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Everything posted by Sykologist

  1. Buy level 40 pvp gear Level to 49 Pull out the "Expertise" mods from the level 40 pvp gear Put them in your 49 armor ???? Profit
  2. Eh, I agree with 90% of your post, except resolve. There's a known bug that at full resolve, you can still be CC'd by a handful of abilities that are supposed to respect the rules of resolve.
  3. But you know everyone worked to get that gear. They all went through that "initiation" to acquire, and move up in the ranks, all while learning and perfecting strategies, skills, and timing. GW2 sounds like it'll be 10 year old Bobby saying "HAY GUIS, LETS TRY PVP AFTER WE KILL THIS LEVEL 3" joining up, and running around the arena saying "TIS IS FUN GUYS" contributing absolutely nothing to the team, while the ones who enjoy PVP and are skilled die a little inside.
  4. Everytime I hear that, it sounds so unappealing. Kinda feels like PVP of that fashion loses it's lure.
  5. +1 Yeah I come here when General Discussion/PVP forum sections start giving me cold sweats.
  6. They've already stated they plan to do this.
  7. $20 basic Logitech headset at Best Buy. Hasn't failed me yet. (And is better than my $70 Sennheiser that crapped out on me)
  8. People who want a "good next gen MMO" will never find it. Why? Because their expectations are insanely unrealistic, and varies at such a degree that for every 1 person who found their "next gen MMO" there at 10 people who say "X game will be better!!!11!!"
  9. Who you calling "niggle"? "YOU PEOPLE"? THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?
  10. Off topic, but how are the custom MOBA maps in SC2? Been meaning to pick it up, but don't want it to end up like another NWN2.
  11. In a sense, yes. But more coordinated teams shine over non-coordinated teams. Timing your abilities with your team mates leads to bigger burst damage, reactive abilities etc, and you not only need to know your class, but your teammates, as well as the 30+ heroes that the enemy team might play. I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying it might be revolutionary for an MMO, but is nothing new.
  12. You've pretty much described every MOBA out there now.
  13. Actually have a full time job and social life. GW2 PVP, from the information given, is essentially less skill based than any MOBA on the market. But please continue with the insults, as clearly someone who has a different opinion on what's "a better pvp game" sends you into a frothing rage.
  14. Nah, I heard the PVP starts with everyone in full gear. If that's the case, I'd simply go play League of Legends.
  15. Darkfall Mortal Online EVE Any NWN/NWN2 server
  16. I'm still trying to understand how GW2 is a game for serious pvpers....
  17. Maybe when you're at Walmart next time, Mom will pick you up a new one?
  18. I have MMO-experience. I just don't have highly unrealistic expectations that a company is going to tailor a game just to my needs or buy the game assuming it will be the second coming of christ, and went back in time from the year 2025 to blow us away
  19. Happens to Imperials too. The amazing bias in your post makes it hard to take it seriously.
  20. Have a 50, three 10s, a 22, and a 14. It's not that hard.
  21. HEY **** YOU, ITS NOT BIOWA.... Oh, it's a good suggestion. +1
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