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Everything posted by Voqar

  1. 40k is nothing. When you pay 210k for lvl 40 training then 330k 10 levels later at 50...you'll feel this way MUCH more
  2. What's the point? I'm all about immersion, I value it highly, but seeing vehicles in odd places is nothing compared to having utterly idiotic player names inflicted on me non stop. When I see toons named after anime characters (this is star wars, not some weak attempt at a cartoon), if I see another variant on "tebow" I'll vomit, we have leroys, jenkins, and considering all the wow haters we have plenty of toons names after wow bosses (vancleef) or zones. Beyond the lack of intelligence or creativity involved, all of the crap names crush immersion in a way vehicles in buildings could never accomplish. So for more quality gameplay and overall player enjoyment, they should let us use vehicles in more places. There are a few lengthy flashpoints where you can't use them. We should be able to use them in spaceports and orbital stations. Huge speeders that cover mailboxes, gtn terminals, and blot out the galaxy in fleet aren't helping anything either.
  3. Ask yourself this? What game is going to do it better? Apparently nobody played WoW at release or your infantile memories only consider WoW now instead of WoW at release. WoW at release had zero BGs (1st one came 6 months after release), almost no raids (Molten Core was 40 man which is hardly accessible to the masses), no hard mode instances, less than 5 level cap instances, no emblem grinds, only the very most rudamentary gear sets, few rep grinds. WoW was both amazing at release but very simplistic endgame-wise by today's standards. Other games had far, far less at release. Other MMORPGs coming out in the near future? GW2, SW? Do you really think they're going to release with an endless amount of content and endgame? Really? It's simply not possible. The average brat of today's MMORPGs cannot be pleased. They mow down any and all content in a few weeks and there's no way devs can keep up. Trion does a pretty good job of pushing out amazing quantities of content and even they can't keep up with the hardcore players who eat content up like candy. What do you realistically expect? How can any dev produce enough content in enough time to satisfy you people? Maybe...just maybe, you, the modern MMO player, YOU are the problem. Not the games. Unrealistic expectations, play the games like jobs, completely out of touch with the realities of programming, content creation, and running these games - but don't let that stop you from spewing like you know it all, just like in the toxic general chat within the game.
  4. I don't think this game is a failure at all and I feel for all future MMORPGs of quality, because it's actually the players that are failing. Players today are: - exceptionally selfish and rude - have zero clue about MMORPG history and zero perspective in comparing games - want everything for doing nothing and want to do it solo in a multiplayer game - expect an impossible amount of content - have the attention span of houseflies - play these games like jobs, because most of them have no jobs or life, then wonder why there's nothing left to do - rush thru everything with zero appreciation for what they're experiencing, then ask for more I guess it is the makers of the games who fail in this way: they continue to try to appeal to the light players who have zero appreciation for the genre, the content, or anything, they try to appeal to the selfish brats, they try to get more subs by attracting low quallity players who do nothing but complain. The make solo ez mode content when the genre is about grouping and social activities, give away amazing loot for doing nothing (instanced PvP in TOR, for exampe, normal EV, for example) and players are never happy and just want more. To me the failure isn't TOR, it's more the approach of trying to appeal to the wrong kinds of players. These games cost a ton to make, so they have little choice, but the genre as a whole was better off when fewer played, players had respect for the genre, the content, and each other, and we didn't have a lot of spoiled, selfish, rude brats mowing down everything instantly and complaining about everything constantly.
  5. Welcome to MMORPGs. TOR has more content at release than any other MMORPG I've played. If you've already exhausted it all, good luck finding a game that does/did it better. IMO, MMORPG players today are unreasonable, impatient, and selfish beyond belief. By far the worst part of the MMORPG scene today is a lot of the players. Play the game like a job, play every waking moment, and then complain that there's nothing to do. Logical. If some of you spent as much time on school or employment you wouldn't be living with your parents with nothing to do except play MMORPGs 60 hours a week.
  6. Yes. You have people like this posting stuff who don't work in the industry, completely ignore the history of the genre, look at other aspects of the genre with rosie colored glasses, and spew nonsense. People may agree, but that doesn't make them right, it just proves my point that most players today have unrealistic expactations and are selfish and clueless beyond belief.
