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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. Its an (admittedly) inelegant and simple way to artificially increase the importance of the DPS's role in an encounter.


    I wasn't trying to figure out a purpose, just stating the fact in coding. It is easy to implement enrage timers instead of spending time to redesign the encounter to make it less of just a pure DPS race.

  2. Thanks for advice, but it's all good. I'm not interested in discussion from any more forum members of what they think looks good ingame or not, all I want with this thread is to hear what BioWare has to say on the subject of the playerbase's perception of the looks of BioWare's armor in TOR.


    No offense, but go back and read again what you just typed from a third person viewpoint. You posted this on the general forum FYI.

  3. Well, technically, the true definition of tiered gear is debatable. Often it differentiates the levels of gear in end game.


    In the case of pvp gear, I've often seen people use the terms P1, P2 and P3 to denote Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster. Some call it T instead of P by habit.

  4. To the OP, might I suggest the next time you start a thread, choose better words or find yourself being the target and not your intent.


    Universal? No. Next time use words like "some", "many", "considerable" or "a lot" whatever. It prevents people from focusing on that one word and ignoring your concern. I found that out the hard way on many other forums I visit that it doesn't give the opposition (whoever they are) an easy way to derail your thread and troll you.

  5. Hi


    I've never done it before but i'm looking at building my own computer for playing swtor, my current computer is quite outdated now.


    Current spec i was looking at is:


    asus p8zg8-v/gen3 motherboard

    intel core i7 2600 3.4GHz 8MB Cache

    Nvidia GTX 560 ti 2GB DDR5

    Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600MHz


    Would this be enough?


    I just upgraded my PC last December and decided on a little different makeup. I went with the I5-2500K (save about $80?) and similar board and graphics card. Same ram but I got 16 gig instead (I know it sounds like overkill but 8 more gig was not that much more money and it gives me the opportunity to play around with a ramdrive with sufficient space to do anything).


    However, one thing I would suggest to you is seriously look at the SSDs to run your operating system on. I got the Corsair Performance Pro 128g and absolutely love it. Speed overall on everything is dramatically increased. I have a dual-boot system and Windows 7-64 loads amazingly fast with the SSD vs. a HD. In addition, I installed SWTOR fully on the SSD and zoning is super fast. I am usually always the first person to enter a warzone and just zoning in general.


    To be honest, I think the I7-2600 is not going to be very noticeably faster (for gaming anyway) than the I5-2500K but feel free to do your own research.

  6. Chances are that most players doing the Ilum PvP are not going to have 20+ quests sitting in their quest log but that doesn't mean they won't. Especially if they are running the Belsavis and Ilum dailies and stop to run to the Ilum PvP area without completing the daily quests.


    Now, to be the devil's advocate, the amount of dev work to remove them from the quest log would mean they would have to develop something to track them.


    My idea is a simple one and very easy to code. It's not a perfect fix but it would help. Simply allow players that untrack the Ilum cap quests stay untracked. It's annoying that they keep popping up even if I have them untracked when objectives switch sides.


    Alas, I might as well be talking to the wall. How many times have players begged to stop being automatically re-queued (before leaving the wz) or at least have it be a permanent toggle? I know they have tons of stuff to work on but come on, that would take a decent dev about 5 minutes to set up and wouldn't really require any testing.

  7. The devs deliberately designed maps/questing zones so players of the opposite faction would never run into each other. I don't agree with it, or like it, but I don't think there is any way to fix it.


    Some genius decided that physically separating players was for the good of the game. Wanna start betting who made that decision?


    Also, this game's engine does not like when lots of people are in the same area, so mass PvP is a no-go.


    I doubt we will see any fix to this for a very long time so massive PvP is a no-go for sure.

  8. Want to know exactly why there will never be large-scale PvP in this game? Simple. Hitching.


    Press your spacebar to jump in the air. As soon as your press it, press the key to open your character window. Now time the lag.


    The game itself literally freezes for the client while it's fetching data to populate the data in the character window. This is actually a 2-step process to get the data from the asset files and load it into DISKCACHEARENA then get the data from the cache file into your client.


    This example I gave is the core problem with the game. Throw about 20-30 players fighting each other in near proximity of each other and you'll see the problem clearly. If you have ever camped the base in Ilum you know exactly what I mean. FPS drops horrendously low and the sheer amount of repeated hitching lowers the overall FPS down so it seems like you are constantly lagging.


    Faster PCs reduce the amount of hitching durations but it's still noticeable. Reducing polygons helps and reducing the detail of ability effects helps but the core problem is still there.

  9. It's bad enough you need the stupid 2-piece PvE bonus for the crit boost DPS'ing with this class to be wanted as a PvP'er.


    And that will be looked for on competitive teams in 1.2 ranked.


    "Oh, no 2-piece rakata? Gimped".


    Whatever. Unsub.


    Actually with the changes to expertise, a hybrid geared operative will think twice about losing the expertise with PvE gear. Now slotted orange gear is a different animal.

  10. I'll try for put a clip together of me dueling my guild for you to see the numbers. Everyone in "fat camp" on darth malak are the best our server has to offer. They all have BM gear and I havn't lost in my premade in over a month. I'll see after work if I can get them together to show you some of the outcomes.


    This is a 1v1 perspective though, and most people will just say ITS A TEAM GAME BRAH, which I agree, it is, but this doesn't take away the fact that being able to 1v1 in a team game in a WZ is just as valuble in some situations as anything else.


    Sorry, but frapsing staged duels means nothing. Show us actual in game use in WZs against good players and don't edit out the times you die.

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