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Everything posted by khamseen_air

  1. Kind of stupid it didn't start yet though really. I mean it's Tuesday, all the weeklies have reset, so if this doesn't start for another 5 hours then there's not much point in doing anything today (for us non Americans it'll be after midnight by the time it starts 'today'). I realise the time in the events page states 4 PM PST/12 AM GMT but that's not the 'normal' start time (also 12AM GMT on the 22nd was more than 18 hours ago) and it makes no sense for that to be the start time so it's understandable for people to be confused by this.
  2. I haven't been able to reset them using the old 'login on a toon you haven't played today' trick, however, I have seen them randomly reset on map changes. Not sure how or why and it's not even always all of the dailies, only some of them. Only happened to me twice so far since the 5.9a patch last week. Still a bloody stupid restriction in the first place.
  3. Yeah this is the thing I don't understand. Daily objectives should never be tied to "once per day per legacy" because our conquest points aren't legacy based. If I want to run 10 alts through the same stuff every day, why can't they all get the conquest points for it? It wouldn't make sense if doing a mission or doing heroics or FPs etc only gave out rewards to one character per legacy per day so why do they think it's a smart idea to do this for conquest points? If you really really want to tie this stuff to legacy, then go the whole haul and make personal conquest legacy wide so each toon can contribute to a single pot. Then have staged rewards so like 15k for basic, 30k you get increased rewards, 45k you get even more etc. That way single toon players and alters alike can benefit from it. Though personally I'd prefer to just see the logical outcome of the legacy restrictions being removed from daily objectives.
  4. I share your disappointment. For a week there things were looking up with the conquest system again and it was actually enjoyable. Should have known they'd find a way to knock it back down again.
  5. To be completely honest, I only kept playing the game because of the weekly conquests. I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but for me it was what I enjoyed doing. Every week I'd only do stuff that was in conquest and I'd do it on all of my toons where possible. Mondays (the day in between conquests) were my day off. Now though, I'm struggling to even force myself to log in and I have no plans of renewing my sub any more when it runs out unless the conquest system is reverted or at the very least has a lot of it's objective's points and legacy restrictions re-worked. I have no interest in grinding out 8 flasphoints a day on each of my alts to get the same amount of points I used to get for doing 1 a day on them all. I don't even see the point in completing the weekly on more than one toon any more because the weekly FP quest is now a per legacy rather than repeatable. It also only rewards for EITHER Vet or MM weekly whereas before I could do both weeklies on all toons and get points for it.... Last week I didn't even run a single FP, there was no point. This week I don't see me doing more than 3-5 in the totality of the week on one toon only because all of the daily objectives are for MM bonus bosses, which nobody ever wants to do in a pug and relying on my guild means I can only do them at set times of the day when enough people are around and free to join... Last week's conquest had the heroic daily (per legacy restriction). On the old system I loved doing all of the Heroics every day on all of my toons because it was something I enjoyed far more than pvp and it's faster/easier than ops and it let me contribute to our guild points because you got rewards for every heroic on every toon. But in the new system, I was only bothering to do one heroic a day because I wasn't going to get points for doing the rest of them so there really wasn't much point in doing that grind. I do understand that the conquest system is not what everyone in game lives for, but for me these changes have totally removed all want to play the game. It just plain sucks. Our guild has lost more than a dozen members this last two weeks because of the CQ changes. They haven't quit the guild, but they've quit the game.
  6. Yeah it'd be a good thing if they did change it so dailies were per toon rather than legacy. I mean it's bad enough that so many of the dailies reward less than their infinitely repeatable predecessors did. The heroics are a great example, previously they gave 500 CP per heroic without SH or GFS boosts and you could do every heroic on the planet, on every toon you could manage to work up the will to do. But now they reward less and you only get points for one heroic per day, per legacy... unless you're lucky enough that it bugs out and you might get it for two heroics a day or one on a few toons. For a system which was supposed to give people "more options" on how to complete conquests, it doesn't half seem like they've taken away all the fun options. I have to sit and work out which objectives I'll do on which characters now in advance to make sure I can get 3-4 of my toons up to their point cap. Before I always finished on at least 4 toons with no forward planning and just enjoying what I was playing. It's not enjoyable any more.
  7. So I'm guessing Eric was right about dailies being once per legacy after all and last week's conquest having dailies as once per character was a bug then because everything this week seems to be per legacy... This system is so crap. Really fed up with it now, bring back the old one, at least that was more doable and enjoyable even if it was always pretty much the same stuff each week. Edit: Actually just to make this more confusing, after finishing some dailies on one toon and logging in on a second they showed as complete on the second... however on logging in to my third toon I noticed they're all marked incomplete again on her... What the hell is actually going on with this new system?
  8. Logged in to see this week's conquest objectives and can understand why this thread has grown by half a dozen pages since I checked it a couple of hours ago.