  7. Maybe the people are doing something instead of standing around fleet not doing something?
  8. Exactly. You should be proud of what you accomplished. Holding items above other people and the sense of entitlement is what's not cool. You deserve nothing special beyond the satisfaction of EARNING the stuff in a more meaningful way. Other games, like everyone's favorite whipping post, WoW, do this same thing. Because allowing more people to have fun is good for everyone.
  9. Cry more? Welcome to MMORPGs? Bliz and others do the same exact thing. It's called, letting everyone have fun. The people who can pound content early and achieve get the stuff and the sense of accomplishment. Later they open it up to MORE people so MORE people can enjoy the goodies too. Everyone wins. But since this is an MMORPG, someone always has to cry. Like a brat. This takes nothing away from the game unless you're selfish and feel like you deserve something special just for you. In which case, feel free to unsub and go away because games like this surely don't need more selfish brats in them.
  10. Non exploitive WoW style macros would be fine (just mentioning one game that has macors that aren't exploitive vs Rift-style macros, which are highly exploitive). Addons would be nice but again referring to Rift, they added them after launch, it wasn't built-in to the game from the start, and they pretty much stink. Unless you fully integrate addon support into the game from the very beginning, like bliz did with WoW, you're never going to have the same quality of addon support. Maybe, maybe thru an expac with a complete engine overhaul. So asking for addons is kind of meh. They will never be that great as a slapped on after release feature without serious, seriously deep work. I wouldn't expect much here except the BW hype crew to keep saying they're thinking about it or wanting to do it... It's very pitiful that this game didn't ship with macro support since macro support in MMORPGs is a basic feature going back years and years. Addon support takes a little more effort and isn't AS mainstream but considering that the king (wow) made it such a major part of their player enjoyment factor then I consider it pretty stupid for any wannabe contender to the throne to release with ZERO addon support or at least weak Rift-style UI customization. But heck, we don't even have target of target, combat log, or other ultra basic MMORPG features in TOR...macros and addons are WAY up on the complexity chain compared to these ultra basic features that are lacking.
  11. This is the kind of so ultra unnecessary fluff thing that I hope it's way, way, way down on their list of priorities. There are so many more things that would be 100x better for the game and for the majority that they could work on.
  12. Please add the ability to keybinds for marking targets. Drilling down thru submenus is brutal. There doesn't need to be defaults for this, just enable those of us that want to keybind them access to keybind them. Personally, in civilized MMORPGs that have this basic feature, I usually bind mine to the numpad...but other people like other keys. Whatever. We just need to be able to do it.
  13. The anon command already exists. It's called /camp or /quit. It's an online social game. If you wanna hide, don't log in. Or don't create reasons to need to hide. So, no, no MMO needs an "anon" status.
  14. ...should be effective for PvP and not so much for PvE, which makes no sense. That's my suggestion. Do whatever with PvP gear for PvP...but nerf the crap out of it for PvE purposes (to be about equal to how useless PvE gear is in PvP against PvP geared people).
  15. Actually you can have both GTN and your crew skills open at once...but that's besides the point, since you eventually will have hundreds of schematics, the skill window doesn't retain sort or collapse settings, and sifting thru hundreds of schematics to see if you already know something across alts covering all production crew skills is beyond painful. So yeah, signed and why wasn't this in at release. It's sad to have to ask for such a basic feature that exists in every other game with crafting I can think of.
  16. IMO the problem TOR does have is balance in several areas. - far too easy to get ez-mode gear via PvP and that gear should *not* be worth a crap for PvE (just like PvE gear is not worth a crap in PvP with appropriately PvP geared players). - hard mode bosses enrage so fast you need to be somewhat geared to do hard modes, which means that a lot of the loot that drops in hard modes is useless because you need gear that good or better just to be IN hard modes (or you need PvP artifact gear that's better for PvE than intro PvE gear, which is dumber than dumb) - bonuses bosses in hard modes make the instances about twice as long (if you do all the killing required to unlock them) then are often tougher than other bosses in hard modes yet drops the most utterly useless loot in the whole instance - garbage you can't even use on companions and tionese crystals that are nearly useless - reward for difficulty and time spent in hard modes is off kilter vs reward for difficulty and time spent in operations that drop similar gear. For ex, one regular EV run is a complete loot flood and takes about as much time as running 1-2 hard mode 4-mans. 10+ columi pieces and a flood of other junk vs 1-2 columi pieces and a lot of vendor/companion junk. And the hard modes are generally tougher.
