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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. I'm a Marauder and I use Vette almost full time and Quinn never leaves the ship. (He never would have been on to begin with, if I had a say in it) Never had an issue.



    The only time I didn't use Vette was during Hoth, because she and Quinn really whined about it, and Pierce and Jaesa really sounded like they wanted to go. So I took it as a major 'hint' from the writers and only used those two. Turned out I didn't need to bother since no companion says much during the SW plot on Hoth. But Quinn still didn't leave the ship, because of his aforementioned whining. :D


    I was an evil ***** and



    dragged Quinn with me down to the planet anyways because he whined.


  2. I think part of the "allure" of FimRess was the fact that I had played my SI up to Hoth by that point and had the whole fade to black scene with her and a boy-toy on Alderaan and was kind of hoping for something similar for my SW, but alas that was not to be. Then Draahg shows up and there's even LESS action there :( but all things considering it might have been a good thing.


    Ah Quinn, going to to have to playthrough a second femWarr to deal with that all over again.

  3. See this was me for the longest time. Then I had my daughter and an epiphany and now the only female I particularly worry about knowing what to do with is my daughter. She is such a complicated creature.



    From what I understand, daughters fall into a very special category for most dads. We are not to be understood by our fathers =D

  4. OMG! Yes! Why the hell couldn't my femWar tapped that fine piece of *** before umm... other things happened. Heck! Even FimRess that guy on Alderaan?


    Why must her only options be that colonel on Nar Shadda and that ONE guy on Hoth, aside from Quinn and that fling with Pierce. Especially since someone *coughquinncough* wasn't putting out at that point.


    My SI got more action than my SW.

  5. Yes.


    I've had an unnatural thing for Imperial officers since, well, Grand Moff Tarkin. Don't ask. I love a man in uniform.


    And this is why I umm... solo ran Hammer Station a bunch of times just to get the poor guy to look "just right" for the entirety of my playthrough of the SW.



  6. Given that SW has 2, count them 2, full romance options for the male provided you turn Jaesa, I'd say that that particular class was designed to be male. Half the time, I felt like I'm missing a little more something when I was playing on my female SW, heck, even that ONE scene that all warriors have an axe to grind with felt weird with the dialogue choices.


    IA, which I haven't finished yet, does feel very James Bond-esque, and leans strongly to being supposed to be a male centric story.


    Smuggler was designed to be the "Han Solo" clone so it would reason that it would be a male character, but as to the rest, and I've finished playing a female JC and watched my hubby play the male JC it's kind of up in the air.

  7. They do suck.


    If you know what I mean....




    I see what you did there! :eek:


    It would seem the romance options aren't for everyone. I found Lt. "Side Benefit" Pierce to be unappealing but I think its mostly an attitude thing I suppose. Whereas I couldn't get enough of Quinn, but I have a soft spot for uniforms that don't know what to do with females, that and the dynamic presented between the two was, for me interesting in that both my warrior and Quinn more or less knew who was the more "dominant" partner in their relationship. My RL partner on the other hand completely despises Quinn, but he's playing a male SW. ;)

  8. Have I mentioned that this makes me feel like I'm addicted to crack or some sort of crack-like substance, since I keep coming back every couple of hours looking for more awesome things to read and giggle about?


    That and thank you so much for continuing to entertain us.


    More please. :D

  9. Yeeee-aaah... I didn't get this particular light-dark reward either on this one. It could just be "I spared his life and that's a good thing because I don't know for sure that he's going to be in for a short life of torture etc" vs "Roar! I R EVIL! KILL!" response.


    It didn't make much sense to me either way.

  10. i know right? lol

    and lol someone else who knows HM games :D


    you know you wanna see everyones reaction to the ship's lattest addition.

    broonmark: the clan grows! yaaaaay <3

    quinn: * faints, gets back up, runs to closet, and comes running back* i have already prepared for this, my lord! see? newborn size uniform and footwear!\

    kaliyo: someone for me to corrupt eh? sweeeeeet.

    corso: really?! AWESOME! wait, are you going out pvping?! in YOUR condition? no i must insist you stay here and i will protec- OOF * femsmuggler saunters out the ship to go do quests, stepping over a doubbled-over corsdo*

    blizz: blizz make many great baby toys! why boss look worried? blizz already upgraded baby crib!

    temple: well... i'm not sure about the protocol for this situation, sir, but.. * also pulls out toddler size imp uniform*


    roflmao the mini uniform idea is HILARIOUS but makes so, so much sense especially from those two.

  11. Right now my male agent and Vector are having a bromance. :D Kaliyo's a little too crazy for his tastes, even though he's getting a lot of "action" on most planets.


    Female SW did end up with Quinn, even though... well those who know.. know... *sigh*

  12. 9 because of some of the plot railing, particularly the story conversation on Voss in the cave with that guy near the end... I know what you're planning to do but why the hell do I have to go with it? grrrr... and oddly not so much about shredding that ONE companion....


    Only story that I've finished so far that I'll willingly play again, granted I haven't finished IA yet and so far I'm liking that too. Consular and Trooper were .. meh

  13. Frankly, Quinn's reasons for the betrayal don't make sense.


    No, Quinn, he's not acting for the good of the empire. We have it on the word of the EMPEROR HIMSELF, for crying out loud. YOU WERE THERE.


    It says something about a writing messup like this that my only explanation for it is Mind-trick based mindrape on Baras's part.


