crying. Assasin tank's on the other hand, yes they need there dmg lower quite a bit. Oh and while there at it, nerf mara/sents, i hear they need it now .[/QUOTE] The funny thing is, Imperial Operatives got nerfed for being able to 1v1 well, just healers, and we got nerfed to the ****house and back and don't have NEAR the survivability Sins / Shadows do, so what gives? Also Mara's / Sents are op but thats just well know and needs to be fixed.
  22. Almost 100% sure it has to be unmodified, this is what I was told anyways.
  23. You could do this with all of what, 1 class? Its not like you could stunlock every class and faceroll them, also any video out there pre nerf is before they even added 50's into the equation, doesn't take much to stunlock an undergeared new player and kill them (which is about the only thing you can do) if you are equal geared to the person who you are vs'n forget about it.
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