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  1. But that is where you are missing the point! While you personally my not intend to use the same gear on your sage as a shadow, if this is allowed people will. The problem doesn't even come from the fact that they can, but the fact that people will. Please, try to understand me. A sith jugg can wear medium armor, but they don't because they loose to much armor to tank in it. However, using the sage to shadow example, you would maintain at least 90 percent effectiveness. Force power is the same; willpower is the same; all secondary stats effect melds and casting. Sure, one may prefer surge over critical or what have you, but the point remains. End game content is different here than in wow. While wow was vastly unforgiving if you did not gear properly for raiding, this game is not. To further it, your point about the Druid is also wrong: you maintained a dexterity based set and a int based set in order to Do both melee dps and heals. This game is not like that. If you cannot grasp that simple concept then pleas try to understand this one: there are four classes in the game and eight advanced classes. Take away the work to have advanced classes and you tak away half of the games replay value. As it is, people complain that there is not enough to do. By taking away the advanced class concept they might as well just give us all five talent trees on each base class. Then we could really see less of a low level to mid level range in the following months. Oh, not to mention more competition for gear, more nerf cries for op specs( if it's easy to switch why wouldn't people change to the best), and more people quitting because they are tired of everyone having the same classes in pvp and pve.
  2. This game has SO many things that have to be key bound, however this is something that I feel is a must. The devs put target markers in the game, but do not allow an easy way to do it. It takes 20 to 25 seconds to mark group priority. Sure, not long, however on trash that time adds up very fast. Some would argue you don't really need to mark every pull. This is true if you state what mob names have priority, however that kinda defeats the purpose of having target markers in the first place. To further prove how much this is needed in the game, as the op stated marking on the fly is out the window under current circumstance. It is very important as a tank to be able to mark targets, especially targets that come into the fight after it has started or are now a priority (such as a dps breaking a cc on a healer mob). Again, you could type out that cc is broke and dps needs to switch, however that again comes back to the reason for markers in the first place. I would really like some feedback on this, even if it is to say that you do not plan on doing it at this time.
  3. To the person with the wow analogy--- you are missing one very important part. Sure, they could do all three roles, however it would be very difficult to maintain all three roles. I myself had a paladin Nd a druid. The paladin needs three sets of gear for raiding in order to be effective. The Druid, while only needing two, would have to change out several buffs to maintain effectiveness. To further the point, you would also have to redo your talent tree. Honestly, I cannot think of one person that I personally know who had a paladin perform all three specs within one content patch. I only know of a handful of Druids. This was in nearly a five year period. This game is a lot different than wow. If you are going to make comparison of equality, please don't compare apples to oranges; they come from different trees. My last point... In this game, you can get by with one suit of armor for any spec. Sure from a min max stand point the variation in stats hurts, but raiding here is nothing like wow. If a healer wears dps gear, they can still heal in an op. the same can be said for a tank in dps gear.
  4. Typeing this on my phone but wanted to get it out befor I forget. I have an idea that could help with the server imbalance issue. I do not claim this will fix it or be a band aid solution, however I believe it will aid it. If there was a way to show "republic needs your aid" or alternatively "empire needs your aid" as a mouse over with the respective faction symbol on each server at the server selection, it would allow veteran players to see what side is low. Sure, many might use that to be on the Zerg side. At the same time though, I believe that many new comers might use it the right way, not fully understanding why that side needs their aid. Long term it may have a profound impact. Also, veteran players being tired of the Zerg side may find it usefull. I appreciate any constructive feed back. Please, try to refrain from needless trolling or other equally useless waste of space. Thanks, and have a great day!
  5. There are far to many post between this and the other thread to read them all, so I am sorry if I suggest something that already has been suggested. Also, just a warning I am typing this on my phone so I will do my best to fix any errors. I do not agree with the advanced class respec. I think the ability to respec would ruin a very fundamental design of the game, leaving us with four classes. It would also allow many players to do everything for a raid. For example, if you are a bounty hunter you could tank, heal or dps. This isn't a problem with this normally, however they would use the same gear for all specs. This would present a giant problem to me because hard to find spots such as heals would be even more so filled by mediocre people. The other main issue is that the majority of people play dps classes. This is true in all games. Allowing this would make every end game dps class one of four, due to min max needs. Who would play a subpar dps when you can just simple respec and use all the same items for more dps. However, with all of that said I do have a suggestion. We have the legacy system coming out. I wouldn't mind it as a high cost talent that gives you a once a month ability to respec one character. I do not think that would be to game breaking, while still allowing those who made it to mid thirties to respec after they earned it if they desire. Now on to duel spec. I seen a few post about this so I will comment briefly. I think that this early in the game duel spec is unwise. As it is there are not enough credit sinks in the game for level fifty players. Having to spend creds to respec for pop raids and solo is a nice way to take some credits out of the economy. What would be nice though is a way to have quickset ability layouts. I myself hate going from dps to heals and having to change abilities slotted in 1 through 5 and qrtzxc keys. The reason for this I'd due to the fact of easy to reach abilities being priority, and as everyone knows heals and dos have vastly different priorities. I appreciate those that take the time to read this, and again I do applogize for any typos!
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