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Everything posted by Angelfeeties

  1. Why in gods name would you necro a 4 month old thread? What page was this on?!
  2. Marauders have barely changed in the last 4 months. There wasn't a single change from 1.1.0 to 1.1.5 that 'buffed' Marauders. The only real change that Marauders saw was the fix to Annihilation's bleed crit talent, making it 30% crit bonus instead of 30% damage bonus (which is what it was supposed to be anyways, hence it being a 'fix'). That's it. Nothing else. Now, all of a sudden, 15% damage on Ravage and quality-of-life changes to our utility abilities transforms us from a peasant into a god? Don't make me laugh. Annihilation was brought down a tad, Carnage and Rage brought up to it's level via making Short Fuse accessable, Ravage is now worth using, and we can actually effectively use Obfuscate and Disruption without nerfing our damage output. GOD MODE MARAUDER IS HERE! The best Marauders have been excelling since launch. You must have been paying attention elsewhere.
  3. The half-face masks (the rebreathers) don't have a visible graphic for me either. When I CTRL-Click them to view in the gallery, it shows up on my companion but not myself. Tried everything, even have a ticket running about it. My bet is they screwed something up when they turned our Hoods on to show overtop our helms (does for my BM Helm, but not my Rakata).
  4. Winning and losing with 8+ medals should award the same amount of commendations, credits, and experience. The only thing that should be different is the Valor gain. 2000 is a tad low, it would be better if it was around 2500 with 8 medals and a loss, and 3500 with 8 medals and a win. The instant you shaft the losing team that badly with 40 commendations for 8 medals, you won't have a single person sticking around to win a match. Why bother fighting your heart out to lose a game 6-3 or 6-4, finish with a respectable 10-14 medals, and get next to no commendations. 1.2 has been one slap in the face after another. NO RANKED! *slap* WAR HERO GRIND QUADRUPLED! *slap* REDUCED WARZONE GAINS! *slap*
  5. No thanks. Saving rage on all 3 of those abilities is a god send. Once you have Annihilation x3, not having to spend that 1 rage every 6 seconds is very nice. It an extremely generous trade off for generating no fury when using them.
  6. Given that it's a 27sec CD talented, we need to fit it into a 6 second window of opportunity (as Carnage), it's channeled so we can't move, we can be knocked back/stunned/mez'd etc. to break it, and it has to bypass the defense check, it has sufficient ups and downs to warrant the new damage it's been given. It's a sufficient buff for an ability that almost wasn't worth using through to the 3rd attack (especially for Annihilation). People are actually going to have to take notice of it and use one of the options available to them to avoid it, or, hopefully for my sake, let it land .
  7. You'l notice a little number that increases on the buff itself. With the Short Fuse talent in Tier 1 Annihilation tree (which every valid Marauder spec in the game should now have 2 points into) each of your rage spending attacks will generate 4 Fury. You'l become very used to seeing it in the corner of your eye while playing and while solo'ing it's extremely easy to mentally track it, as you start to get the feel of the 'pattern' after engaging a 3 to 4-mob group for the 10 billionth time.
  8. People are complaining about their talents getting reset? Oh the humanity...
  9. Ravage! *yawn* Knockback... Ravage! *yawn* Knockback... Ravage! *yawn* Knockback...
  10. An answer has already been posted above, read the entire thread. If you do not change the Mods and Enhancements back to their originals, then your Mods/Enhancements will not update. If you simply dropped in the new mods and didn't pull out the originals, than you're really SOL. But I wouldn't worry to much. Just use your current gear and then upgrade each BM piece to War Hero, instead of buying the BM gear all over again with Warzone Commendations. If you do that, you'l end up spending double, since you need Warzone Commendations to trade for Rated Warzone Commendations to buy the new War Hero gear . I pulled out every mod I changed and kept it in my bank. I moved 5 Mods and 5 Enhancements back into my 5 pieces of BM tier gear last night, at the whopping cost of 300k (30k per change). As a Marauder, there wasn't a single Mod or Enhancement that I kept in the original gear set, so this was the maximum that anyone would have to pay to get 1 PVP set ready for 1.2. If you had 2 sets of BM gear, say 1 for healing/tanking and one for DPS, then the most you'd have to spend is 600k. I spent 5 million on bloody colour crystals. 300k isn't enough to get me pissed off at Bioware for something this trivial.
