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Everything posted by khamseen_air

  1. My guess would be yes. There's no reason to allow level 75 players access to the daily henchmen missions on the starting planets.
  2. Not sure why you ask for feedback and then delete the post I just read before replying. It was accurate. I've mained concentration sentinel/fury marauder for years now and you've totally destroyed it. It doesn't feel or perform anything like it currently does. Ignoring the fact that for some reason you grant Zealous leap three times (level 20/25/30). You remove the ability to use Transcendence without having to use up centering which makes the ability pretty much pointless because building centering to use Zen is crucial to the rotation of the class. I can't count how many ops runs have only been successful because of Transcendence being popped at the right moment. Making me choose between the ability to gain focus while dealing damage or having force camouflage means I'm never going to have force camouflage now because again gaining focus from attacking is essential to the rotations. So we're just losing that ability for any pve build. Level 50 having to pick between passive AOE defence (on a class which is well known to be a glass cannon), extra force leap charge (which is now pretty much essential because of the transcendence nerf), or gaining focus when crowd controlled is just insane. Level 60 having to pick between Zealous Ward and Trailblazer... what? Why are you doing this? Sentinels have so little AoE damage already even with Trailblazer and as mentioned above we're already glass cannons. Level 70... I don't even know how to express how insane it is that I have to pick between my best defensive ability (the whopping 4 seconds of 99% damage reduction every 3 minutes)... my raid buff... or the class ability added from 6.0 Force Clarity which is needed for the current BiS armour for all Sentinels. I'm sorry, but I truly don't know why you're doing any of this. You keep telling us that you can't increase the level of OPs or FPs from 70-75 because it would be too complex to rework them all but here you are totally destroying our classes and apparently you're somehow going to be able to rework all the content in the game right now to handle these changes? I'm really unsure how you can't see that what you're doing is going to make the 10th anniversary the end of the game.
  3. Whilst it's nice to eventually see some proper feedback from the devs, all this post has done is confirm to me that the game is about to undergo a massive change and not for the better. At least I know I'll be 15 bucks better off a month as of the end of this year, so I guess that's nice. Will be sad to see the game die off though.
  4. Pretty sure they intentionally released it when they did so no one would actually have to read any of the feedback threads since it's the weekend.
  5. Try running master mode chapters and tell me again how unlimited power is only needed in group content. Edit: Though really we shouldn't start speculating about how badly they'll mess up the other classes in this thread until we see the lifeless husk they leave of the guardian at the end of this phase first.
  6. Agreed. The way this was advertised is not at all what we seem to be getting. It seemed like we'd get to play any class story with another class/set of abilities (within the limits of force vs tech) but now it looks like the implementation of this is simply gutting the life out of every current class which is awful. I mean this with the utmost respect, but frankly I'm not convinced in the current teams ability to undertake such a massive game changing overhaul in the time frame allotted to a point where it doesn't just remove all fun from the existing play styles. You just have to look at the number of bugs which get introduced with almost every patch and then stick around for months or years before being fixed, to seriously start to question how that same team is going to manage to 'balance' 16 classes (48 sub classes) whilst gutting them of their current abilities and rotations for all of the current end game content without it feeling like there's just no life left in the game. I was looking forward to this new system but now we're getting our first glimpse of what it all means, unless there is a major turnaround on the direction they're going then 7.0 could be the final nail in the coffin for the 10 years SWTOR has taken up space on my PC.
  7. At this point you're SOL, you will have to run the ops. CS are very unlikely to have the power or will to reroll your objective a second time. For OPS, don't bother with GF, it very rarely (if ever) pops. Just go stand on the fleet and look for groups forming or ask if anyone is forming a group and jump in. If it's SM and you say you haven't done them before, most groups are willing to explain basic boss mechanics if needed.
  8. I had the mission to do 3 Iokath dailies, ran 5 of them and got no progress on the PO.
  9. How did this patch make it to live server?
  10. Super impressive really, given that the Swoop Rally event only launched for the first time in June 2020, so one year ago. The confusing thing about this is that they did actually fix this bug a couple of months after it the event first launched, which is why most people who were posting in this thread (including myself) stopped posting because we managed to get the achievement after they fixed it. I guess they somehow broke it again if people are once again having problems getting it to unlock.
