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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. The Formal Wear hats are just silly looking for me. That being said, I think I have Vector in one of those "Man in the Iron Mask" type things right now and I can't stare at his pretty face.


    Quinn on the other hand still has that silly microphone headset piece from Tatooine and he's at max level. I couldn't handle having something hide that pretty set of pixels either. I don't know if I'll have the patience to grind everything I need to outfit Havoc to look like an actual squad, maybe I'll just go make some stuff for them later.


    I love that we're given the opportunity and for the most part the means to outfit our companions and characters in the way of our choosing. Just need a.. mankini for the boys at some point....

  2. if i had my way... a blue ribbon collar, tied in a bow, with " mittens" or some other indignifying cat name on it, and a little bell..and not much else




    *quickly hugs her Jorgan, "it's ok hun... you can keep your regular armor .. it's ok..."*

    Besides, the stupid bell would drive me insane while I'm trying to sleep. My RL cat had a bell on a collar, we had to take it off so we could sleep at night.




    It's not that I have anything against the skirts, they just looked wrong on him especially with the choices in tops *shudder*. Besides, my hubby plays male JC and he's all up in a robe and everything XD

  3. @CloudCastle


    I totally agree with getting the "right" clothing/armor for your companions, especially if they're the ones you end up running around with all the time. I liked Vector when I got him but had to hold off on swapping his gear because just about EVERYTHING that dropped or was a quest reward put him in a damned skirt. Complained about this out loud and my husband asked me why I didn't just goto Dromound Kass and get the social gear for him :o


    Same goes for Quinn, *squeeeeeeeeeee!* atleast once I got the uniform-ish gear for him and kept him in that the whole time. I swear, his gear was better than my actual character's.


    The only exception I'm finding to this so far is Jorgan, he's in trooper gear and it all looks good on him. Granted I just kept chucking him my femTrooper's castoffs but hey... it worked.

  4. ok all you crazy cat ladies have persuaded me into rolling a trooper to get my fix of meow mix


    i still wish he had a full lion's mane.... i'd pet and scritch and burrow my face in it all day. that little fuzz they have for the mod does not cut it


    Just remember, he's Mr. Grumpy-pants to start. Breaking him down is like breaking Quinn only .. different. Now, are Cathar actually furry, cause mmm.... I'd stroke that all day if he was fuzzy atleast until my allergies got the better of me. Probably why Quinn is a "safer" choice for me, no problems breathing due to fur up my nose.

  5. @ Captain_Zone


    It's possible to pursue the Kira romance without taking DS hits, you just have to wait. Sadly, that's NOT the case for the femKnight since flirting with Doc just racks up the DS points.


    Back on topic: Why are the tactical choices sometimes the LS ones? Spare a bunch of prisoners and have them run inciting fear and panic = LS. Granted the other option was to kill them .. *figures*

  6. I suppose the main draw Quinn has for me is that he was oddly enough the most interesting romance option I had found after completing the JC story. Iresso is sweet but he's really quite boring and seeing as gameplaywise, I was already a tank, having another tank out was just plain silly so he didn't see much use. Furthermore, I got Iresso late in game and didn't have much time to really interact with the character outside of the main class quest on Hoth.


    For both Jorgan and Quinn, it "felt" like I got to know both of them over a significantly longer period of time. Needless to say, for my femTrooper (healer) it's just been her and Jorgan out there saving the Republic, only times I would use someone else is if I was grouped with a friend and we needed a tank or something.


    With Quinn, it was in part the uniform that made me weak in the knees and his manner, someone alluded to him being similar to Mr. Darcy and Simon Tam, easily flustered and unsure of what to do when presented with strong women. Oh.. and that 5 o'clock shadow.. mmmm..... Excuse me.. I have to go log onto my marauder now....:D

  7. uhh.. about the SW companions...


    Yes, they sort of kiss your boots but there are so many threads devoted to that one topic, I'm not going to rehash it here. Atleast with Kaliyo, she's upfront about it.

  8. heh, I'll happily admit I was completely shallow when it came to the companion romances. I was running around on my SI when I saw a SW running around with a Quinn and dropped my SI to play SW... go figure.


