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Everything posted by Aethyriel

  1. I srsly doubt housing is the answer people are looking for - even the ones who really want it. I mean... would it be fun to have a house that you could build and then put stuff in etc? Sure. Would be just as good to be able to customize your ship though. But then what? Housing is a credit sink, you just purchase stuff, there is no real appeal to it after you're finished. I mean, you have a house then, great, now what? You literally do nothing with it atfer you spend some time farming creds to do something for it. It's not real content, it's like farming pets or mounts and while it may sound awesome it really isn't considering how quickly you'd be done with it and the lack of purpose the house provides afterwards in comparison to the time and people it would take to implement it. No need for housing, sounds cool but really isn't in the long run - they could make it possible to buy different kinds of spaceships though and let you customize the interior, place your companions here and there etc (you know, new paint, some lights.. decorating). That would take way less effort then an all new housing system that would have to be instanced anyway and bascially serve the same purpose.
  2. the tankcompanions in general are somewhat useless. They don't mitigate much dmg, they don't do much dmg and in the end you have to at least dismiss and resummon them to fill their health back up. The DPS companions (though Vette is better for ae, jaesa for single target a bit) are pretty good when they're geared properly, my vette wears columni/rakatastuff minus weapons (lack of blaster pistols with cunning) and does some pretty nasty dmg when doing dailies, although it is still easier, safer and you simply never need to regen with the healer comp out. It's really annoying seeing how the healing comp on any class that's not tank or healer or needs a tank for backstabing is the overall best choice - especially when you have Quinn of all people to heal you... it's like letting pedobear take care of your kids. However, I leveled with Vette and then with Jaesa (I had Vette affection almost maxed when I got Jaesa so that was more a logical choice) because I hated Quinn, but for doing dailies I always take Quinn, just easier and I can just leap into anything or anyone and never have to worry about dying.
  3. not quite as funny as bios, but still good. But srsly, I'd love to be able to play as Ship Droid and clean windows, just so I could actually comprehend how important he actually is and not hate him for his constant blabbering, but be grateful for all his efforts.
  4. maybe 320% ground speed is a bit too much, but looking at the size of planets/areas and routes 200% should be no problem at all and it would feel more appropriate than the current speed which is really way too slow, especially when you're sitting in these car thingis and not on a speeder - looks like you're moving the whole thing without an engine, using only your feet sticking out from a hole @ the bottom like Flintstone used to do.
  5. Wall of text crits thread for 50k dmg, thread dies.
  6. How do you lose a companion? If you can't summon him from the crew tab your only choice would be to reset the quest and start over from the last point that was "saved" in the chain. It's not like he'd be standing somewhere waiting for you. It would help though if you could calrify somewhat more, seems really strange.
  7. Legacy is almost useless, doesn't really benefit you... just reroll. I understand the frustration losing things you woked hard and long for but things will not change for a longe time, if at all.
  8. Legacy system in it's current form is useless for the most part. Unlock races for alts or 10 min cd abilities for storyquest bossfights or whatever - it's not gonna keep people playing if they can have a blue skinned human with red eyes instead of a regular one,maybe this matters to some, but I'd think the majority simply doesn't care or will cease to care soon after it goes live. The "Familytree" is also something you're gonna be done with in 5 mins and what then? It doesn't do anything. None of the things actually do anything for anyone not playing a rdicilous amount of alts besides enabling you to buy stuff that should've been here already - like training dummies. I think most people just want more stuff to do at max level that's actually fun or at least helps your character progress in any way - grinding dailies for creds that you don't even really need is not exciting content. The FP is also something you run once maybe, then yyou don't care anymore because ops offer better loot and the new story mode can be cleared by a pug of 5 year olds. All in all, 1.2 is a huge dissapointment as is the Legacy System in it's current (or rather soon to be on live) state after all the great things they said were coming. It's like... I can't see myself logging in more than right now (once or twice a week for ops) when 1.2 goes live after the first week maybe when I ran the FP, did the new questline on Corellia and customized the UI/Legacy stuff... because that's all there will be. I really really miss an acm system or vanity items that you could farm , maybe even tied with reputation or world events (Rift constantly had a world event going where you could get fun stuff) or a simple dungeon finder so I don't have to be in fullscreen mode spaming /1 if I want to drag my alt/main through a FP for fun. Just go to the DF, click some stuff, minimze with sound on in the background and do something else meanwhile.... so many things that would give so many more reasons to log in simply are not being taken care of. Only thing really keeping me in the game after playing a few alts for the story is my guild and the 1-2 days a week we spend about 3 hours together, having fun and raiding.
  9. Randomly pull your skirt up to distract your enemies - then stab them. Works for me, still prefer to fight in pants though.
