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Everything posted by HanzBlix

  1. healing objectives kills/ damage
  2. Because if you get a solid win you get about 6500 credits, if you lose you get about 0 credits. Most servers are lopsided either way, so it might not be easy for some factions to get wins. No wins means no credits from game, no credits from getting your daily complete, and no bags to purchase that used to give 4-6k credits. If you are lucky enough to be in a position where you win consistently, good for you, that's not everyone elses experience.
  3. I have millions upon millions of credits and I don't try that hard. I have not done one single daily quest. I did do some space missions, as I enjoy them. Using the GTN and crafting to your advantage is all it takes. I share my pro tips with my guildies, but not with the forums, as I don't want to increase my competition. PS I work full time and have a wife and kid. I maybe spend half hour total doing crafting checking GTN in a session. I do have a level 29 with slicing to feed missions and such to my main, but he was not created until long after the nerf to slicers (long after). You may not like the attitude of the fellow who said skills = money blah blah, but unfortunately he's not wrong even though he may have a bad attitude or worded himself poorly.
  4. I both raid and PvP. I also have 3 toons with crafting skills. I'm certainly not the richest person in the game, but I have about 7 million credits. I see absolutely no reason why the credit gain in PvP had to be nerfed. Taking the gear bags out is already a huge amount of nerf to the credits, to nerf the amount from WZ's too is just over the top. People who PvP have the same right to get crit crafted orange gear and augments, or legacy items for that matter. People who primarily PvE saying that PvP'ers don't need credits, are misguided and clearly confused. By the time I need stims, med packs (since WZ medpacks cost 20 WZ commendations each), and orange gear/augments, I spend just about the same on PvP as I do on PvE. Yes we have repair bills when we raid, but I've also argued that they should put some credit drops in raid zones (which they did). So tell me again why the people who focus on PvP should't be allowed to buy items from doing what they enjoy in the game?
  5. I know why they didn't so people wouldn't qeueu up while questing, sell their stuff, then leave the WZ. With that said, I would still rather have them their than not to prevent players from taking advantage. So in my case /signed.
  6. Are you sure it wasn't more than one smug? I play an imp on your server and pretty much 75% of the pubs are smugs. They complain about the nerf, but they still seem pretty ridiculous to me. I did notice that they can't stun lock/ kill me from their opener every time like they used to.
  7. My understanding is that you can reengineer pieces, I haven't tried yet however on my armormech. I have a bunch of columi commendations, so I might buy a bunch of pieces and see if I can get a schematic.
  8. If you remove expertise, raid gear becomes boss. Is that what you prefer? Getting steam rolled by people in raid gear?
  9. I wouldn't care if they got bolstered tbh. On my server Pubs seem to have some pride and gear, and play like it. When I get stuck with 4 people who didn't even bother to get recruit, it is 15-20 minutes of mercilous slaughter. A bolster would work just fine imo if it meant I got to play in a closer game. I don't mind losing, I mind getting murdered over and over again.
  10. It's pretty simple really. Just leave the game before it starts so the team has a chance to fill back up before the game starts. A fresh 50 who didn't even bother to put in the minor amount of work it takes to get the recruit set, is basically like being down a man. They quite literally add zero value to the team, this is fact. They will melt like butter on the surface of the sun. It may sound elitist, but for my 15 bucks a month, I don't feel like being rofl stomped for 15 minutes cuz someone couldn't take 20-30 minutes for 3 days (dailies) to make themselves relatively useful. It's honestly the polite thing to do to help the other 7 people enjoy their game. Most 50's who do all the quests leading up to 50 should have at least 800k credits, and hopefully stepped into a WZ pre 50. Now that you can save up to 2000 commendations before 50, you should even be able to get 3 pieces of BM gear (like 2 implants/ bracers) min. This would make buying the recruit pieces you need even cheaper, and make you more useful to your team as well. If you can't be polite enough to do that, than I don't have to be polite enough to stay in the game for 15 minutes getting destroyed being undermanned. See how that works?
