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Everything posted by Voqar

  1. I hate PvP in MMORPGs. I hate seeing the games mutilated to accomodate PvP whiners. PvP in a complex and deep PvE game like TOR, or any other real MMORPG, has no hope of EVER being balanced, it's simply not possible. Keep dreaming, and devs will keep screwing up the game to try to make you less teary eyed, but there will never be quality PvP in a full-fledged MMORPG.
  2. Spare me. When is the last time any PvPer or zombie doing ez-mode instanced pseudo PvP cared about immersion?
  3. Signed. Play a guardian, tank, sorta, and get back to me.
  4. Nobody can possibly be crying that PvP gear is too hard to get. Nobody. You might as well get a full set of artifacts for every slot upon hitting 50, because that's about how easy it is. No lockouts in PvP. You make progress if you lose, suck, have no clue how to play. The don't punish PvP exploiters or strip exploiters of gains so cheat all you want and get away with it. I wouldn't care if there was a real distinction between PvP and PvE gear, but there isn't. PvE gear is useless for PvP, you'll get owned by people in PvP gear. But PvP gear works fine for any PvE content like hard modes or operations, and that's just stupid. PvP gear should be about 50-75% effective vs similar tier PvE gear when it comes to PvE. You wanna PvP, you earn your PvP gear to be effective. It should work the same for PvE. I despise the way they've implimented PvP gear in this game, it's just like Rift. Cater to the people who are doing the most idiotic thing in the game - playing instances pseudo PvP, aka, fantasy/sci-fi deathmatch. Lowest quality PvP you could possible have in the highest quality PvE games available. PvPers should have to do world PvP to get PvP gear...and Ilum isn't exactly the greatest implimentation of world PvP.
  5. Star Wars is about people. The game should remain about characters (people), not their vehicles. Space combat is a nice mini game and that's all it needs to be. Dev/design time could be better spent on a ton of other things.
  6. I went republic (and RP server) thinking it'd be a more mature crowd but I'm starting to wonder if there are ANY mature players in MMORPGs anymore. I'd pay double to play on a server with no stupid names (I value immersion and your idiotically named avatars are ruinging it) and immediate removal of immature players (lots of room for interpretation here but anyone who does your momma jokes (or lack thereof) in general chat, or has an e-seizure f-bombing everyone, and so on)
  7. Of course, and posting your rig's stats doesn't matter much (except to occasionally flaunt e-peen). You could have the highest end machine possible and treat it like crap, have incompatible parts, out of date drivers, instability from OCing, virus(es)/keyloger(s), or any number of self-inflicted problems. But everyone always blames someone else (developer in this caee). Hardly a phenomenom limited to PC gaming, that's for sure.
  8. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.1.2/272012 Lots of text. Some fixes for stuff I've never heard mentioned, which seems to be a recurring theme. Hey, nobody asked for this change, but we made it anyways. Enjoy! Some class tweaks undoubtably tied to PvP, which I don't care about and wish didn't exist for this very reason (along with slapped on PvP in a PvE game just flat out sucking period). No fixes for bugs that have existed since beta...another recurring theme. No fixes/tweaks/additions for stuff lots of people regularly request....yet another recurring theme. I guess it is nice that they do these patches with every weekly maint but they kind of serve as a reminder for all the stuff that isn't getting fixed/added/tweaked.
  9. Jawa. I like little races. Jawas could be the gnomes of TOR except most people actually LIKE Jawas.
  10. PvE - reward doesn't match effort involved - long instances, short enrages, crap loot, lockouts. PvP - reward doesn't match lack of effort involved - no lockouts, no minimum gear to participate, rewarded for losing, not trying, not knowing how to play, lots of ways to exploit for even more easy rewards, ridiculously fast and easy to get artifacts from head to toe. In this game, PvPers are coddles like little babies...or like carebears, I guess you could say.
  11. Too bad the game isn't policed like these forums. Naming policy isn't enforced, players behave like mouthy children nonstop, and CSRs do zero about any of it even if it's reported. But you even hint at anything remotely negative here and you get smacked down. It's truly comical.
  12. Actually, I think most are college student age (18-24) but they behave like they're 10-16 with stupid/garbage avatar names, childish behavior in chat, and not giving a crap about anyone rudely going about questing.
  13. Anyone who uses pseudo words like "skillz" and "plz" deserves nothing - except being flayed, flogged, or at least sent back to 2nd grade.
  14. I rebind strafe to A and D and use Q and E as extra hotkeys.
  15. There are bugs and glitches but let's be serious, if you're having THAT many problems it's time to get a new PC or learn to take care of the one you have, because the problem is you or your machine.