  10. I have serious doubts about this one... I don't like it, let me explain why: First of all: I do not play a healer nor do I plan to ever roll a healer unless it's the 2nd spec if dual spec should ever be implemented. I play DPS, Marauder to be exact. I don't like the change - especially with the current nerfs to any healer class - because it shifts the balance of difficulty in PVE raid environments too much towards healers. As a DPS I could, if situations during boss fights called for it, heal myself with a medpac - I don't have any other reliable on demand healing spells - thus taking a little bit responsibility for me staying alive away from the healer (besides using defensive cooldowns when needed). Now it seems like BW is going the route (this change alone surely won't do that completely) of putting 80% of the "workload" in Ops on the healers. I remember back in WoW it was like "if your healers are good you will down the boss" - they always have a higher difficulty in Ops than DPS. They have to watch out for everything that you as DPS do AND everything you do, at least your life - later they had to rotate cooldowns on the tanks in order for them to survive - taking responsibility away from tanks - and who doesn't remember: "Not enough DPS; just take the ae dmg, we'll heal through it".. most boss tactis were "dumbed" down to be excessively stressful on healers while everyone else only had one single job. It shouldn't be this way. It is simply a really bad way to go about raiding if all you do is being carried through content by the ridicilously high amount of effort your healers have to put in. Even before the nerf there were not many people who wanted to play as a healer - simply because it is more demanding than dps and it is NO FUN for most people to have to do extra work to get the same thing. I don't want to be able to faceroll through content as DPS without having to care about anything than rotation/priolist while knowing it all ends well or doesn't depending on the performance of the healers. It's not fun for anyone and I see a lot of guilds/raid team struggling with recruiting healers if it continues to be so much harder than everything else. Don't take away a DPS or tanks responsibility to keep themselfs alive.
  11. You're thinking of the HK-51 companion for whom there (at least some think it was after a bit of datamining) was a quest during beta that was then removed and now nobody talked about it in a while. They were supposed to be available to everyone - would like to see something like that with some of the characters you've met during some world quest series (like Thana Vesh, she'd be an awesome companion).
  12. Can't agree. IA has awesome companions, bland and boring? No way, 3/5 are simply insane in one way or another (well, scorpio is somewhere beyond insane), Ensign Temple (your trainee) is pretty much just a cute girl that you teach stuff, quite fun, nothing special, the 5th companion is part of the kilik hive mind... so... no, they definetly are not boring (well, Vector actually is boring - still a freak though and srsly THE weiredest romance of all time in a videogame... you could probably still do worse in RL) SI is quite funny with Khem, Andronikus (though I'm not a fan) and Talos (genius VA), Xelek is the most boring companion ever, Ashara brings an interesting perspective of a Jedi joinig the empire. SW has my alltime fav. companion - Vette. She is just awesome. The rest... ah well, you got a srsly boring Captain with Quinn, a typical brute soldier and a maniac Talz with serious issues... and Jaesa of course who is either the 2nd biggest psycho in the game (nr. 1 is still scorpio) or... well... a jedi. Can't say much about BH, mako is funny, Blizz is really funny by nature, rest idk. For the worst comp though - JK, except Kira these are just incredibly boring, I don't get how someone can roll a male JK, play LS and not fall asleep after every dialogue or feel an urge to strangle a hamster or burn some puppies. Can't say much about the Reps. though but I found the VA/classes(stories) pretty lame compared to Empire and the companions just too... "typical" - like "you're the hero - here are your heroic companions who agree with every heroic thing you do you heroic hero you" whereas the Empire is more like... well, 1 comp. wants to eat my char, one wants to kill him and become a master himself, another one would love to but can't kill me because it has a restraining bolt, another one actually tried to kill me... actually three tried to kill me at some point, all on the same char...hmm... it's just more interesting - watching the JK stoy on yt was like a cascade of faceplams followed by cliche sickness.
  13. so now Marauder are fotm after Sorc got nerfed, in 1 month everyones gonna reroll something else, because they never learned how to play their class correctly, thus whine like crazy on the forums and reroll. What the hell changed Marauders to make them significantly stronger? Removing costs from interrupt like any other class has it? Buffing Carnage so it's nearly as good as Annihilation although that is still up for dicussion as the promised buff seems to actually be a nerf after some testing. It's almost the same class as it was before 1.2... what's so OP about it now? Most of the skills were basically brought in line with same effect skills other classes have, nothing more or wth did I miss?
  14. Couldn't they just change all lv 50 epics to be fully modable? Always just doing 50% of the job, BW keeps disappointing, first ME3, now 1.2 which they both praised to no end. Maybe it's really time to accept it'll take them a few years to make this game decent and just go back to Rift meanwhile or see how Tera plays.
  15. I#d advise you to go play Imp with your friends. Of course, it does kinda suck you'll lose many legacy levels but let's be honest... Legacy doesn't add anything interesting or particularly helpful right now and if you just start fresh without knowing anybody it looks like it's gonna be less fun.
  16. What I'd like to know is if it will be possible to let's say take out Rakata armoring and mod Tionese/Columni gear with it. Tionese IA armor would be perfect for my custom coat from Corellia Com. vendor. Besides that... some serious calrification on a lot of things would be nice, if the Devs can't even get something simple as char copy or just freakin pre mades done (and srsly how hard can that be...) they could at least write it down for us or make a video or whatever, but failing to do both is just ridicilous.