  11. Just curious why you use the extra two points in accuracy in the MM tree instead of the explosive probe/ orbital strike buff in engineering. Those two abilities are quite good. I'm aware that explosive probe can eat some energy, but if you time your temp energy regen just right it doesn't really matter.
  12. I didn't think your post was too long. Your sniper description made me lol, as I play one. Don't be deceived by our damage output at the end of the game, it's find as is. We do not need a boost. We shine with our burst dps, not sustained. You know that person that thinks they are relatively safe with 30 or 40% health left? It's all about the killing blows. PS, I love when people stand in my orbital strike.
  13. You will never be happy in any MMO, because that is the genre. Don't bother trying to play something else, as it will change and rebalance. Every MMO does this, not just SWTOR. So either learn to adapt or don't play MMO's, it's that simple. I would also suggest carrying that philosophy into your RL, it will help you a lot. There is only one thing that is inevitable in LIFE and MMO's, and that is change my friend. GL out there.
  14. They're keeping my sub. People are WAY over reacting. The changes aren't that bad (or bad at all), learn to adapt or don't play MMO's. I thought the sky was falling until I got home last Thursday and played. I have a dps and a healer at 50 with mediocre gear, and it's far from broken.
  15. It's annoying. However I think it's a unique idea and it certainly helps me look past the annoyance factor. I don't want to discourage Bioware from doing stuff like this in the future, so in the end I fully support it (while I still find it annoying lol).
  16. The crafting system is anything but broken, and they just made it even better with 1.2. If you don't see the value in crafting, please don't do it. I don't want anymore competition.
  17. On Nadd's Sarc the other day, I used my fleet pass and zoned into so many people it took me a few seconds to run and be able to see my toon. Pretty much no less than 90 on the imperial fleet at any one time. Seem to be a good amount of pubs I run into as well, and we are only a medium server. I will say that not a lot of people run FP's, but I actually think they are fun, if not just a little bit too long. I think that's the real turn off tbh. EQ2 you could kind of choose a really short instance or a really long one based on what people had time for. I wouldn't consider any of the FP's I've been through truly short. Also, if they put in some rare rewards, like EQ2 did, that rarely dropped but were coveted you would see more people doing them. EQ2 would put in the occassional BiS item that dropped rarely in a FP. Our PvP q's are near instant, I would say reroll on another server if you have population problems.
  18. After reading the forums at work before getting home regarding the pvp in 1.2, I expected it to be horribly broken and no fun at all. I skeptically joined in a WZ, and it's just fine. Healing still matters, people die a little easier, but I don't think it's over the top, AND it's still fun. In all the games I played, there was only one that I did not get rewards in (A Novar Coast), and it did make me upset because I was playing my A$5 off, but we just got stomped. Neither of my toons are BM, mostly champion with a few BM pieces mixed in. My survival was reasonable imo. I had to be smart with my temp buffs on my sniper, and on my healer (sorcerer) I had to position myself intelligently (much like my sniper). Heal from the corners. I could generally keep myself up against one opponent, two or three would take me down in a bit. I just don't see the big deal, sorry but I don't.
  19. We care a lot, thanks so much for sharing.
  20. I can't believe they're giving me a free month just for playing their game that I enjoy and don't mind paying for if you want to know the truth.
  21. I can help, the lightning gives you additional CC ability. Overload will root targets for a few seconds, and when your bubble pops, it will stun for a couple of seconds. Might not sound like much, but these are extremely important in a pvp environment. The only thing you are losing is your aoe heal, but you can't really heal to well when you're dead.
  22. I was a blood thirsty killer last night. 4 or 5 pieces of Champion 2 pieces BM 1piece (ear) recruit rest Columi/Rakata 1.2 Makes me feel like a sniper. My sorcerer, that's another story.
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