  11. My point wasn't complaining without suggesting a workaround, my point was that you shouldn't state "this workaround works" you should preface it as "this workaround works for some people".
  12. I chose lightside on all of them bar one which I tried darkside on because someone else said that worked for them but neither option gave me any credit. They really need to just fix these objectives.
  13. As myself and others have mentioned several times in this thread, that workaround doesn't work for everyone. I've tried it on numerous toons with absolutely 0 success.
  14. Even that workaround isn't 100%. I've tried it now on 5 different characters, a mix of imp and pub side toons and it hasn't ever worked for me.
  15. Another week with the broken Daily PO: Rishi Daily Missions objective.
  16. Trust me, I sympathise with you on the objectives. I can't stand PvP or Starfighter and when the season stuff started I was doing them because I wanted the points but have now decided that it was only serving to hinder my enjoyment of the game so I'm no longer doing those objectives when I get them. It does suck as my progress has slowed a lot, but at the same time it beats doing stuff I don't enjoy. I'm just hoping that by doing the objectives I enjoy I can make enough progress to not have to pay large sums to complete the season near the end.
  17. When you see the costs of the credit catch up system, I wouldn't really call it 'benefiting from' at such a low level. Personally I wouldn't want to have to use it until the much higher levels so as to avoid the literal billions of credits it can cost. You can simply continue doing what you want (ignoring objectives you don't like) and eventually if you fall behind the catch up system you'll be able to start spending credits if needed to, you know, catch up. Any progress you make via objectives will save you a crap tonne of credits in the long run.
  18. I may have undersold my contribution I guess and made myself look like a total d***. I do engage the enemy team and obviously interrupt casts, try to backup team mates etc. I guess the point is more that I'm not playing to win because I don't really care if we win or not. I'm not a pvper, I stopped playing pvp in this game about 6 years ago and have been happier for doing so. The type of ranting you mention as being part of this game mode is a big part of the reason I stopped playing it. Being forced back in to it for the seasons points only reaffirms my choice to have stopped playing it and I feel it would be more beneficial for myself and the poor souls I get teamed with if I didn't get railroaded into doing it.
  19. I feel bad about it. I don't want to be in there, it's not a part of the game I derive any enjoyment from, I'm there literally because I have no choice. It also works both ways, in the last couple of weeks I've had to carry several people through ops who haven't ever ran them before, aren't geared for them, and don't want to be doing them but are doing so only for the seasons rewards. I don't resent them for it because I understand.
  20. I'm not 100% sure I understand but I think you're saying that when claiming the mounts from the collections tab it places it on the hotbar twice, correct? If so, that happens with every mount I've ever claimed from the collections tab and isn't specific to the Seasons reward mounts.
  21. Whilst I don't disagree that the current system is horrible. These changes would essentially just turn it in to the conquest system. Which in the end may not be a bad idea to just tie a point total with a max daily/weekly limit which are assigned based on current CQ objectives. Personally, I just want an option to not get any PVP based objectives. I can't stand PVP and when I get the objectives I'm literally putting in the bare minimum amount of effort to avoid any AFK penalties so I can get the objective completed. This isn't fun for me and it gets everyone else in the group royally pi**ed off and ranting at me in chat but at the end of the day I'm there because I'm being forced in to that activity, not because I'm choosing to do it.
  22. Just ran in to this today. I happened to get both Section X and the Rishi objectives. Section X completed fine but no combination of Rishi missions is working, light side/dark side, imp/pub... just boned. This seasons thing is killing me, between being forced into pvp and broken pve objectives it's just a steaming pile of trash.
  23. Oh, ok I guess I can see where you're coming from. It didn't even occur to me that people do that sort of thing because it's not something I've ever done myself. I have all 28 of my toons already outfitted for quite some time and already have all of the recipes and what not so there's nothing Kai offers that I care about any more and tend to forget he even exists these days. I just buy embers every day or two and dump them on the GTN because I hate the constant warning about maxed out fragments lol.
  24. I don't follow your logic that we can no longer play on days where Kai Zyken is up because of refund timers.
  25. You know, sometimes I think people are too critical of the devs in this game but then you have a major update hit and the day one known bugs list is as long as my arm and still being added to and I think... yeah, maybe it's fair.
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