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Everything posted by Voqar

  1. Rift is better than WoW right now, IMO. Rift has a vastly superior character development while WoW is dumbing things down more and more with every xpac. Trion has produced more content post launch than any MMORPG company ever, nobody has ever been close and I don't see how anybody ever could. Rift's raiding is just as engaging as WoW's, and maybe even moreso since you get multiple raids per tier instead of...one. Rift has more diverse content (ie, offers stuff that doesn't exist in WoW at all and has everything that WoW does have for content). So, saying a game will end up like Rift is a compliment, IMO. Blizzard is flushing WoW down a toilet. They're just lucky they have a lot of addicts, people who have never played other PC games, and people who have never played another MMORPG, who are slow to bail on a sinking ship.
  2. Agreed, why do people feel the need to post that they're leaving. It's their right to bail, whatever floats your boat, but nobody knows who you are, and nobody cares. Just go.
  3. In past MMORPGs I always bound the marks to the numpad. So basically they just need to make the marking stuff be keybindable.
  4. Why do world bosses drop BOEs? All this does is encourage greed and/or higher level farming. What ever happened to the loot bag idea, whereby everyone who participates in a kill gets a chance at something instead of either dealing with stupid luck or worse, stupidly greedy people? The whole rolling on loot thing is archaic and stupid. Screw loot lotto. You hand out loot like candy for soloists and while doing missions, then when it comes to bosses it's loot lotto where most get nothing and one/two get(s) lucky? How stupid is that? And why doesn't this pitiful website/forum have a suggestion forum?
  5. Agreed even if this is a crappy solution. Basically the companion behavior tells me that BioWare thinks we're all stupid and would screw up our companions if we could dink with their abilities. I somewhat agree, based on public chat in-game, that there are a ton of stupid people playing this and all MMORPGs. But I'm not stupid, and I want to be able to control my companions without monumental hassle.
  6. Agreed. I want to be able to remove companion skills from their bar and/or disable them permananetly. I'm not a moron - although I realize many who play are - or BioWare must think they are, since they don't let people mess with this stuff. I'm fully capable of putting companion skills back on its bar if I want them back. I don't need my hand held. Some of the companion skills are utterly annoying. For ex, I detest the harpoon taunt on corso... My character is a ranged dps..the last thing I want is that moron, who is usually behind me, pulling beefy mobs to him, behind me, breaking my cover. I use all 4 bars, I don't want to see the companion bar. I disable the toggle key for it because I don't want to see the companion bar. I'm sick of having to disable his harpoon ability every time I blink. Who beta tested this game, and/or did BioWare completely ignore players? Because there is no way that this didn't get brought up violently.
  7. I don't want a hood on my JK and don't really want a robe either, just a chest piece. The robe look sucks donkey.
  8. Here you go, perfect example of the modern MMORPG player. Someone you hope isn't on your server but there's an army of clones just like em.
  9. Disagree, it happened in WoW sometimes but not nearly as often as in a game like Rift, where players were so sure other players would screw them over that it became justification for screwing everyone over. In WoW if someone node-jacked you, you could go off on them in general chat and they'd usually get an ear full. In Rift, if someone node-jacked you, you go off in chat and the whole zone would attack you and defend the scumbag of the moment. Sadly, MMO times have changed, the more these games cater to gutless soloing dimwits, the worse player behavior gets.
  10. My server went from seemingly dead to FULL with a 15 minute queue. Not fun. There's a new server I could transfer to, but there's no ability to transfer. Not fun. Adding servers AFTER people start having up to 30 minute queues instead of before it becomes a problem, when you KNOW it will be a problem, is gross mismanagement.
  11. Major design flaw, IMO. Either OJ stuff shouldn't drop in instances, NBG should lock in on your class (ie, BH can't roll on SW heavy), or ditch the rolling stupidity entirely and go with the goodie bag thing they had in beta til some idiots cried about missing the random rolls for some reason.
  12. I agree with the OP in spirit. XP gains in this game are way too fast. If you do all missions and heroics you get way overleveled in a hurry. If you do flashpoints even once it makes it worse. I'd prefer to do content at level, not so far beyond it that it's utterly trivial. I'm in this to enjoy the ride, not to obliterate everything and race to cap. The problem is, the people who don't do everything, who never group (don't do heroics, flashpoints, or warzones) will probably barely get by for levels. And to that I say, let them suffer. This is an MMOPRG and if you don't want to group, go away, everybody else shouldn't have to suffer due to fools who want to solo a multiplayer game.
  13. It's almost impossible to stop the sellers. The better solution is to kill demand so sellers go away. You do that by ruthlessly destroying any cheating scumbag that buys credits or powerleveling services. You delete their accounts and ban their credit cards. Period. No slaps on the hand, no babying, you cheat, you're gone. And you publich that you're doing it so word gets around. The number one reason there are so many currency sellers is because MMO companies are sissies and won't put the smack down on cheaters.
  14. If you do a warzone, at the end there's a summary of damage done, deaths, kills, etc. Basically a statistical breakdown of performance. Just...like...a...dps...meter. Why can't we have something like this for PvE since the capacity is clearly there? I'd like to see a summary at the end of an instance, for ex.
  15. No. Star Wars is about people. MMORPGs like TOR are about characters, not space ships. Space combtat is a good mini game...and it ends there.
  16. Kind of depends. If you pick classes that start on the same world (what I'm doing with duo friend) you can group immediately (lotsa class stuff very early but there are side quests too). Otherwise you're looking at 10ish unless one of you wants to transplant, but I don't think this would be a good idea for brand new players since the only class trainers on the starter worlds are for the 2 classes that start there, and more importantly, you wanna do your story arc thru the first world. The starter worlds are pretty easy (as they should be) and depending on your class and ability you can either solo the few heroic quests, link up for those, or pug them with the tons of other people doing them. You'll be together pretty quickly even if you do seperate starter worlds.
  17. I'd rather not do a warzone if it means getting sodomized by characters 10+ levels above with way more abilities. Bolster doesn't really do that much for you. Low level PvP can be fun in other games...not so much in TOR since you're just fodder with more health for higher levels. I have killed some, for sure, when they're not paying attention or are really bad. But any good player will thrash a lower level bolstered player.
  18. ...what happened to the goodie bag idea? You know, you do an instance, everyone gets potentially rewarded, instead of either getting crap nobody needs, or one useful item drops for one lucky winner? I'm not saying you should get something every boss...but you should get a bag for YOU that might have something good in it, or might have crap in it, but either way, you don't have to do stupid rolling on stupid loot tables. Enough with the outdated and overdone random roll crap.
  19. This is really annoying and ultimately very stupid design. Who would ever do up their keybindings differently between their horde of alts? I use extensive keybindings too and setting it up for each character takes a while - when it should either be shared or there should be some simple way to import/copy.
  20. Oh yes, believe it, ALL names are taken. The OP couldn't possibly be full of it or a whiner. Some names will be gone, just like if everyone hit the servers at once many names you might want would've been gone. Boo hoo. This is a perfect opportunity to come up with some creative, original, suitable, and not stupid names for you characters.
  21. Don't bring logic into a pity party...the butt hurt emo's might wipe a tissue on you.
  22. They never said exactly how they were going to roll thing out, so getting all butt hurt and emo is kinda silly. And you, as joe average not involved, have no idea what's going on with BioWare's network, hardware, servers, load, etc. You can speculate all ya like but you know nothing. It's very unlikely that BW is randomly or intentionally making your life miserable just to get their rocks off, like some gank happy psuedo PvPer.
  23. Short version: I didn't preorder early enough. Cry, cry, sob, whine.
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