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Everything posted by Technohic

  1. You have to spend a utility point now. I'd much rather have something else other than that.
  2. When I say I want fast pops; it means for how the system is setup now. I don't want to wait forever AND have a lopsided match. I think most people would accept a little bit longer wait if it really did mean a better match, but would have a hard time believing Bioware would pull it off.
  3. What other single target ability outside of SOS are you going to use as eng? Only thing I can think of is snipe which I use as filler after nade; or maybe overload shot which I don't tend to use much at all. Electrified railgun adds that much stack 33% as fast as snipe at 33% the energy from if you tried sniping 3 times in a row. SOS also lines up great with the cluster bomb detonations. Just curious as I like to look at what other people do.
  4. It doesn't matter what faction you are on as far as balance goes. It's always a gamble on who you are going to get teamed up with and against. The numbers just mean that you likely are going to be teamed up with the same people as a Pub more often.
  5. Technohic

    "Pub pvp..."

    Well; I PvPed quite a bit the past 3 days on imp side, but I think the reasons for losing are quite common regardless of what side you're on. I was thinking about it because I had mixed results Tuesday, a bad day Wednessday, and a good day Thursday. This is why you lose: 1. You played bad, alone or with your team. Just bad play. That was at least part of my losing day Wednessday. I was just off most of the time playing. (and that's not to excuse my team, either.) 2. Team composition. Tuesday; I got on a good team where we had a nice mix of healers tanks and DPS and won a couple of times. Most of the night however; I faced the same guys I was just on a team with, while not having more than maybe 1 healer and lack of a tank. This may be the biggest losing reason on pub side as you generally are not going to have the chance of getting on the decent composition team unless you premade to help. 3. Lack of plan, bad plan, or not sticking to the plan. Now; you don't NEED a plan if you have a decent team but assuming you are pugging and don't want to risk it; its not a bad idea to come up with at least an opening strategy. 1-7-0 as the old standby is going to fail if the other team has a better compostion and goes 1-5-2. That 5 can easily hold off 7 while they get the side nodes. From a hypergate perspective; I had the other night a guy call out that he would take pylon and everyone else should go center. Not only did most people not listen; 3 guys went enemy pylon. That left 4 guys in mid (with a bad composition too, BTW) to face 7 enemies. The 3 captured the enemy side pylon which you think would be great; but it was way too early. What happened pretty quickly was an 8 vs 3 at their pylon. Meanwhile someone direct that 4 guard each pylon which is also dumb because that left 1 guy coming to reinforce the 3. Again; maybe 1 healer, no tank. This repeated every round and the match ended about as bad as you'd expect, with the people giving out the plans being the most vocally upset. 4. Speaking of guys being vocally upset. That behavior causes nothing more but a distraction at best and at worst; maybe you alienate some players. We don't need that. We need better players and they only will become that is if they keep working at it. I've been in matches where we still have a chance, but 2-4 of the team start bickering back and forth. 5. Heading off the premade call out. Yes; you can lose by facing a premade but its not the premade that causes it. See the first 4 points. You do not need a premade for any of this other than to ensure team comp. That is why it is a matchmaking issue.
  6. Technohic

    Fun on TEH

    I don't get it either. I suppose an op said that, but I don't really get much context.
  7. I'd bet on slowing down the regular queue would be why they wouldn't do this. Wouldn't be a terrible idea IMO; but for me, a lot of this would go away if they actually had matchmaking. Really; they waited so long that the population has dwindled to where it would be hard to even do matchmaking. They have classes balanced around the trinity, with a few that are not as dependent, yet do not ensure trinity comps in regs even a little bit. I guess first line was enough. I was about to rant....
  8. You dont use SOS?! I use it in every spec. The KB and slow utilities really allows me to peel. If i could move, id kite with it.
  9. Technohic

    OPs = OP

    I thought he was saying they just feel like that is the case due to panicking and having been "traumatized" from being killed before. The aftershocks of the old face plant lives on.
  10. Technohic

    OPs = OP

    Alrik; this may be the smartest thing you have ever said; actually. FWIW; I know operatives and scoundrels from playing them after a LOOOONNNNNG time ago when I was leveling my marauder and PvPing. I had one chose me as his target and marauder at the time, was the one class I could not figure out what to do. I had no KB to get them off me and I do not recall the class very well (on my to do list) but I remember not having much of a root to keep them off me. This was back when OPs were really, really dangerous. Just before the "Stun locking to death" nerf. The guy doing it would be on me as soon as I came out of spawn in voidstar every time, and then trash talked after the match. I know exactly what you are talking about. I chose to deal with it by learning the class. Incidentally; maras are my target to learn again. I used to troll them a bit on my sniper and just play keep away while I focus on a healer or whatever else, but they can melt me too quick to not try to finish them off.
  11. Technohic