  11. Battlemaster Gear Battlemaster Gear, as of 1.2, no longer requires a 60 Valor rating and is acquired straight through Warzone commendations at the Battlemaster PvP vendor on the fleet. As of 1.2, Battlemaster gear features an increased budget of expertise and an update stat distribution on a small subset of items on some classes. These changes to the stat distribution are a result of issues fixed with the original Battlemaster set of mods. As mentioned before, we will automatically update your Battlemaster items to the new version when you log into the game the first time after 1.2 has been deployed, provided that the items still contain their original mods. Reinserting these mods into the existing gear will suffice for this purpose. Put the original mods and enhancements back in. Not the 'exact original originals', just the same mod/enhancement name, i.e. If the items original mod was Advanced Deft 25, and you have Advanced Deft 25A currently in it, it will not be upgraded. You can verify the original mods and enhancements by going to the Battlemaster vendor and checking the armor there. Remember to turn on the advanced item summary in your Options, so it separates the Mod and Enhancement stats to more easily track which one you need to put back in.
  12. Battlemaster Gear Battlemaster Gear, as of 1.2, no longer requires a 60 Valor rating and is acquired straight through Warzone commendations at the Battlemaster PvP vendor on the fleet. As of 1.2, Battlemaster gear features an increased budget of expertise and an update stat distribution on a small subset of items on some classes. These changes to the stat distribution are a result of issues fixed with the original Battlemaster set of mods. As mentioned before, we will automatically update your Battlemaster items to the new version when you log into the game the first time after 1.2 has been deployed, provided that the items still contain their original mods. Reinserting these mods into the existing gear will suffice for this purpose.
  13. Valor rank 75 to 100 is approximately 3.7 million Valor. That's 1200ish games @ 3000 valor per game. If you played 1200 games for 5 minutes, with 5 minutes added to zoning, starting times, ending times, reformation and re-queue, that's 200 hours of play time to obtain 3.4 million Valor. He said that he has 34 days played (816 hours played). That means that it only took 1/4 of his time played to go from rank 75 to 100. If he hit Rank 75 when 1.1.5 came out (March 6, 2012), then he had a month to grind out 3.7 million valor. One month has 372 hours in it. He had to have spent a minimum of 14 hours a day grinding warzones. His grind from 75 to 100 is very plausable. His grind from 1 to 75 in a month and a half is also very plausable. He admits to spending 14 hours a day on the game, and with that amount of play time you don't need to exploit Ilum to make it there. Grats on 100. I'll be there soon enough, but probably not that soon. It took me 3-4 days of playing to fill Rank 83, and it's still all uphill from here.
  14. Not true. Against a Sorc healer, you want to layer your snare, healing debuff and two dots at a consistent rate, preferably more often than he can cleanse them. If you keep the Sorc or Op healer occupied on cleansing every 4.5 seconds, that is valuable time and resources he isn't spending on healing. One of the better ways to handle the healing debuff is to time it's initial application as they are casting a heal in which you cannot interrupt. Interrupt - Charge - Interrupt - Healing Debuff. For the next two casts that he will get off, it'll be under the healing debuff, then he will cleanse it, you repeat your rotation, and re-apply half way through his next to-be-successful cast. A fully geared BM Sorc vs a fully geared BM Marauder will be a time consuming battle. He will find a pillar to LOS hump, and rotate his stun, knockback, mez and boost to obtain 1-2 interrupt-free casts, but if you keep debuffs layered on him and manage your cooldowns properly, he will die after 1-2 minutes of un-interrupted combat. As soon as backup arrives and he has even 1 extra stun or knockback to help peel you off of him, you will not be able to kill him without assistance. IMO, healers need some more toning. The Merc/Sorc nerfs in 1.2 should help, but i'm still worried that healers will be effectively un-killable in Rateds.
