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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. lolz yea im sorry i didnt put during combat but come on have you every fought anyone on ilum thats the point of it


    I go to Ilum all the time. FPS isn't a problem until I get in range of a lot of Reps. Then it starts chugging.


    My system:


    Asus Pro-Gen 3

    16g Corsair Vengence

    Windows 7 Home Premium

    EVGA GTX 560TI

    128g Corsair Performance Pro SSD

    Operating System and SWTOR loaded entirely on SSD

    Latest drivers


    In addition I also run a 5g ramdrive and have settings, diskcachearena and the dynamic asset files loaded in it.


    When I run into a large group of Reps, my FPS drops to around 15-20 FPS and hitching makes it a lot worse.

  2. ARGHHHHH my system isn't nearly as good as yours and I get 40-50 FPS on Ilum. This game is so broke!!...ROFL


    Hell, I get 40-50 fps when running nascar around center. Actually I get better than that.


    I don't get anywhere close to that fighting at the rep base. I bet you don't either.


    So stop trolling.

  3. God, some people just dont know when to admit they were WRONG!


    You are so true.


    This game is a sucess and its gonna keep going strong cause its fun and enjoyable.


    Not yet. It will be a success when the huge number of players that subbed for 3 months renew their subs. We haven't hit that mark yet.


    Without having the actual data, most people sign up for 3 months (to get the discount and figuring they will play at least 3 months). Some will do 6, some will go month-by-month, but the vast majority are 3 month subs.

  4. My comments related to yours. Remember this was my first impression.


    -It's a very well polished game


    Overall, it was decently polished. Bugs were numerous but what MMO doesn't have bugs on release? Yes they have fixed quite a few bugs since but there's still bugs that should have been fixed that haven't been.


    -graphics are pretty damn good for an MMO


    Graphics are ok to good. Pretty damn good is a big stretch. Having to turn them down every time I enter Ilum or a WZ is what makes me lower my rating.


    -They seem to have a large dev team dedicated to giving players constant updates


    Depends on what updates players consider important. Having one developer, working on his own time, to design custom UI features, and which only about half of it will be ready weeks from now, creates doubts in my mind what they really focus on.


    -soundtrack is awsome. to me a soundtrack can put the roleplay into an MMO,but i guess that is just my bias to the IP.


    The soundtrack is good. Unfortunately since I am in a large guild that relies heavily on ventrilo, the soundtrack has almost been non-existent for me. But I will admit I'm not a big fan of soundtracks, especially when it has to blend in with environment and ability sounds.


    -The storylines/voice overs are great and innovative. It gives a total immersion feeling


    At first I felt the same way. After a while I felt the game needed more when I started feeling boxed in doing quests. I noticed that quests, no matter the option given (except to not do the quest) still forced the same outcome. A lot of the options to select in a quest are nothing but filler and really do not alter the quest itself.


    If bioware can keep constant updates going, planned expansions, and listen to there players, they will have a very successful game for years to come.


    If Bioware does not figure out a way to fix the graphics rendering problem that severely impacts PvP, I'd give it months. Same with balancing factions and server populations.

  5. Everyone has their own definition of success.


    Mine is if by the beginning of summer that there's as many active players as there are now. We still have a little while before the 90 mark hits for most players. Then a few weeks after there will be 1.2.


    Let's see what happens. It's too premature to call a game a success. Hyping the 1.7 (or 2) million subscriber base doesn't make it a success primarily because of the I.P. A lot of people bought this game because it's STAR WARS. How many continue to play for months on end is the real factor.

  6. The only mistakes they admitted to are the ones that 100% of the community know is obvious.


    But if there's disagreement in the community they don't admit making a mistake. PvP lag is not mentioned because there is disagreement that it's a problem. Of course I laugh at those that claim they have no problem with lag in Ilum. Sorry, but even getting 25 fps is a problem.


    I have an I5-2500K, Asus Pro-Gen3 board, 16g Corsair Vengence Ram, EVGA 560TI, and a 128g Corsair Performance Pro SSD with both Windows 7 Home and the entire game installed on it. I even set up a 5 gig ramdrive and moved the diskcachearena file and the main asset files on it and the best I can get is around 15-20 fps during large battles and it's very choppy. It is barely playable. I can only imagine how bad it is for people with less.


    Everyone should know by know that the engine design, in conjuction with the crappy cache system and rendering freezing (which you can see every time an objective is capped or just by jumping in the air and opening your character window) is not something that is going to get fixed any time soon because of the massive amount of redesign that would be needed.


    Until that issue is resolved, they can throw in content all they want but it's not going to be enough for a lot of people because large scale pvp is not going to happen.

  7. RPG = Role Playing Game, you are playing a character. To get better you need to make your character better and you do that with gear and/or stat points and skills or w/e they want to call it.


    Well it just proves that a lot of players want to turn PvP in an MMO into co-op FPS. Can't blame them since wzs encourage that. BW is going that route also by phasing down Ilum and adding another WZ.

  8. Better yet...


    1) Cross-server lfg eliminating population issues.


    Start merging servers now. Cross-server will only work with WZs and does nothing to help PvE.

    2) actual customer service


    Stop the growing trend of disassociating direct contact with players.


    3) actual concern from Biofail about game issues and feedback


    The perception from a lot of players is that BW is listening more to whiners about trivial problems and ignoring major ones.


    4) real combat log


    Eventually they will have it because they will probably have no choice. It's easy for them now to ignore it or give us a limited one.


    5) someone who can optimize their poor choice of engines so abilities work


    Hmmm. They are not going to fix the engine any time soon. Too much time and too costly.


    6) something more compelling than an artificial story about your character. At Dark 5, I should be able to melt something, or make someone faint from the stench, but all I have are a few "tired" lines on my face. Every force player is the same. Kill the emperor or become his squeeze. The uniqueness is very superficial.


    They have boxed themselves into the cutscene/voiceover content. Creating better story content is something they are not going to focus on.


    This game is going to go f2p, it's inevitable in my opinion. It just isn't a good game.


    f2p is a whole new monster. The whole game will change and I doubt for the better.

  9. Whoa active subs don't give a indication? not everyone play's all the time, even if they play 1-2 hours a day they are still active players, oh and last earnings call it was "average session was 4 hours"


    I understand players don't play all the time, neither do I.


    Averages are a good gauge to measure activity but not absolute. Many different factors come into play but perception is something to consider. Times people are on and the number of players, level breakdowns, goals of players that are on, etc. Many players have either 1) quit, 2) cut back on playing time or 3) rolling alts. EA/BW only worries about #1. The rest of us care about all 3.


    EA/BW can throw out numbers all day long, but I put more credence in what I see in the game and not what they publicly publish. At least on my server it's not a ghost town, the volume of players has noticeably dropped. EA/BW is only going to emphasize the positive and downplay or just not even talk about negatives. They don't want to go on record admitting activity is dropping, but their actions speak louder than their words.

  10. Hey,


    I have now twice managed to buy things with my Columi Commendations which I didnt need, Now I want to know why cant we get that refunded back for 30 mins after purchase as commendations rather than the paltry 10-11k credits you get back. I believe this is a minor thing they could fix very quickly and dont understand why it was not in the game already. Has anyone else had this problem and would you like a fix like ive suggested??


    So let me get this straight, you did it TWICE?


    Stupid is as stupid does.

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