  16. Release in asia/se asia? You realize that a large number of WoW's subs are from there, which pads their numbers considerably. If you only count their numbers from markets classically tied to american MMOs, which is what TOR hits, then 1.7 is very competitive.
  17. Who cares, the warzones are stupid in that they hand out artifact quality loot for doing next to nothing. Worst "reward" setup ever.
  18. Big vehicles and fleet... SUCK. I really don't care how much people pay for the gargauntuan vehicles, they shouldn't be able to be used at fleet. Here's the logic for you. We can't use any vehicles in orbital stations or starports which are often massive and completely devoid of other players. But you can use any vehicle including the huge ones that cover mailboxes, 10 people at a time, obscure the sun, and so on in the most populated spot in the game. The only people who don't think the huge vehicles are annoying at fleet are the people using them to grief everybody else. (PS, I could buy multiples of said vehicles if I wanted to but I think they're lame in general so haven't grabbed any yet)
  19. Posting in colors is beyond annoying and shouldn't be allowed. Anyways. Leveling is too fast IMO - but that's to be expected so the ADD instant gratifiaction new generation of drooling idiots don't wet their panties with tears.
  20. All the stuff the OP lilsted is fluff that doesn't really matter and/or is purely opinion. Let's look at some things of substance that actually matter, that many forget when looking at WoW NOW. At release, WoW had ZERO battlegrounds - first one didn't appear until 6 months or so in (check wiki) and was all kinds of unbalanced and broken (to the point of needing multiple revamps and the introduction of resilience) TOR released with 3 battlegrounds. At release, WoW had ZERO hard modes for instances, no emblem gear. At 50 you got to grind the same tiny amount of instances. TOR released with hardmodes for several instances per faction (still not enough for my tastes by a mile, and they are generally way too long and have way too much trash, tons of balance issues for risk vs reward, etc - weren't tested or balanced nearly enough in the rush to hit release date). At release, WoW had ZERO dailies and highly disorganized/scattered questing (that revolutionized MMORPG leveing, but still, they refined it to be hub-like over years of expac to the point that by cata they revamped ALL leveling content to their more evolved style). TOR released with 2 different areas with PvE dailies, instance dailies and weeklies, PvP and space dailies, and not only with the now standard hub style questing but with a huge leap in quest immersiveness and depth with all the VO/VA and stories. I think 40 man raiding is very stupid and even if you like it, it's not accessible by the masses by any means. At release, WoW had ONE 40 man raid (molten core and I'm pretty sure it was very rough in the early days broken-wise) and a 10 man pseudo raid (UBRS). Other raid content came much later over a span of YEARS. ZG, BWL, Naxx - all came later - none of them had hard modes. TOR has oen full fledged raid and quickly bumped the lean raid to be about 2/3 of a raid - with several different modes (8/16/normal/hard). Not exceesibly more content but more variety and raid sizes that are way more accessible. WoW's early AH worked pretty well even if it was stripped down compared to what it has evolved to now - which is still simplistic without addons like auctionator. TOR's GTN interface makes you wonder if BW's designers/coders have every played any game with player economy. WoW released with macros and full addon support that to this day crushes what anybody else has done before or since - it's kind of amazing how much players take it for granted - til you play other games that have nothing or an ultra stripped down weak sauce verson of addons. TOR - is an embarassment to the genre for lack of any addon support, lack of any type of macro suppport, no target of target, no combat log, no threat indicators, almost zero UI customization (you can keybind and display more bars...) - ie, misisng a ton of BASIC features along with the slickness you expect from a AAA contender to the throne. To see how lame it is to add addon support after release, check out Rift, where they may as well as not have bothered. WoW at release was essentially linear. Yeah, you could quest in different zones at times but you usually needed to so you'd get enough xp to hit cap. LATER they reduced xp needed and increased xp gained such that players didn't have to hit every single zone and quest to hit cap, which makes people now think WoW is pseudo sandboxy..but it was not at release, not even close. IMO, too many people either didn't play WoW at release and thikn they know everything (welcome to the internet, eh?) and/or only look at WoW now forgetting that even with blizzard's glacial pace of providing subscribers with new content and features, has evolved considerably since release (mostly thru us paying more for expacs). Bliz tries to milk players dry for every penny they can squeeze out. Exhorbitant fees for transfers, faction changes, vanity pets, mounts, and anything else they can sell to suckers at astronomical fees. We don't know if BW will go a similar route, but since they're as corporate as bliz you have to kind of expect it eventually. I hope they go more the Trion route of pumping out insane amounts of stuff for paying subscribers with free/trivial fees for extras.
