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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. Im not sure which is worse, the admission that they can't and/or won't address faction imbalance and choose to fudge a solution instead or the realisation for Bioware that their entire pvp system is completely fubar.


    You pretty much nailed it. What they are doing is nothing but a distraction from the real problem. It amazes me how many fall for it. This thread is a classic example.

  2. Whatever they do, it's pretty obvious at this point they aren't going to fix open PvP. On the contrary, they are doing everything to eliminate it entirely it seems.


    All these things they are doing is pure desperation to keep 1/3rd of the player base from quitting when their 90 days are up.


    Are these good ideas? Yes if band-aid fixes are the plan.

  3. The wall timer was designed because it takes the least amount of coding. I have played other games that used the same design - a global timer.


    However, there's already individual player coding in the game. Whenever you die in PvE, after you res in place, you go on a immunity timer, making you invis and giving you time to get out of any aggro range. Use this same code for voidstar/huttball but modify a little. Instead you get the same immunity timer in the spawn area at full health already, but you are unable to move until the timer finishes. When the timer finishes, you have 30 seconds to leave the spawn area or get booted. You can immediately join the game when the res timer ends. That way the whole team doesn't sit idle for 30 seconds while the spawn timer finishes.


    So, in practice, you get killed in the warzone. You click respawn. You appear in the spawn area invis and on a rez timer. The timer ends and you now can go back into the fight without having to wait out a full global timer.


    It wouldn't be hard to design at all since most of the coding is already there. It would make the game more dynamic since a team isn't stuck forever waiting on a global timer giving the other side too much unchallenged time to plant/cap.

  4. gw2...laugh my A S S off... do you know how CHEEZY that game is turning out and looks? After a game like SWTOR with the cutscenes and cinematics with dialogue...the voice acting in gw2 is laughably cheezy! Just..atroucious looking. NPC on the right..you on the left..with a backdrop with black bars at top and bottom of the landscape and the lips aren't even in sync.


    So let me get this straight, if the game isn't loaded down with really cool carebear stuff that gets spacebarred through, it's going to be cheezy?


    You're in the wrong forum.


    The Story and Lore forum is that away --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

  5. While I usually refrain from jumping into obvious troll threads where the OP is getting attacked, he does have one valid point.


    Talking about Huttball as a ranked warzone will, by it's design, change the team structures into those with the most utility. Pure DPS will never be a primary concern. Teams have something to lose if they put together a weaker pre-made huttball team than the other side. The focus will be on sorcs/sages and ball runners. Many classes won't even be considered for a ranked team, mine is one of them (operative).


    Alderaan and voidstar are different in that DPS does matter a lot. The downside is that tanks will be the least useful in those warzones and the nature of those warzones allow for a more varied team setup.

  6. What planet have you been living on. His talking about how on most servers Empire

    players got to battlemaster in one day by exploiting Ilum by camping Republic spawn.

    And bioware did nothing.


    Bioware did nothing because they didn't react fast enough to the problem when it first happened. On top of that they didn't have the balls to remove the exploited valor retroactively.


    Another thing, bs generalizations just make your opinion invalid. Implying, and yes you are implying, that all Empire players got BM from exploiting is ridiculous.

  7. I am a fresh 50. I need valor, I need commendations. I want to attack everything on sight to get as many medals as possible. I don't really care about winning because I'm going to be grinding WZs all day anyway, and will get my 3 wins eventually.


    And there you have it. A prime example of what many are complaining about and you fit the mold exactly. Selfishness rules.

  8. Thought you were an SB vet, I guessed wrong with that attitude


    No, the reason I said that is that this game, as it is right now, is based on gear progression. Unless they revamp the whole system, adding a new progressive gear set that is nothing but cosmetic is ridiculous.


    I agree that PvP should be based on skill, but this game forces gear progression.

  9. if someone has 4 metals at the end of a warzone they are useless and did nothing for the team all they did was one very lazy role. "


    Yeah, I'm that lazy person that watches the left turret in alderaan while the rest of my team caps the middle. I'm the lazy person that stays there and calls for help to make sure we always control at least 2 turrets.


    I'm the lazy person that watches or tries to cap the door in voidstar that everyone isn't fighting at.


    I'm the lazy person in huttball that follows the ball carrier and either tries to stop him or help him score.


    Yeah, I'm so useless. I should abandon my post, go farm medals like everyone else, and allow a stealther to cap what I was supposed to be watching.


    I should give up on trying to win and just focus on the medals so I'm not useless.

  10. I actually think they should get more sustained dps instead of that ridiculous burst they can put out.


    Dear XxPeterX, this is coming from a lvl 70 in full BM gear. I hope you take notes and maybe, just maybe drop your silly nerf rant. Maybe you need to learn what everyone else knows.


    It may be for a short period of time but it's insane.


    Of course it's insane, it has to be. An op is only effective on the first rotation. Break that and you have a very good chance of winning. Never pop your cc breaker on the knock down. Pop it immediately after the first stun. That's the stun that decides if you die or not. You immediately stun the operative. Now the outcome of the fight is how well you use your skill set and how you match up in gear. Putting an operative on the defensive always gives the advantage to the attacker. Always.


    Nerfing my class is not the answer. Knowing how to counter my opening is. I end up doing quite a few 1 on 1s in huttball, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I am the least desired class in alderaan and voidstar. Now why do I need to be nerfed again?


    Please don't tell me cause YOU can't beat me. Obviously you are in a league by yourself if that is the case.

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