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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. HS-about 4k and acid blade is ticking, shiv, 2.4, acid, vanish/hs another 4k which most likely will proc the extra HS that is in this game (bug) for a total of 15k, throw in a backstab and they are dead .



    my bad 4 shots not 3.\


    I go back to what I said, not anybody. An experienced PvPer knows how to counter and a decently PvP geared player will not get hit with that much damage.


    First of all, HS is only a 1.5 sec knockdown. Shiv does not have a CC and any player that isn't totally incompetent, will CC back as soon as the knockdown ends. This puts the operative on defense now because their rotation is screwed.


    Next, after a HS you can only use Cloaking Screen once to be able to do a 2nd HS. Not 3 times. If there is a bug allowing a 2nd HS to hit, then the bug needs to be fixed.


    Next, you are assuming full crits on all attacks. You are also assuming full damage and that won't happen with someone that is fully geared, especially if they have at least 600+ expertise.


    Lastly, any good op will not rotate HS then shiv then attempt another HS. Due to the animation time, they open the door wide open to get CC'd. Once they get CC'd, the outcome of the fight is no longer a given. A smart player will know that an operative is only effective in melee range and will simply move out of range. If they are not stupid and see the operative vanish again, they should know or be expecting another stealth attack from behind and do what they can to prevent it.


    I will stand firm on what I said, not anybody. Now if you can prove me wrong, by all means let's see some video and actually see operatives own experienced players.

  2. I guess, you didn't see the first guy not being able to play the game at all?


    Actually what I saw was a guy that simply got outplayed. He was not perma-stunned but maybe I didn't watch the video you watched.

  3. The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead.


    Anybody? No. Quit making stuff up please.

  4. The company wasted these peoples' time, it isn't whining, it's the reality of the situation.


    This is a game. Wasting time is one MMO strategy, usually when there's no endgame, and keeping it from totally failing is the true test.


    The real reality is they are working full time on ways to waste even more of people's time.

  5. People like you are the reason game companies nerf things when not needed.


    The real problem is there a lot like him unfortunately.

  6. If i read correctly, expertise will have diminishing returns as well?


    Actually I saw a thread where the DR is going to be modified allowing higher levels of pvp bonus which will stop the hybrid gear players (mix BM and Rakata) since expertise will be more desirable. Now if they can only fix the bonus on WH gear and make it more pvp desirable.


    Here's the thread - LINK

  7. The classes in this game have a steep learning curve. The problem is that BW seems to be balancing for the lower end of the curve and ignoring the blatant issues that plague the upper end.


    It's all part of the plan. Same reason legacy is coming out. Keep 'em rollin'.


    I don't blame them, though; I'm sure the majority of players are in that area.


    When you don't have an endgame dangle carrots to make them re-roll and keep subbing.

  8. Thank you PvPers for your incessant whining that brings major changes to yet another game.


    Some PvPers. Some also had valid concerns and provided substantive constructive criticism.


    However, making that many changes to a game that was supposed to be so balanced to begin with, is disconcerting especially to PvPers. Nerfing classes, that people were re-rolling away from in ever increasing numbers from the last nerf, yet again is ludicrous. You can always tell which class is going to be OP by looking at all the 1-49 classes re-rolling ahead of time.

  9. Some are crying about an OP nerf. WHAT OP NERF? They are GIVING you an increase in burst dps (5%). Some have said in this thread that Op's can't kill you like they used to. I'm just throwing this out there, but those that can't need to practice their rotations as it can be just as lethal as it always has been.


    What nerf? Mmmm.


    Backstab now has a 12-second cooldown and deals approximately 5% more damage.


    Let's see, I lose 3 seconds on the CD (was 9 secs) and gain 5% more damage. Without crits, I get between 1622-1639 damage. 5% more is an additional 80+ damage. Some increase.


    Hidden Strike now has a 7.5-second cooldown.


    Yeah no nerf here, nothing to see, move along.


    Laceration now costs 10 Energy (down from 15) and deals approximately 10% less damage.


    This is a nerf plain and simple. Reducing energy cost by 5 vs. the damage was reduced 10%. Laceration is one of my rotation burst dmg abilities. This not only counters the backstab increase but is 5% more of a dmg nerf.


    Now if you can explain to me how a 5% dmg nerf is an increase, by all means go ahead.

  10. They don't need to read the forums, they have internal logs which give factual information instead of the massive loads of conjecture on these forums.


    So their logs contradict the repeated claims that SWTOR is the most balanced game when released?


    Yes they do need to read the forums. Of course they don't have to listen to every silly whine but there are numerous constructive posts made and those are not hard to see. Ignoring the community is a sure path to failure.


    Balancing is one thing (minor adjustments here and there) but a lot of these changes aren't minor and too numerous. Many are hard nerfs to some classes. Substantial enough to make people quit or re-roll. It's one thing after a patch to have a slight learning curve to adjust tactics, it's another when they put the scalpel away and break out the nerf chainsaw and that is what this patch is. The sheer number of changes to classes appears to be overkill.

  11. It's balancing


    Funny that the operative needs more balancing than the fotm classes. Nothing needed to be changed with operatives, if anything they needed a gap closer not dmg nerfs.


    That's ok, you won't see many of them complain much. What few ops are left playing endgame will disappear after this patch.

  12. I never said they should be nerfed either, just saying there is quite a vocal ammount of players who get frustrated by getting "ganked" by stealther's.


    Getting "ganked" by "stealthers" is a core element of MMORPGs and goes back to the beginning.


    Getting frustrated means lack of skill to counter. I play a stealth DPS Operative. A good player of a different class knows how to counter me and turn the battle around quickly. All I own are bad players and they should be owned. Granted 2 on 1 is a deadly combo but since Ops are so scarce right now, I'm usually the only one left doing WZs. I still like playing my class and gotten pretty good at it, but I can only take so many nerfs myself.


    Nerfing my core ability, in any way, is massive and the class will die. Let them stay frustrated or learn to counter.

  13. -breaks out crystal ball-


    I foresee more qq about healers.


    Bingo. Next whine: we can't kill anyone anymore - nerf healers


    I think BW could solve a lot of their balance issues by hiring a Zen master. lol


    Well BW claims they listen. Guess the whiners won. There are enough of them.

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