  21. Welcome to reality? MMORPGs are insanely huge pieces of software and content. You can only develop for so long before you need to release something. MMORPGs are played for years, and are developed over years of people playing them. They are never truly finished. It has nothing to do with risk, it's the only reasonable way to develop and release an MMORPG. I don't think BW released a "bare minimum" - far from it, way far from it. I don't know where some people get their data to fuel their thoughts - it's like they've never played any other MMORPG or especially any other MMORPG at launch. TOR has a ridiculous amount of content. It might not have what YOU want it to have, but objectively, it has a megaton of well done, highly detailed, highly polished, content - for the masses (the people who play to have fun, the more casual types, and not the people who power/skip thru then wonder what to do) It has several fun to play classes - they're all fun and well done. TOR easily has as much or more to it than any other MMORPG has ever had at launch. Yet the clueless complain. The ONLY thing I don't like about TOR's launch is the extreme volume of bugs and glitches - many of which where reported months ago in beta - and that have been ignored ever since. These multitudes of little things add up to be very annoying to many people and should've been dealt with ages ago. Every MMORPG is going to be a little rough around the edges at release - it's reality It's a given. But I think TOR has a LOT of issues that could've solved months ago that were simply ignored. Especially the little things, the details. The other criticism I have is that several game features are implimented as if it's 10 years ago and that BioWare is oblivious to the history and evolution of the genre. To me there's a difference between delivering enough of an initial product and delivering a modern product with modern features. For example, all MMORPGs have loot rolling systems, vendors with buying/selling, and stuff like that, and all the good/big MMORPGs have evolved those systems to suck less. So in a good MMORPG, you can't just roll "need' on anything, you have to be able to use it to roll. If you accidentally buy the wrong thing from a vendor or the internet farts during a transaction, in good/big games you can sell it back within a reasonable timeframe for the actual purchase amount AND currency (like commendations). Mistakes happen on loot rolling, so the big/good MMORPGs allow you to trade bound loot within the group it dropped for within a reasonable amount fo time. Most of this not only improves quallity of play, but eliminates CSR headaches. But instead of implimenting common MMORPG features the way they've evolved in all big/good games, they instead put in the backwards/ancient functionality all of these games moved away from. This is something that I find mind boggling and annoying.
  22. Agree and disagree. VO/VA are how BioWare do RPGs and I wouldn't have it any other way. But, obviously the game has a lot of bugs, glitches, and issues, many of which were reported months ago in beta, and they weren't fixed then or now, and to me, this is just not right and is something that should be a higher priority (in reality..not just spin speak).
  23. Doubt it and how can it matter? Blizzard has their "soon" running joke for when new stuff will be added. BioWare won't even commit to the nebulous "soon" - they'll just say it's something they're considering. BioWare are the new masters of saying nothing and committing to nothing - and still somehow getting people excited about...well, nothing. Watch the upcoming features video on the front page - it doesn't contain a single piece of solid information. We have no idea what legacy will entail or when it'll happen. People have been gaining legacy xp/levels since pre-release. I'm up to like 20 or something. By the time they actually do something with legacy a lot of players are going to have a lot of legacy levels, so whatever they do add will just be instant boons for many in a system they've already progressed in. It's kinda screwy.
  24. In a word, yes. Yes, I love the game. Do I think the countless bugs, glitches, and issues reported in beta should have been fixed months ago. Yes. Would I prefer BW focos on fixing bugs, glitches and issues above all else for the immediate future. Yes. Would I like to see PvP removed from the game entirely to eliminate one huge headache that will never go away no matter what anyone does? Yes. (PvP in PvE MMORPGs sucks 99.9% of the time but people keep thinking "in this game it's going to be different!!!1!!1!") 95% of a game like TOR is PvE. The PvP is slapped on and pointless. Barely existent world PvP and instanced pseudo PvP cheese. Devs are spending way more than 50% of their time working on PvP issues or mutilating the game over PvP. PvPers get artifact quality loot for doing NOTHING and get it fast. None of this makes any sense.
  25. I like them all, really. Everything is so well done. My favorites are probably Hoth, Voss, Alderaan - I like the more wide-open spaces a bit more than the constricted locales like Coruscant and Corellia, although the variety in settings is definitely good and I like Nar Shaddaa despite it being similar to Coruscant. There were a few I didn't care for the first time thru, like Taris, and I can't say that I'll do ALL of Taris again any time soon, but on subsequent passes thru I didn't hate it so much. The big problem for me with Taris is that there are so many obstacles to movement and the map isn't always clear due to elevation issues with objects on the map. Once you know the zone, it's not so bad, but that first time thru is rough. Quesh is a bit on the weak side. When I first did it I thought it might have been a starter world that got revamped for higher levels at some point because the quests/content there are very simplistic and short.
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