  17. So, stop playing? Stop playing so much? Get some perspective and realize that a new game won't have the same amount of stuff as a 7 year old game? Learn some MMORPG history? TOR released with 3 battlegrounds - WoW released with ZERO (1st one 6 months in..did you quit WoW over this? Probably not). TOR released with hard modes for instances - WoW did not - and didn't have them until their first expac which was years after release. TOR released with hard modes for raids...WoW added hard modes for raids in WOTLK...years after release. TOR has so much leveling content it's beyond ridiculous. Granted, it's mostly linear, and you have to repeat a lot of it when leveling alts, but the sheer volume of content involved in the class stories, world arcs, and everything is mind boggling. You must've played a different version of WoW than I did, because to me, there was little difference. - In WoW you get a few decent rewards out of dungeons (just like TOR) then you grind them to utter death for emblems (unlike TOR since gear is given away on a silver platter) - then bliz pulls the rug out and bumps the emblems so you regrind all the same instances AGAIN for emblems AGAIN. This is defintely a LOT MORE FUN ISN'T IT /twitch THEN they do the same exact crap to you in cata that they did in WOTLK so all you do is grind the same instances over, and over, and over for emblems, then new emblems, then another set of new emblems. Were you REALLY getting upgrades to your gear from bosses on the 2nd or 3rd emblem revamp? Or even as you wrapped up the 1st emblem grind? No, you were not. You're having selective and faulty memories. Because we need more rewards...getting completely geared up in a couple weeks isn't enough. You could always PvP in TOR...and get all artifact gear in every slot in a couple days like all the other pseudo PvPers. Doing "pvp" is instances that mean nothing is so amazingly uber. Not to mention. MMORPGs are NOT single player games even though some people sure do want to force them to be. Make friends. Join a guild. You don't need a dungeon finder unless you are anti-social or for some reason don't want to join a guild that actually DOES this kind of content. At least in TOR your instance dailies give you some choice in which instance you do and you aren't randomly forced to do instances you don't like or that have no drops you need. I don't see much difference at all in the instance grind between WoW and TOR or Rift. It's fast and easy gear in either and a lot of grind killing bosses for nothing once you get your gear rolling and only need tokens to buy that one last piece.
  18. If you feel like it is, maybe you're playing too much? This kind of thing isn't new to TOR. In all MMORPGs you have players who seemingly don't like the gameplay yet play the game to utter death and complain as if they don't enjoy it.
  19. This game is the biggest give away for gear and ez-mode I've ever played. And some people are still not happy. You do realize you don't have to play every waking moment, especially if you're not having fun? You could take a break, go outside, get a job, interact with the opposite sex, etc.
  20. I threw up a little bit. Loved WoW, respect everything they accomplished, but done with it and will never return. Every person I know still playing WoW isn't having fun but they just won't break the tie and liberate themselves.
  21. I'm not. The quality of MMORPG player has been steadily declining with every passing year. I see it daily, every hour, within TOR. Players are more and more selfish, bratty, immature, and clueless about the realities of gaming, MMORPGs, and even life. The behaviors you encounter in-game can be pretty bad and the behaviors here on the forums are often even worse.
  22. Dude! It could take a whole day or two of doing dailies to get that wopping 200 or 300k!!!111!!1! That's an eternity for the ADD players of today who want instant gratification just for logging in, PvP artifacts just for showing up, and uber rewards for every little trivial action.
  23. WoW has been out for 7+ years. Expecting a game that's been out for 2ish months to match it for features and content is not all that bright, and even so, TOR has a ridiculous amount of content. But, it's not surprising that players don't grasp this basic concept since so many players today don't seem to be all that bright and have the attention spans of a rock.
  24. But this is BioWare, they won't let you know anything is happening until they are 100% sure it's happening. If there are any problems with the patch they don't want info out...just in case.
  25. ...because an ultra simple non-heroic solo quest should pile on the artifacts. The mentality of MMO players today would be amazing if I didn't have to endure it every day. I swear the average mental age of players on my so-called RP server is about 12.
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