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Everything posted by Ghingis

  1. I win 95% of every BG I play these days, as republic. Really weird how that works out.
  2. Go for the +power relic as your main relic, its definately the better one. Then you should looking to go for the Matrix Cube as your second relic. Although if you are to use a second PvP relic, go for the crit and surge one.
  3. Resolve really needs to be fixed, agree 100% with that. When it comes to spell lockout I think it works pretty well, because of the low CD on interrupts in this game, and everyone (I think) has an interrupt. I really like the interrupt mechanic.
  4. So, what would a 4 second vanish have changed in any of those encounters? Sure I could have used it to run away, but it wouldnt have made it possible for me to actually win the fight at all. You think I would have been able to vanish, then came out of stealth and instantly do 60-70% of his HP before he notices that im still there? You sure are fckin clueless. Just another Operative trying to defend their broken class, its awesome.
  5. Look at the picture below, then realize life is actually not fair.
  6. Today I went up against this guy who had pretty good gear, operative. I play a sentinel with full BM/Champion gear, got 570 expertise and 16k hp. I instantly trinketed his opener, popped rebuke + saber ward. After this I used one more GCD for one of my dots. Before I could use the next GCD I was dead. This means that he got 4 GCD's off, and in this time killed me from 100%. The fact is that I can not do anything to prevent the outcome of a fight vs an Operative if hes good and has as many CD's as I got. Simply because of the way their burst works + resolve. So you can cry about sages and sorcerers all you want, but the fact still stands that at the moment, Operative/Scoundrel are the only classes where you can and most probably will die without being able to do ANYTHING about it. Which removes any kind of skill involved.
  7. Get outclassed you mean ? Because you did nothing but oneshotting me whilst i was stuck in CC.
  8. Well, I just came across an operative in a BG, guarding a point. I play a Jedi Sentinel with full battlemaster/champion gear, see screenshot below if you dont believe me. Anyway, this guy opened on me the first time, as soon as he opened I popped my trinkets and used two defensive CD's, a few globals after this I was dead. Fair enough, he popped all his *********** **** and did some hardcore crits. Although what really bugs the **** out of me, is the fact that I go back there again, he opens on me without any consumables or anything, gets me down to about 50% hp this time. Then I start hitting him abit, get him down to about 80% hp, at this point he vanishes, waits for resolve bar, opens on me and im dead. The thing with this is the fact that in none of these "duels" could I have done anything to survive or even stand a chance to beat this guy. And this is with close to the best gear ingame. This is mainly because of how operatives damage is working right now, and is just WAY over the top, and secondly its because resolve is *********** **** and needs to be changed. Now you can come up with all the "raw data and proof" that you want, but this just happened. I am personally a very good Sentinel and I am very good at adapting to PvP, but there is no adapting too when a class can just gib you without you being able to actively do anything about it.
  9. Operatives are insanely overpowered right now, and definately needs to have their damage reduced.
  10. The thing is, people dont know what to do against a marauder with half a brain. Our damage is so extremely high when we get to sit on a target, because we always have the same damage output, thats how the class works. Our burst is NOTHING to what can operative does on a standard basis though. Survivability sure is high when using cd's properly, but the main thing that people seem to miss is that roots and knockbacks will just render us useless, since we have 2 ranged attacks that hits for extremely small amounts. If you dont CC a marauder, you will be taking some massive damage.
  11. I actually like the BM set for JK's, think it looks really great.
  12. If i remember correctly its like 3-4k extra for each level. Think rank 59-60 was around 47k in total.
  13. I was lucky enough to not just loot one but BOTH sabers today. Seeing as the color is different from every other saber I've gotten I thought I'd link it for the people who wanna check out how they look: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/849/screenshot2012011402055.jpg/ The empire one is the same but red, although I think there are some screenshots out of that one already.
  14. Well, I read and I do understand. The main part is the fact that biochem is retarded, also stated that the healing needs to be removed and not counted towards at all. I still wont agree to the fact that you get less medals then the average DPS if you play like you are supposed to though, if you look beyond biochem. Tanks needs to get sorted simply because protection gets too many medals. But all in all I really do not think its that bad as people make it out to be, atleast my mate is doing solid every BG we play.
  15. Because the majority of everyone quitting is simply because they cant grasp the game, and how it works. Blaming EVERYTHING they dont like on the developers. Take most Marauders/Sentinels, great example. Most people think the class is horrible and extremely underpowered, eventhough the people that can play it well knows how strong the class is, and in alot of ways overpowered. You also have the way he talks about the game and the character he plays, when I have seen people with the same class and the same specc doing really well, without any issues whatsoever. The delay etc is annoying, I know this myself, but I see it this way: It is something they are looking in to, and aslong as its the same for everyone, it doesnt bother me as much.
  16. You are definately not better then you think if you just keep dying all the time in warzones. You have also cancelled your account, which just makes my point even clearer.
  17. I do no personally enjoy playing a healer, never done. Playstyle just does not fit me, that still doesnt change the fact that I know how healers are played, and what they can do. Ontop of this I have a friend that is an extremely great healer regardless of what class he actually plays, and hes doing just fine. He also agrees that the healing would just scale way over the top without Trauma. You also have the fact that expertise helps your healing further.
  18. Or get a clue about the game, actually PLAY the game at level 50 with some gear, practice and get better. If you did this you'd notice its not nearly as bad as you make it sound. Its just so easy for people to put the blame on everyone else but themselves. People just really have to get over themselves and realize that they arent as good as they might think.
  19. Or you could get a clue, and then post again.
  20. You followed it for 5 years, and you give up already, before you have even started playing the game pretty much? You sure must be terrible :/
  21. Healing would be way too strong in PvP without Trauma, and thats a fact. If you think that healing would be "balanced" without Trauma, you are either a terrible healer, or a terrible player.
  22. "PvP rotate" exactly. Not PvE rotate, because we cant. You heal the people you can, but one healer is not supposed to heal an entire team by him/herself. So my argument hasnt been shut down at all. A good healer will know when to do damage, and when to spend time on damaging abilities/interrupts in order to get a kill, thats the way to PvP. If anything you should be happy they've done the system like this, since this means that the system will make you play better overall, since you need to use more abilities in order to get more medals. And you can tell me that you doing damage just makes you useless, but its not like that at all, nuking as a healer at times is exactly what makes the difference between a good and a bad healer.
  23. I am playing my Sentinel better then anyone else I've seen so far, and I dominate every other class in a 1v1. Maybe you just need to get over the fact that you aren't as good as you think you are, and get practicing. Instead of just sitting about whining, when the class is doing more then fine if played well.
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