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Everything posted by RockysRevenge

  1. The exalted sets for every class look better than ANY of the endgame tiered gear.
  2. Interesting look at the Legacy vendor. Orange quality belts and bracers! http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/legacyvendorrepublic1.jpg This means we finally have an Aristocrat set that's orange quality.
  3. I don't think the issue is how good the orange quality sets in the game currently look, we already have a bunch of great ones, battlelord set included. What IS the issue is that the stats on the new war hero set will be far superior to those, and it won't matter if we're able to take the war hero mods out; the base stats of the gear (I.e. you can't get an augment slot added to dropped/purchased orange gear) will be superior to the remodded orange gear.
  4. Hmm. Can anyone confirm this with screenshots? I have the robe of avenging wrath, and its primarily gray with a little brown. The "of deception" set is nearly all white. It would make more sense for the wrath set to have a brown mask and the deception set to have white.
  5. Yeah...I've got no sympathy for the 1-button wonder players who actually need to learn to play their class now. I wouldn't quite say shadow is the next FOTM though. Playing a shadow is fun, and its relatively easy to play a tank, but we're anything but OP. I am glad that knights are finally getting some love though, it may be time to dig up my level 23 guardian.
  6. You want to talk logic? Knights can wield vibroblades without losing any abilities...even deflection. We can't wield electrostaffs because we lose our *primary* abilities, our techniques. That seem fair to you? Regarding using any kind of lightsaber you want...it IS in the canon for this game. Satele's master dual wielded a single and double saber in the return trailer. However, the human aspect of this game, i.e. being able to recognize the class you're fighting, takes precedence over personal preference in an MMO. That's why we're forced to use a double saber or electrostaff.
  7. As I'm one of those no-good, low-down keyboard turners + mouse clickers, I feel like balance may be the DPS spec of choice for me. Interesting that there's no other way to target FiB other than mouse click.
  8. I just tanked my first HM on Friday . We did Taral V and wiped twice; once on the droid, once on the last boss. I think it's just the basics that make for success. You HAVE to have a good healer. The HM's are made for a tank, a healer, and 2 DPS. It helps a lot that we can put out a lot of damage...adds should only live a few seconds if you have a good team. Otherwise, ALWAYS keep kinetic ward up, use resilience to negate a champ's burst, and use your taunts so your healer doesn't get mobbed. And rule #1...if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong .
  9. You've got to be kidding me.... But at least you can take the mods out, right?
  10. No good vids of balance yet that I've seen. Balance is a damage spec. The stalker gear was made for damage. If that's what you have, you're golden as far as gear goes. I'm not sure about rotation though, I haven't tried balance yet. It's interesting how the majority of people go for the stalker set, no matter what spec they're in. Damage is always king over surviving when you can just respawn in 6 seconds .
  11. Today's patch is most likely emergency maintenance. Only a 2 hour down time, definitely not the 1.2 patch, that'll be huge. I'm expecting 1.2 in April.
  12. This. It seems they may have adopted a few medium armor textures for new light armor. I've gotta say...not very fond of any of the new armor I've seen besides this one.
  13. Someone has a superiority complex . Not that I don't agree about infil shadows. For those who have leveled as infil, I know that you don't want to give up your spinny sabers, but once you go KC, you won't want to go back. You have more stun breaks, a self heal, a knockdown, you can use a shield without gimping yourself, AND you can use Nadia for PvE instead of the annoying Tharan. Know how mediocre infil shadows always die when focused on by 2+ people? That doesn't happen as KC. Someday I hope you too will see what you've been missing.
  14. There have been many threads on the subject, and many people still think a focus is better than a shield for a kinetic build. However in the end, a shield doesn't deprive you of *that* much willpower, and any damage shielded is still far better than taking it in the face, if you have the option.
  15. As long as they only nerf Imperials .
  16. Do you find your survivability to be higher? And not just by seconds, but do you see a noticeable difference in the time you can stay in a fight? Because that's essentially the only problem I have with a 2/31/8 build.
  17. Project is indeed a force hog. Balance is the only spec I haven't tried yet, and both kinetic and infil are pretty project-heavy. Maybe I'll try out one that isn't, for a change.
  18. Is it the elite droids that are spotting you? I thought they had fixed that. At any rate, I try to pop blackout as much as possible around droids, and mind maze my way through organics.
  19. So I'm a fresh 50, 31/0/10 spec atm...but haven't trained all my abilities yet, so I was wondering, what proc do you get the heals from? It seems every time you do a TK throw, you get about 400 HP heal per tick. I haven't been able to duplicate it, is there something I'm missing? I'm also really looking forward to your balance vid. Between you and Powerr, I definitely feel good for having stuck with my shadow.
  20. When I played infil, I got about 1/3 of my kills from shadow strike. The damage is fantastic...but the problem lies in having to CS or DS your target until you get the proc. Typically, 2X CS and a low slash will be proc find weakness, but sometimes it doesn't, in which case you're standing behind your stunned enemy looking silly, trying to figure out what to do next. I don't even have a problem with the "from behind" requirement; people run around so much in PvP that they usually do it for you. What I do have a problem with is the ridiculous amount of force it costs, and the fact that I usually get insta-zergged before I'm done nuking the healer. Resilience is great, but you can't fight a whole team.
  21. Whoa, why no points in upheaval? Since project is considered part of your opening rotation in a balance build, shouldn't this be part of it? I think I'd much rather take the extra damage from upheaval than take pinning resolve.
  22. I don't know what everyone considers "canon," but if you consider the Clone Wars animated series to be part of it, (and I assure you Lucas does) then Ahsoka Tano has a yellow off hand saber, meaning uniformity isn't important. If you consider anything about Revan's story to be canon, well he used a purple saber until he turned dark. He went back to it later as well. Leia's saber was red, and she was light side. They're whatever color you want them to be.
  23. I hate the shoulder things, but the legs and the boots look fantastic. Not to mention the trooper stuff looks great too, which we can also use.
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