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10 Good
  1. I would not waste the point in Engineer's Tool Belt as stated on this page. You won't use Flash Bang very often, because your DoTs will kick them out of the stun and you have filled their resolve bar to a huge amount. The situations you can really use it are so rare, you won't need a shorter cd. The 6s cd of Fragmentation Grenade is also more than enough imo, only pays off with more than 4 people in the area or to interrupt multiple people tapping an objective.
  2. "The Restoration Zone" a german pvp server with the best name ever : ) As I wrote, i also noticed a change i stupidity level, but in a positive way!
  3. Only 4 people can enter as a group atm, so chances are quite even for you to get in the team with your hated premade group.
  4. Nowadays, having a different opinion than the mass seems to be considered trolling. So maybe you are right.
  5. The problem is not your group being so good, but the other players doing really bad. 5k Defender Points + 5k attacker points give you 6 medals and can be achieved by just getting killed in the right spots. I would even claim, every lvl30 can achieve at least the 3k medals (4) in the 50s partition The damage is a completely different topic.
  6. According to my observations, the overall PvP standard did rise so much in the last days. There are zero afk people and even the fresh 50s suddenly seem to know, what their job is in the warzones -> Many, many close matches -> muuch fun Getting the Recruit set by credits allows anybody to be competitive without the huge gap there was for a fresh lvl 50 a week ago. In fact, the recruit gear is equivalent to the Champion gear atm, but will fall to Centurion level in some weeks, when most people are War Hero-equipped. With all the new medals, even green geared people will get 4-6, if they do the slightest bit to help the team achieve the victory, what they can!! The old medal system was very gear dependent, which has changed completely. No PvE guy would ever demand getting 90% of the reward of clearing a operation for just staying in there for 15 minutes. So what's wrong with you PvPers? Thanks Bioware, great job!
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