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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. Yes, but if you're entering a situation out of stealth you aren't playing your class correctly.


    You may not have a choice. If your escape abilities are on CD, you cannot outrun a class that has gap closer abilities on the fly. You have to stand and fight or die. If you can live long enough to get your escape abilities up...

  2. il bet u any ammount of money u have no chance against a bm healer sorc... id like an op to prove this not say it....


    Actually there is a chance. But it requires having BM gear, knowing when to pop defense abilities, precise timing on CC and interrupts between damage attacks. The key is getting off hidden strike in succession and praying for crits. It also depends on whether the sorc panics or not. The moment that sorc turns to run, I own him.


    Just being a BM doesn't guarantee PvP excellence.


    But I will agree it is more than likely the sorc will win out the 1 on 1 if both players skill level is about the same.

  3. 1- Make any rewards for PvP cosmetic; titles, outrageous-looking gear, ranking on a leaderboard and so forth...but absolutely no XP, special stats or abilities. You fight for bragging rights, or not at all.


    2- No PvP balancing. You balance the game around PvE (since PvE is SWTOR's main focus) and PvPers can choose to fight with the same abilities they use in PvE (which they understand and have used to level up), or not at all.


    3- Make it clear that the PvP is there as a diversion, like crafting or player housing. It's not the focus of the game, nor is it meant to be an e-sport, and never will be. You fight other players for fun because you feel like it, or not at all.


    There you go. No gear grind, no balance issues, no "fix this or else" complaints. You fight for the fun of it, or you go play something else. It really is that simple.


    This is a troll post right? I mean, you can't be serious.

  4. I play an Op and usually guard the left by myself. Anytime I see anyone incoming, I ask for help 1 (means 1 inc). I can usually hold a cap off for about 20-30 secs if I get jumped by 2 (1 was stealth) which gives enuf time to get reinforcements. Holding right minimum of 2 and same for center.
  5. Just want to go back to what the OP said. Same thing happens on my server.


    Every Tuesday there are always good fights on both sides. However, the 6 days that follow are ZOMG zergfest outside the republic base.


    I hadn't really thought about it that much but read what he said and let it sink in.


    If you don't see what I see, then let me explain. Why do Reps disappear after Tuesday? If they can have a decent enough size force on Tuesday, why don't they do it on Weds? Thurs? Fri?


    That makes no sense. Can someone explain to me why that happens?

  6. Jeez guys, you are actually making this more complicated than what is really going on.


    Gabe: "Do me a favor and write a module to award a voidstar win to one side in the event of a tie."


    Rookie developer: "What criteria should I use?"


    Gabe: "I don't care, write something and have it ready in a half hour."


    Rookie developer: "Do you want to see it when I'm done?"


    Gabe: "I don't have time, just make sure it doesn't create a bug."


    Rookie developer sits down.


    If RepObjComplete = ImpObjComplete Then

    If RepObjComplete < 4 Then

    WZWinRoll = (Rnd + 1)

    If WZWinRoll = 0 Then

    WZWinner = Rep


    WZWinner = Imp

    End If

    End If

    End If


    The developer leans back in his chair, takes a sip of his lukewarm Monster drink and sends Gabe an email it's finished.

  7. Which brings to question why there are no talks of server moves yet?


    Think about that for a sec. Logic dictates if servers are experiencing low population, then merge them.


    That's the logical solution. Now throw in politics and public relations. It will contradict statements they keep making on how popular the game is and how subscriptions are increasing. Of course they could play damage control and merely state they "overestimated population" and started up more servers than they really needed.


    But you know how the gaming and mmo community would see that.

  8. 1. A player should be able to join a pre-made group and not require the rest of the group to unqueue and requeue.


    2. Players should not have requeue as a default when a WZ finishes. If anything make it a toggle that stays locked until you change it. However, if you were in a pre-made, it automatically does not queue when you leave the WZ.


    3. Add an option (dialog box prompt) when leaving a WZ to allow the players that were grouped pre-made (before the WZ) to regroup without them having to reinvite everyone. This does not apply to ops groups only 4 man. Whoever was leader before the WZ becomes leader again.


    4. If a pre-made group leader unqueues, have it unqueue everyone in the group.


    None of these are dramatically important I know, but it wouldn't take but a little code to implement and add more to the game.

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