  17. Good changes, should bring Carnage within Anni-quality in PVE, rage still somewhat below, but now even better in PVP (but I srsly don't care about that). I especially like the Short Fuse change, that was simply a must (even posted exactly this change as suggestion)to make all three specs viable, seeing how strong Berserk is. I'd like to know just how much does the new Ravager talent buff Ravages dmg, does anyone have info on this one? also love this one: Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%). Didn't think they'd really give us this one as it was SO clear from the very beginning it had to be 30% instead of 20% but they waited a very long time. The removed ragecost for roar, interrupt and obfuscate is also very cool... overall I'd say 1.2 is awesome for Marauders, didn't mess with us too much, made the right decisions, made Carnage (more) viable for PVE compared to Anni... yep, hope it stays that way. At least for those things mentioned.
  18. That's it really. I log in 2 times a week for ~ 3 hours each day... to raid 8 man hm/nm and that is all. I have no reason to run Flashpoints with my main, I would with my alts, but they are both dps and standing on the fleet forever and trying to find a healer for hours is not fun. PvP doesn't interest me for a huge amount of time, I play 1-2 wz a month maybe, I'm sick of dailies and the only ones that would actually help my gear I can't do most of the time because there is nobody willing to do the H2 quests, everything else is useless. Space Combat is boring, I got all epic upgrades on my ship and could clear the maps sleeping, ops is the same as fps, crafting is a joke once maxed out, there is no reason to RE anything or otherwise invest time/creds whatever.. speaking of creds, sitting on about 8 million so no reason to farm anything. I miss things like farming reputation or doing achievements for titles, pets and mounts or running FPs with a LFG tool for badges to at least equip my companions... but the comm. system is so bad that it would take forever to get them all in columni gear. I rememeber in Rift I'd sometimes just farm artifacts for an hour or two while listening to music or watching a game or something or do some achievements for points/pets etc... SWTOR is just so linear... you can completely skip normal mode FPs, you run a few HC fps maybe until you find a grp to faceroll through Normal Mode Ops and that's it, you're stuck, there is no more progression gearwise except scheduled raiding or a lot of PVP grinding.
  19. After playing ME 3 (worst ending in gaming history) I've seriously lost all faith in BW and that they know what their customers actually want and that they're going to implement it... so, probably cancelling and never bothering with BW again, only thing that could keep me is my guild which I really like cause the people are great... but srsly feeling bad about giving BW any more of my money, so incredibly dissapointed by them, it's like the writers all got aids and cancer at the same time and everyone they loved, too just before they wrote the ending... Idk how they could've thought it was a good idea and pretty much shows where SWTOR might be going... story just gets worse and they simply don't care about anything and think they're right, even though polls in their own forums show them they're terrbily wrong. But as I said, might stay for the guild, I'd rather leave and be done with BW, not buying anything made by them ever again.
  20. For any jedi or Sith the only way to really customize your weapon/make it look actually different is by changing color crystals.. so who cares about what was in the movies or books or whatever, I want to have the color crystal I want which is already heavily restricted by stats on endgame weapons, so I don't see a reason to restrict it any further.
  21. I don't get how anyone could have any problems with any of the bosses,, interrupt their skills when possible, use cloak of pain, use your ridiculously overpowered heroic moment that heals you and gives you another saber ward so you have two of them for the fight and just kill them. I don't know about Jugs but I had no problem with anything using only quest reward gear and vette or Jaesa, also just with quest rewards, no great equip or overleveled and I've never died to any storybosses, class or planet, you gotta be doing something horribly wrong.
  22. IA has the best story by far, many twists, suprises and it is the one class that shows you how things actually work in the galaxy and nothing is the way you think it is, BH seems pretty boring and has a very dumb setting (let's get revenge on the guy you barely know for killing a guy you knew 5 mins longer!). Sith Warrior was my first 50 and I really liked the story playing lightsided, I guess being darksided there takes away a lot of things and makes it pretty generic. SI was a great adventure story like in the common japanese rpg type game where you start as somewhat gifted person and stumble your way to greatness, it was pretty funny at times, too and fascinating lorewise, definetly a nice ending that sets the stage pretty nice for continuation of the storyline. Haven't played republic myself but watched JK + Smuggler stroylines on youtube, at least some parts, Smuggler seems to be funny, but nothing more, JK is just one big cliche that pooped out another cliche.
  23. You can choose one ability from any class that you've leveled (so if you have a lv 50 SW or buy the skill which will also be possible) and use it but ONLY when your heroic moment is on and only outside of grps, as you need an alive companion in order to use heroic moment in the first place. So that's 1 min every 20 mins you can use those skills.
  24. this will not end well... hope they really just add skills (apart from that legacy BS nobody cares about like i need any skill from any class every 20 mins for 1 min Oo) and not change already existing ones or the trees.. I used to love my Assassin twink with his awesome mix spec with deception + madness, but since they've dumped it down it's just plain boring, haven't logged in since on that char... hope they don't destroy Annispec for Marauder but with all the whining how hard it is... omg I don't want to turn into a melee BH with 2 skills >_<
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