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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. Cheaper speeders? Doesn't mean its difficult. It just means it takes less time to get money.


    If something takes less time or costs less, it makes it easier to get.


    Quicker to 60 Valor and Battlemaster gear? Good. Now those people that don't have battlemaster like me will be on an even footing and have a higher chance of beating me. So actually, PvP becomes harder because I have less of an advantage, not easier.


    Nowhere did Remec say he didn't want an even footing.


    The only argument you have that could hold any value is making VIP items available to all ONLY if they don't add new items to the VIP vendor.


    Everything he said holds value, the VIP item change is an example that reinforces the other examples.


    Oh, and incase you missed it, they're ramping up the difficulty of Nightmare FP and releasing more difficult FP in general.


    Unlike the other examples he gave, there has been a huge consensus from the community that Nightmare FP was a joke in relation to hard mode.

  2. If 500-550 is the ideal amount of valor with DR kicking in at 10% currently then ideally you want the 10% and then focus your attention on whatever other stats are important to you.


    Am I understanding this correctly?


    Someone started that lie and others ran with it. 500-550 is not ideal. 500-550 is when you start (repeat START) reaching the DR curve hard. People have been arguing this point for weeks now and I will still hold to the fact that expertise is the best PvP stat until you start getting over 700.


    I'd rather have a half percent increase in expertise than a half percent increase in base stat. The problem is that a lot of BM gear is accuracy (which is useless for my class). Of course I did swap out accuracy crap for crit/surge mods from champ gear.

  3. Muniek, just out of curiosity, what FPS are you getting when you are just standing at the arrival point of the speeder and not actually engaging enemies?


    I don't think removing some polygons is the real problem, at least it's not for me. The moment I notice any lag is when I get near a turret and enemies get within range of rendering.


    Now if you want to talk polygons, look at the gear players are wearing. Polygon size isn't the issue, the number of them are.

  4. Well, my friend, YES, you can, since I AM IN ADVERTISING.


    And this is called "INCENDIARY" in advertising jargon.


    And IT IS a sign of "we don't have enough customers and we didn't make our plans or we have big immigration!"


    There are many reasons why companies advertise. Sluggish revenue is one of them but not the only reason. I've seen companies advertise, not because they were dropping in sales, but to acquire more market share. Typically, though, revenue is the main reason.


    BW asking people to get their friends to play MAY not be a revenue issue, but it's easy to see why it probably is.

  5. One thing that boggled my mind was the comment that the UI changes were mostly done by one person who volunteered his time on weekends as he felt it was important to get into 1.2. There were other examples where I question their priorities but that's one I remember best.


    That one boggled my mind too. If what he said was true, it makes me question where the priorities really lie since 1) he clearly said that "one person" was not tasked to work on the UI and 2) he worked on his own time (nights/weekends) to finish it in time to make the 1.2 patch.


    On top of that there's this statement from the DarthHater article:


    Damion Schubert says only about half the changes being shown will make it into 1.2 update, but the UI team was very passionate about the changes and wanted them shown.


    These two statements open up a world of questions in my mind.


    1) Exactly how many people are tasked to work on the UI?


    2) Why did someone have to work on his own time to work on the UI?


    3) Why is only about half the changes going to make 1.2 (which is still weeks away)?


    Think about this for a sec. The reason I point these out because we've been hearing over and over about the upcoming changes for the UI. Stuff that the vast majority of players have been asking for over and over. BW never downplayed this at all and even gave the strong impression that UI changes were a major priority. You see, as a developer, that the statements seem to contradict each other. If the UI is such a high priority, why did it take someone, on his own (that we have to assume was his own initiative) to work on the UI during his offtime?


    While I don't know the exact makeup of staff at BW working on SWTOR, I do know that telling users (us) that a feature is a high priority (UI) and then state that it's being worked on by a developer during his off time and only about half of it will be ready many weeks from now is very discomforting.


    Go back, when you can see the video of the conference, and watch that part again. It was obvious that most there didn't get it or didn't have time to think about what he said. On top of that, he asked for everyone to applaud that "one person" for doing this.


    All I know that in my line of work, if I tell the users that a feature is a high priority and someone is working on it during off time, and only half of it will be ready weeks down the road, I will get a lot of stares and I sure won't get applause.

  6. Who knows what the future holds for Ilum. One thing I do know, is they are doing their best to keep people away GRADUALLY and allow it to die on it's own right now.


    Typically on a Tuesday (weeklies) on my server there's a large amount of players running around Ilum getting weeklies/dailies done. This morning, there was only a handful looping mid for crates. Is it dead? No. Did I stay? No.

  7. This is what happens when PvE developers try to simulate PvP. The constant arguing on these forums on what PvP should be is the result.


    Bioware screwed up making gear important in PvP. That should have never been the focus and now they are in major damage control mode trying to fix their mistakes.

  8. The only thing is that my game runs FASTER on High settins than it runs on Low.

    I wonder if it run even worse on even lowest settings...


    I hope they add a super, Ultra texture pack, that way I'll get something around 24 fps on Ilum... maybe.


    Until they fix the core problem with the graphics engine, all the different textures in the world is not going to fix open pvp lag ever.

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