    I like to think that we'd appreciate good looking npcs, hell they even gave us ways to tweak our companions so they'd look sort of how we'd want them too.


    Still though, FemTrooper and Jorgan still rank as one of my favourites in terms of progression, though the FemSW and Quinn comes close even with all it's problems. Seriously, though I want to be able to play a Cathar so I can hit on Jorgan as a kitty-cat. *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

  9. If you are a fan of Thrawn the Hand of Thrawn duology was good, there's also the stand alones Outbound Flight, Ghosts of Tatooine, Allegiance, Choices of One, Survivor's Quest were all pretty good.


    If you're not into the mega series territory, I really do suggest staying away from Jedi Academy series it was ok but *ugh*


    Another mostly alright one was the Black Fleet Crisis.

  10. hmm... I could think of Kaliyo possibly stealing the frozen versions of both, possibly even the bounty hunters and Tanno could always grab Quinn.

    Of course if it plays out that all the companions were there, the rest of Havoc would probably line up to defend or rescue Elara because that's how they would probably roll.


    Quinn... heh.. no one on his crew even likes him, it always felt like they just barely put up with him because they had too. Now, supposing the SW was female and married to Quinn and the crew did nothing to help extract him it's probable that she might be pissed (?) and therefore Pierce and company might grudgingly save him just to avoid dealing with the wrath of the Wrath.

  11. Ha! Can you imagine? They finally get down to it. The floor clears. Companions line up to watch, chanting "Fight! Fight!" Quinn and Elara exchange shots...once, twice...apply DoTs...and then come the heals. Plink, plink, heal. Plink, heal, heal. The audience is still going: "Fight! Fight!"


    ...twenty minutes later...


    Aric: Are you even trying, Dorne?

    Elara: Working on it!

    Quinn, topping off his three missing HP rather than taking a shot: There. Patched up. FOR THE EMPIRE.

    Pierce: You're an idiot. *preps for the headshot*

    Kaliyo, pushing down Pierce's rifle's barrel: Now, now. That wouldn't be sporting.

    Everyone, suddenly staring at Kaliyo: ...

    Kaliyo: What? I can be polite.


    ...and on the floor: Plink, plink, heal. All. Night. Long.


    Ephemera, have I mentioned how much I love reading your posts?


    Given the way the healer companions are, it wouldn't be surprising the fight would turn out that way. Ooo.. a thought just occurred to me... carbonizing sprays....

  12. The thing about Quinn is, he has no crit bonus for any "skill" in the game, if you know what I mean...just more efficiency :( "For the Empire!"


    I hear tell that Vector has mad critical skills in the, ah, Diplomacy department ^.^


    +5 critical for Vector in diplomacy which makes sense considering he was in the diplomatic corps. Too bad I use him primarily as a leveling buddy.


    lols at Quinn.

  13. I say that Elara would start talking to all the imp officer companions and start talking about how the Empire is evil, and how awesome the Republic is. 1 of 2 things would happen, either; Soon after, the player characters come in and see Elara with multiple blaster wounds and contusions, screaming "I'll help you!" repeatedly while spamming heals on herself. :p I say this be because she CAN'T keep her mouth shut about the Republic. Or, all the Imp player characters would notice a strange lack of companions on roll call the next morning. ;) Mass defection is always funny. :D


    Only problem I see with this is Quinn, Mr. Empire-Forever. I think someone mentioned earlier that he'd probably make some snide passing remark to the traitor, and it's possible that he'd see it as his duty to execute Elara, and since they're both healers, it would make for a very prolonged fight between the two.

  14. My 2nd trooper is lvl 13 now, I had forgotten how grumpy he was too. I have gone DS trooper this time, so many -1's and -30's, but you are right - there are still plenty of +15's.


    my fav line from him though has to be that part where he says "Damn it woman, I had this all planned out".



    Maybe I should stop hijacking threads with Aric and make him his own thread. :p


    I loved that bit in the spoiler, Jorgan just gets soo.. cute when you pull that on him.

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