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Everything posted by Technohic

  1. Same here. He stormed out of the room like a big baby but didnt see him take the Gravestone.
  2. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    Hmm. I might prefarm some more comms then. Good to know
  3. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    Nah, i get that. I put everything in Legacy gear and augment the shells. Already have the augments. What I meant was, are the stats in the base 204 PVP gear that bad to tank in while you grind 208s and the subsequent replacement inserts to min max?
  4. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    Is it that bad to just use augmented 204s until you can get your 208 then min max?
  5. Quit reading spoilers. Its a good way to get miss lead. Did anyone watch the credits all the way through and see the message about SWTOR2? I was like "ZOMG! I can't believe its actually true!" Music was REAL good though.
  6. Good grief. Everyone is so serious about everything.
  7. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    I figure it won't be min-maxed right away but should be fine in regs to get the comms. If its that rough; I always have my sniper to grind comms. Really not much of an issue.
  8. Might have been another game; but I distinctly remember clients patching before maintenance and the only way to get in was after they turned off the patch; to roll back your computer; uninstall and do a clean install from scratch to patch to the real version, or to wait until the server version caught up after maintenance.
  9. huh. Didn't even catch that part. Do they drop anything good?
  10. Seems like this has happened before....
  11. Well there you go OP. Wasn't that exciting; but there you have it. Just glad I'll finally be able to get Guss and use him on all of my classes.
  12. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    Sin definitely has more to think about than the others but up until I changed my key binds while trying different classes than my sniper, then playing a bit on my concealment op (hands down, the fewest hotkeys to manage) ; My Sin and Shadow were the only class I had been playing through story behind my sniper as I was going for the sith/jedi light and dark paths for KOTFE (honestly; disappointingly almost no differences between the 2 affecting story). I was playing the tank tree but for PvE; I really didn't have to do anything other than be tanky so I had learned my procs a bit. It's just the key binds that had me concerned trying to do it after that change but I think it was for the better. I am now able to move and click on a target if I have to due to tab targeting sucking where as before, I was very reliant on tab targeting. (this also could open the door for me to venture into healing as well) Like I've said; I think I have done pretty well with focusing on my guarding, taunts and peels. I need to remember to use some of my other utilities a bit more/better like phase walk pulls and the likes where I can get a bit crafty with those utilities. So far I think I have 10k comms banked up and a full set of Fortitude augments stocked up for when I hit 65 (half way through level 64 on my Sin and right at 64 on my shadow I think) so I probably will practice for that last level on each as much as I can.
  13. I suppose one other place to test it would be original Huttball if you can grab one in the corner, then run through the pit where you can pick up the speed boost and get to the other health power up at the other corner. GL getting damaged, living to get to the first power up and also getting the 2nd one while maintaining a damage deficit for it to apply to without whoever is attacking you grabbing it first to rob you or try to kill you before you get there.
  14. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    LOL If it happens, at least its better than being on my sniper and getting stuck with it. I don't think it matters to most people who does it, so long as its not them, and they can complain about it if its lost anyway. Ironic though; I have not been in many matches lately where the off nodes do not see action. I think its why I found some more fun in my Operative, but just thought of another reason the tank sin might be more enjoyable. Having to stand in those squares on Odessan out of stealth is at least a little bit better having some durability.
  15. I could agree with this. I know on my sniper is when I see it best used. If I get a drop on them or am winning a face-tank-off; they use it to get to LOS. Not like I should be chasing on a sniper.
  16. What bracket? I had moved to Harbs, and I get it every now and then but usually its just 5-10 minutes for a long wait and still have times where its pretty quick. I get noticeably longer queues on midbies and its usually the same people. Keep hoping its just the summer slump but I hope they announce something good to get some interest going just in case.
  17. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    I know. I was looking at it on how well I was actually helping my team. If I die too often; I'm not helping. If I am not getting protection numbers up; then I am not really helping as much either. Sure; there are still some tactical things I could be doing on my Jugg; like I was able to hold off a group of an enemy team by myself for a good bit of time, to keep them from capturing south in NC until help arrived. Thing is; with force cloak and PW, I can do that with my SIN just as easily just less face tank-ish. Pretty much; I have stared a lot at my Ops frame guard switching, and taunting on CD; peeling where I can (like the sins cone KB the best for this) but I peel off pretty much in that defense example where I didn't have anyone to guard anyway and saw the vulnerability; or in Hutt Ball where I might guard the carrier but then get ahead for a pass. (was happy that I scored a few times on this as it is a much different role than what my Sniper would do in HB.) And yes; Sin does have a similar ability to troll like an operative. I just get to provide some more utility to the group. This might stick.
  18. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    For me, the jug didn't put up as much for numbers as my PT but it survived longer. And I tried my Sin just now. Was a bit hesitant as I changed how I keybind a couple weeks ago, and the Sin has a lot more buttons mapped but I think I am getting it. Think it has most of the tools I like and has given me a bit of both worlds as far as number and survivability having stealth as an escape and regroup. Think I will stick with this a while. Good mix between playing with tanking and stealth that I have enjoyed on my Operative a lot lately.
  19. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    Thanks! I just happened to notice that without a healer, I'd swap to who I see getting damaged more and eventually; I saw all on me first. I just switched to my Jug as I may play it and my guardian. I do have a little bit of an itch to play a light saber wielding class for a change but it probably will depend on what I like better.
  20. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    Are you pretty much F'ed without heals?
  21. Technohic

    Tanking in PvP

    So; played my sniper and slingers forever. Been dabling with different other classes, all DPS. Decided to try a PT tank. Do is just focus on taunts and guard swapping and spinny spin fire, oil slick and carbonize? Is that the gist? Obviously more too it but any tips?
  22. That would be fine by me, but you'll get some people complain tgat MMOs are about progression.
  23. I used 1 yesterday on accident. It was actually kind of funny.
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