  9. Weekly flashpoint missions (Vet and MM) used to both award points and both were able to be done on all characters on your legacy each week. Now you only get points for either vet weekly of mm weekly and only on one character per legacy. Weekly uprising missions, all difficulties, were able to be done on all characters on a legacy each week. Now, like flashpoint weeeklies, only one of these will give you points and only on one character on your legacy. Weekly pvp missions, ranked and unranked, used to give you points for both on all characters you completed them on. Now, like above, you only get points for the first of the weeklies you complete and only on one character on your legacy. Planetary mission weeklies (Black Hole, Section X, Yavin etc), you used to be able to complete each of these when they were in a conquest on every character in your legacy and get points for them. Now they are once per legacy per week. Just to name a few since you guys appear to have no idea what wasn't legacy wide before and what is legacy wide now. We've yet to see a proper heroic planetary conquest, but I know the Gree conquest had an objective for the heroic which appeared to be a daily rather than an infinitely repeatable (grey triangle not gold). It was also worth far less in points than the previous infinitely repeatable objective which makes no sense. Overall, you guys need to take a long hard look at the mess you've made and stop thinking that a 20-40% increase in points on some of these objectives will make up for the loss of around 80%+ of the points in some cases along with the new massive restrictions from legacy wide objectives. I really don't understand the nerf to the points being so severe when you've also removed the guild boosts which used to give 2x-3x boost on some of the old points which were much higher to begin with, and you've also made so many of the objectives legacy wide... If changes really needed to be made, then one of these changes alone would have been sufficient and you could have seen how it worked out instead of making three massive nerfs to the conquest system at the same time and then wondering why people are annoyed about it. Also, as much as I'm afraid that mentioning this will mean another nerf... this information isn't even true. The 'daily' objectives are per character in the new conquest system. I know this because I can craft an invasion force on all characters on my legacy and they each get their points for it once per day. Just like last week with the Gree event with the 'critical mission' daily for doing a Gree event mission, you got points once per character per day. I have to say, the fact that I've seen you repeat this misinformation about how the dailies work on more than one occasion in the last week really leaves me thinking that none of you actually have the slightest clue about how the system you've just implemented is even supposed to work which doesn't help us as players to know how it is supposed to work.
  10. These planned changes are a massive joke. They're still leaving us with such a huge short coming in terms of points and legacy wide repeatable content, especially for pve. What is wrong with your team that you guys don't even understand how badly you're messing this stuff up?
  11. I contacted support via in game system after it happened to me and they confirmed it happened when I completed the bonus republic Section X quest Ancient Prison Suppression. Though the bug did not happen to my guildie who I was teamed with at the time and we both completed the quest. It also hasn't happened to me before on that quest so it appears to have an amount of randomness attached to it. Though the fact they looked at my character file and confirmed when and where it happened does confirm that the quest is the issue so they told me to file an in game bug report about it and avoid that mission until I see it's been fixed in the patch notes... In other words, never do that mission again for as long as the game is still online because it'll probably never get fixed. CS also did not restore my alignment so I've now got to slog my way back up to light 5.
  12. I've given up on the conquest entirely at this point. So many once per legacy on the pve objectives, there's just no incentive to do anything really. It's nice that FPs are in this conquest, but again the FP weeklies are once per legacy so no point doing them on alts and the repeatable FP objective would take around 10 FP runs to be equal to what you used to get for doing 1 with the daily GF reward. There seems to be a pretty large disparity in both my Rep side and Imp side guilds between pvp'ers and pve'ers. The pve'ers have far less in the way of repeatable content which isn't once per legacy per day/week so it's making it much harder for them to gain any traction. Overall, I'm just fed up with this new system. You took a conquest system which needed a few upgrades (like the guild targets and a few new objectives to give people more options) but you gave it a lobotomy while you were at it and left it without any joy.
  13. Have to agree with most of the others on this one. What is the point in having more than one character, if nothing you do on them gets you any CP after you've done them on another toon that day. The weekly per legacy CP objectives are even more annoying. This week I did the Xenoanalyst on six toons, only got CP for the first one though... Why? I had to actually put the time and effort in on all toons so why don't all toons get the reward? Not like we're asking for free stuff here.
  14. Just happened to me today. I did section X earlier with a guildie and didn't even notice it, but now a few hours later I went to equip a piece of Light 3 gear and couldn't. I know it was ok this afternoon because I equipped a piece of Light 5 gear just fine... Sent in a support ticket, but this is ridiculous.
  15. Adding my input to the masses, even though it will no doubt be met with deaf ears. The new system sucks. It's gone from being a fun weekly incentive to repeat content across multiple toons, and turned into a slow and painful experience of lacklustre performance. This new system will do nothing to 'help' smaller guilds, which was the supposed reason for the changes in the first place, if anything the removal of most of the repeatable options only serves to hamper smaller guilds who relied heavily on players trying to complete the weekly targets on multiple toons but now most of the unlocks appear to be legacy wide so there's not even any point in playing more than one character any more. The interface itself is totally rubbish. It's gone from handy and easy to decipher icons which instantly from a glance told you what type of game play they related to, into a 50 shades of grey list which constantly moves around and nothing seems to be in the same order twice on. It's horrendous. It's also very difficult to tell easily which of the new objectives are repeatable and which are one time only. It doesn't help that some of the ones which are supposed to be repeatable, are now only unlocking once per legacy. The whole system is a joke. I don't know who came up with this idea, but it's not an improvement, it's a step backwards. I'm going from completing my weekly conquest on an average of 4-5 toons a week down to not even wanting to bother completing it on one. Congratulations on another successful fail.
  16. I too would love to be able to do this. Steam is a must have for most PC gamers. No reason a launcher being needed should make it impossible as the Fallout games, Elder Scrolls, DC Universe and STO all use launchers but still work with the Steam overlay.
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