    Technically, the Emperor does want to "eat" the galaxy so as to extend his life or ascend to deity status and if the Emperor succeeds then all life including the Empire would be wiped out, therefore with that reasoning you could argue that Quinn is acting for the good of the Empire. I'm kind of grasping a bit here though, seriously my SW was NOT happy about having to serve the Ra's Al Ghul wannabe. The Emperor is totally terrified of death... seriously...

  14. I really can't wait to see how and IF BW explores the implications of Quinn's betrayal, to be honest. That and I felt that maybe a "bone" could have been tossed out after the SW defeats Baras.


    Really did love the interactions you get with Quinn, especially as a female warrior though. :D

  15. A lot of it depends on the class. I've seen more "bad" companions on the empire side than republic side, but usually there's at least one who always likes light side choices, and the rest like some light side choices, some darkside choices.


    For instance, with agent, everyone *occasionally* likes darkside choices (even supposedly lightside characters like Vector and Temple), just some are more prone to darkside (Kaliyo, SCORPIO) or neutral (Lokin).


    The same is true for trooper. I'm not sure that Elara ever likes a darkside choice, but while Aric generally favors lightside, he'll sometimes approve of darkside. (And Vik generally prefers darkside.)


    I think that most SW companions actually are darkside. Quinn likes darkside a lot of the time it seems, as long as you're polite. Jaessa certainly does. Pierce seems to prefer darkside in general, too.


    I found he leans more towards LS choices more so than the rest of the crew with the exception of Vette and even she has the DS ones she loves especially if it involves something bad happening to an Imperial or Sith. From what I recall Pierce, Broonmark and DS Jaesa approve of more of your DS choices than the other two, but with Quinn if you were being pointless cruel or wasting resources he'd be disapproving and god forbid you badmouth the Empire or Baras. *sigh*

  16. Generally I've found that most people don't really care what choices you end up picking, sometimes they ask in chat why and you're free to tell them or not. I have a couple of characters where the alignment indicators are turned off and the majority of them turn out to be more or less neutral. My max level SW has amassed 10k light and 9400+ dark, I've rerun instances to balance out the light/dark options primarily so that only the class story quests and planetary quests would affect the indicator.


    That being said being LS Sith means that you're placing the needs of the Empire ahead of your own wants, or atleast that's what I got out of the majority of the choices. Is it selfless: yes, does it advance the overall bad-assery of the Empire: sure... is the light side choice still essentially evil compared to something the Republic side has? More than likely. However, I can see why Sith warriors and inquistors are less likely to play as LS or should play less LS, because most of us are backstabby and power hungry and that may not dovetail in with the goal of serving the Empire.

  17. Sigh...Quinn. After his spaceport scene on Balmorra I thought "Smart, check, useful, check, capable of figuring out the job, check, done." When I realized he was recruitable I dropped my warrior then and there and rerolled female. That whole, horrible, half-invisible, painful, up-and-down, uncertain, every-time-I-give-up-he-does-some-ambiguous-thing, every-time-I-get-my-hopes-up-he-steps-back, awkward ride was fantastic.


    Edit: Plus, he has Simon Tam's general coloring, education, job, and interpersonal nervousness. Firefly fans will know what I'm referring to. I didn't consciously pick up on it for a long time, but I think that contributed to the devastating weakness I had for Quinn.


    Oh dear god.... I never actually noticed that but now that you mention it.. I can't look at Quinn the same. Man oh man.. Simon was hawt!


    Perhaps I'm a sucker but I honestly would play another SW and romance Quinn again, possibly even Jorgan (as a trooper). Out of the 3 classes which I've actually finished those were the two that I liked the most. Iresso was very meh, now that I think back to it, he had some sweet moments but since you got him as a companion so late it really did feel rushed. Whereas with Quinn and Jorgan, they were around so long it "felt" like my characters had a repore with them and the like.

  18. You know what just occurred to me? - Mind you, I finished this questline two and a half months ago and I'm still picking up on new ways to be angry about what I didn't see or say.



    Baras made a big deal of saying "Your debt to me is paid in full," blah blah, when you finish up Balmorra; Quinn is supposedly a free agent. (And, to be honest, I've seen more forced recruitments, so I accepted his throwing himself at me as normal from a metagame perspective.) Why go through all that when Quinn could just come on board as a fellow servant of Baras', now placed in your chain of command?


    When you talk to Draahg during the attack on Vengean sequence, he says he always held back in Vengean's presence - "something Baras told me to do." Baras plays his cards close to his chest. He makes sure his deep agents play their cards close, too. Ridiculously, perhaps unnecessarily close. Draahg's note just reinforces, again, how obsessive Baras is about deep cover, in case you didn't already realize that servants placed close to Baras's close connections are untrustworthy.


    I hate you, Baras, and your little dog, too.


    Also just realized that when Quinn asked for reassignment he wasn't wavering between his job and his feelings. He was wavering between his job-and-feelings and the one faint flicker of decency that said maybe he didn't want to be the one to strike when the time came. That was his first and last attempt to at least stand aside, and I rolled right over it. He decided getting laid trumped that minor ethical qualm. The story progressed as planned. I hate you, Quinn, and your big mean master, too.


    I have a question about that bit in the spoiler, how's the particular conversation go if you play a male warrior? I'm assuming its different especially, its one that I don't remember seeing on youtube and my RL partner either hasn't reached it yet while I'm at home or he's past it, not sure which.

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