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Everything posted by khamseen_air

  1. Well this was received as well as could be expected by anybody who actually plays the game. Just like the 'rewards' in the latest GS which are literal vendor trash.
  2. Like I said, it was a long time ago. I think around 2013 I had to do it, since then I've always made sure to manually disable it before switching phones. At that time I did look for a way to do it without calling support and while on the phone call they even confirmed there was no way to do it without calling them so they've definitely added that since. If you ask me, that's pretty dumb to be honest and slightly defeats the point in a security key if someone can remove it only by having access to your email account.
  3. I don't know how the system is these days, but years ago when I got a new phone and I had forgotten to pre-emptively remove the key on my account to transfer to the new phone there was no option to simply remove it via email as I couldn't log in to the account page without it, I had to actually phone customer service to have them remove it and they asked me to email proof of ID before they'd do it for me. So either they've gotten much more lax over the years or something fishy is going on.
  4. This system is by far worse than the Rep system we had for previous seasons. So much more grind involved to try and hit that target. But hey, that's the "fun" right?
  5. The FOMO point really doesn't make much sense to me, because the replacement achievement is actually making me think this is going to be the first GS I wont 100% which has me sad. In previous GS I'd hit the 200 rep item cap at least once a week sometimes twice but in this new one we're on what, week 5, and I'm still only at just over 300 of the vendor trash items total. That works out as an average of just over 60 per week, with only 15 weeks left to go if that average continued I'd end up around 300 short. That average is also based on completing 7 weeklies per week, but once I get to level 100 and even if I push for the 100 weekly achievement I feel like it means I'd have to keep playing weeklies right up until the last week and still end up short of the target. So ironically, the attempt to "fix FOMO" has actually made it that much harder.
  6. I'm actually genuinely curious if this bug has existed for a long time and we just haven't noticed because there haven't really been many, if any, conquest goals which payout on login. Hopefully we get a fix for this sooner rather than later and the other 'changes' they announce actually make things less painful for a change.
  7. https://swtorista.com/articles/how-to-transfer-servers-in-swtor/#What_comes_with_you_when_you_transfer This is a helpful breakdown.
  8. So interestingly, I just noticed something about one of the new objectives. I logged in, for my final day this week, to get the 8 GS points from login rewards and gained a level from it on a character I hadn't logged in on this week yet. As you can see, the 9,880 point daily objective somehow only game my character 3,800 points.
  9. Every update this game just gets worse. I feel like we're wasting our breath and money on them.
  10. So you decided to remove reputation tracks from GS and decided to fill their rewards in the GS track with literal vendor trash. Can you see how that doesn't look or feel particularly great to players? Then while a lot of us are still peeved about you increasing personal CQ targets from 50k to 100k you decide to nerf one of the "over represented", aka "not a grind so we're going to use it because it makes my game experience more fun and less painful", objectives. Again, can you see how that doesn't look or feel particularly great to players? As for the patch notes issue, we've all heard that speech before after pretty much every major patch with missing notes. Actions speak louder than words.
  11. This is excellently put. The thing they fail to realise is that we don't want to play the same daily content we've played hundreds, if not thousands, of times to get a measly 30k CQP. The rep tokens giving so much allowed an offset, skipping almost half of the requirement for a character's personal target. For a lot of us, that option only existed during GS runs because all other reps are maxed out anyway so bringing in the nerf and not including a reputation track with GS6 means it's just more grind of the same stuff we've already done. Heck, even the GS6 'story' mission is more grind of stuff we've already done. The last GS 'story' missions weren't exactly stellar, but at least they were different. I picked up the first one for GS6 last night and it's literally just "do these 3 flashpoints you've already played to death".... Instantly untracked the mission and decided it's not happening. Normally during GS I play a lot more than I do outside of GS because I log in daily to use a rep token and while I'm on (because I've now almost hit the half way mark on that toon) I decide to just run a few bits to hit CQ target on that character. Yesterday I completed all 7 weekly objectives on one character and still was only at about 50% of personal CQ target so I had to go grind out more dailies and by the time I finished I decided I wasn't going to bother with conquest on any other toons or the GS daily objective this time round. So now instead of feeling like it's worth playing 5 or 6 days a week, I'll only play 1 day a week.
  12. Funnily enough I was setting up an old unused toon to transfer to SV yesterday from SS and I claimed a few pets that had been sitting in the mail and when I logged into her on SV the pet was still summoned. So apparently they stay summoned across server moves now too. Though yeah, with their usual attention to detail in patch notes, no way of knowing if this is an intended QoL update or a totally random bug that'll either live forever or be "fixed" in a future update.
  13. Yeah, sadly they care more about metrics than they do about the thing that actually keeps players playing games... fun. Remove enough fun and no one wants to play, so your login times go from 20 minutes daily to 0 minutes yearly.
  14. Yup, lost 14 of the things just now. Asked on fleet and found out that apparently this rare resource needed for the GS is considered 'junk' when vendoring. Great work as usual!
  15. Really hate these stealth nerfs. This objective isn't even useful most of the time as it relies on you having a reputation which isn't already maxed out, so why nerf it? It was the only reason I enjoyed new useless (no purchasable items) reps being added with GS.
  16. If they allow anything in the billion range I think the economy will instantly die. With 3 billion you could instantly buy out about 90% of everything that's currently listed on the GTN on SV.
  17. I've been using Windows 11 for about a year and haven't had any problems with this or any other game.
  18. Same thing is happening on Pub side. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/932531-objective-meridian-loot-box-missing/
  19. I'm not even an APAC based player but I have been playing on the SV server and enjoying the fresh start experience and playing with the new community gathering on the server. However, this server was not advertised as a fresh start server and was always expected to get transfers (personally I felt 90 days was fine, I know some others disagreed) so if they now don't allow them at all or don't allow them to transfer achievements and or items/credits from other servers that is a pretty big slap in the face to the APAC community who have been moved around to other servers over the years since the original APAC server closed. Why should they be forced into abandoning all their achievements (a lot of which are no longer possible to get) and hard earned credits and items just so they can play on a server with decent ping again? I can tell you that after a month of playing with ping ranging from 300-500ms it can be pretty infuriating. Also, I think it's high time Strongholds were not tied to legacy but to account. On any current or future server I have no intention of paying around 100 million credits to re-unlock all the SHs I have access to on one server. If you want to do a fresh start server, great, do that. But you have to do it as that up front, no "we plan to open transfers at a later date" then pulling the rug out after a month. Create a new server, advertise it as a fresh start and let people decide if they want that or not before they commit their time and effort into the server only to find they'll never be able to bring their stuff over to it. If you do decide to create a fresh start server you also really need to find a way to scale back a lot of the inflation changes made to the other live servers. These measures are currently actively hampering the SV server pretty drastically.
  20. The mission for Ilum is automatically given and can't be abandoned. However there's nothing actually forcing you to complete it, you can just go to your ship's mission console and pick up the next expansion story you want to play, leaving the mission to go there in your list.
  21. Probably part of this. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/932323-game-update-74-known-issues/?do=findComment&comment=9791706
  22. So no collection unlock discount, only a week and a half of DXP, and most of the other sales are just the same stuff we get all year round of single item per single day? Wow, talk about rubbish.
  23. 1. Satele Shan 2. Standard Launcher 3. Group finder group of four 4. Vet mode 5. See 3, and yes all still in instance.... Three times now I've had this FP pop and no one got the loot drop after defeating Malgus.
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