    OPs = OP

    Doesn't bother me. They can try for the 1 on 1 all they want. I actually like to troll the ops on my sniper. Had one the other day (actually a scoundrel) try to take the off node from me. I didn't get into the 1v1. I leg shot him, then rolled. He used his cloak apparently wasting the evasion he must have specced for when cloaking so I counted 1-1 thousand and cover pulsed sending him flying. Just sat there looking at him as he came back so I used my stun then shived him and ran the other direction. Turned around and leg shot him again. It was funny because he then used the threat dump I am assuming that he had specced for the root breaker, right as 2 teammates showed up. It looked like he was surrendering right when we opened up on him. Don't think it was a good scoundrel or a well built one based on what it looked like he was trying to do but it was still funny. I do that too them all the time as I know what frustrates me on my op. Of course; I probably wouldn't be trying to re-engage head on as soon as they get me once. At a complete disadvantage if you don't have the drop on a target as an op. The strength is dictating the conditions of the fight.
  12. That is true. I was thinking of it from a stand point of healing while fighting for some reason. It was early I guess.
  13. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but I am sure it has been mentioned somewhere. What bothers me a lot is bosses immune to interrupts, roots/snares, and CC. I feel like even if not difficult; you should be encouraging the player to use all of their tools rather than just face tank everything. It's creating bad play by not rewarding using all of your tools.
  14. There seems to be some myth that other DPS classes are not melted as easily as a sorce would be without one of those. The only thing I disagree with your post is DPS sorcs healing is nice but its not going to save them.
  15. Technohic

    "Pub pvp..."

    Harbinger 65s, eastern time zone. This was Sunday though. Last night I finally saw one pub team. From around 9-11 PM EDT. Maybe it's just low and for my time zone being east coast I miss the west coast prime time.
  16. Technohic

    "Pub pvp..."

    Nobody has ever accused you of being mentally stable before; have they? Your paranoia makes Alrick seem normal. Oh. And I have queued pubs for years up until the last level increase, so; whatever.
  17. Don't make me pull out my troll and dab it all over this thread! Wait. That just sounds wrong.
  18. Sorcerer: Reasons for Op: 1. H2F 6. Three CC escapes And just healing ones. I really think everything else is not far off. You just can't take them out of the fight with the CC breakers and one is an escape that gets them safely away to heal to full quickly and be right back in there. 3 CC escapes and 2 focus dumps needs to be reduced by 1 a piece and then DPS should get a buff to compensate them.
  19. Play tank with endurance stats as your "mitigation" stat? How is that cheesy but playing as a skank tank, not?
  20. Technohic

    "Pub pvp..."

    I dont know how you get any of this from what i said
  21. Yeah; I don't want to say the utilities suck; but they are just more of a quick escape more than anything. I mean; one is off of leaving entrench and that's fine to move out of the way quickly but otherwise counter productive. The other is off of a melee attack which requires a target; in your face no less. I wouldn't even care if I couldn't attack while it was toggled to prevent making us some super kiter or rip off of other classes. Just an ability to get into position quickly.
  22. Seems a lot of class forums have a discussion on this with people anticipating a new ability with the expansion. Not Sniper/Slinger. Nothing but crickets in here. I've been loving Virulence and Eng. One thing I would like would be a mobility ability. Not roll for an escape. Something to get from point A to point B with in a warzone. Wind up guarding off nodes because others are better suited to get to the other node quicker. This is my sniper
  23. LOL It was the healing operatives bandwagoners that annoyed me. The not so good ones more than the really good ones. I still remember one posting about how they thought they were being harassed because they were being focused; then showed a video of them just trying to cap Voidstar right in the middle of a fight and still only died 2 or 3 times as others carried their ***. It really triggered me. I've played operative and their damage is not great right now so I generally do not focus them down first. I actually prefer to peel them off their target with a good KB then ignore them while they are stuck to attack someone for a global; then turn back and root them again; then attack something else again. Snare them and move away and keep focusing on my other target. Stun them... Kb again. LOL You get the idea. I just know how frustrating it can be to be root and snared to death.
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