  15. Not a very good example I'm afraid. That spec is designed to kill a limited niche of AC's and specs. I know quite number of people that would rip this clicker to shreds in Warzone, myself included. Want go go half healing and half damage? Be my guest. Do you enjoy your 8 medals? That's great, I enjoyed winning the game. Did you feel special while you ran around poking people for negligible damage and spamming your probes for negligible healing? Excellent, because it only helped us win quicker. Rateds are going to utterly destroy any attempts at these gimmicky hybrid specs. They won't survive outside of PUG Q'ing normal Warzones with people who lack the proper co-ordination to completely ruin people running them.
  16. I know exactly what you're talking about, with the invisible ceiling. It's actually not an invisible ceiling though, it's that purple or amber stripe that you hit your head on whenever you try to jump, as you'l notice there is no amber or purple stripe on the opposite side of the pit, so you can still use the ledge to jump-charge people standing near the acid pits. I've been a Marauder since beta and release. I remember in Beta, there was no purple/amber stripe at all, but in release they added it. I must have tried a bunch of times before finally giving up, and i'm sure i've tried it in both pits. I'm going to go specifically try to do that in the amber pit and see if the stripe stops you (invisible ceiling) or if you're right and it's not functioning on that side. I'll test it tonight.
  17. He isn't talking about the Sages AOE, he's talking about their instant cast, single target, attack. Inquisitors get the lightning shock, which is instant. Sages get the boulder throw, which has to go through the animation of lifting the boulder out of the ground and then throwing it, a sizeable delay depending on your distance from target.
  18. Double red-black's, definitely my favourite. Double white looked interesting, I might rotate them every so often after 1.2.
  19. I've noticed some lovely bugs with Grapple and Charge. Just today, I charged a target about 20 yards in front of me, to immediately get grappled at the exact same time by a PT about 20 yards behind me. My character charged to my target, warped 40 yards back to the PT, then warped 40 yards forward again to my target. Sexy.
  20. Holy hell. I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, his name is Punctuation. His buddies, Grammar and Spelling, would also like to chat to you. But apart from that I completely agree with you. At least I think I do.
  21. I have to admit, that is a pretty skewed argument. The 50% health cost limits the use of the ability heavily, you cannot debate this point. Stop trying to ignore it like it's groundless, it's the defining element of this ability. That 50% health cost forces us to use it at specific points only, to minimize the harmful effects. Not to mention, That's a perfect example of a Defensive use for it, not Offensive. An Offensive use would be to pop it to ball run through fire in the Pit. In an average Huttball match, i'll be in the right position, with the right amount of cooldowns active or available (predation, mecpac, frenzy-pred, etc.), maybe 2-3 times to pull off either a cap or a run through 2 traps. Now that means i'll be in the position to do that, not that it would be successful every time. Roots can turn using UR Offensively into a big mistake.
  22. I'm waiting for 1.2. I have a crafted helm that shows just a face mask. Once I can move over PVP armouring/mods/enhancements, i'll use that and then disable helm, so the hood comes up with the face mask, just like my portrait picture. It's gunna be even more awesome.
  23. 3 roots + ferocity + short fuse = LAWLAWLAWLAWLAWL
  24. They are adding a 5min debuff for leaving a Ranked Warzone before it's finished. No debuff for leaving regular Warzones. They are adding a vote system to boot out AFK'ers. Similar to WoW's AFK voting system, it gives you a warning that you have to enter combat or get to a friendly node to defend to cancel it (uses the same system that calculates and tracks defense points for defending friendly doors/nodes in Voidstar/Civil War).
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