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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. Ohhh you have no idea what I could do with two Quinns...one for the cockpit and one for-[the contents of this post is completely inappropriate], and not to mention having two healers!


    Yes I will trade you my Vette for another Mr. Tried to kill a Sith but failed and that's kinda awesome really.


    Dear god.. two Quinns? I'd be up for that too... You could have the entire rest of my crew for a second Quinn-ster.

  2. Every time I see a kill/dump companion thread, I wonder to myself before starting to read it:

    "Is it yet another Sith Warrior wanting to kill the Quinn-ster?"


    Thank you for delivering :D


    But seriously.. Ashara for my female SI makes me cry, she hates my neutral decisions, doesn't much care for my presents. I do NOT want her on my ship!

  3. I'm going to say the Batman because he's really just a bit crazy underneath it all. That and like the other guy said, the Bats has a plan and backups for plans. Hell, he had a plan to neutralize the other members of the Justice League, arguably the most powerful people on Earth.


    Besides poor Boba Fett would never see Bats coming...

  4. It's been mentioned before that the option was available in the Beta but because people kept submitting CSR tickets to get their companions back, yes, more than one companion has the opportunity to die, the developers just took out that option entirely. I believe there was even one of those "Are you REALLY sure? This guy will be DEAD." warnings, meaning a player would have had been able to change their mind at last minute.


    Back to the OP though: I did find it out of character for Quinn but *shrug* he was still adorable.

  5. This is exactly why I wonder whether the writer is satisfied or would tweak it if s/he could.


    I guess I'm just curious at how it works for the writers. You do what you do and then the game comes out and perhaps the players react in a way you never expected. Or perhaps you did expect it and you are happy with people just reacting strongly no matter whether they like it or hate it.


    I just hope there is some continuation of the companion stories in the future. Whether they redeem Quinn or not.


    A bit of an answer to whether Quinn is sort of redeemed...



    On Corellia, if you didn't drag Quinn around everywhere you went like I did, there's come cutscene dialogue that indicates that he saves Darth Vowrawn while facing certain death and there is an option to I guess forgive him for the betrayal or not. Unfortunately, I tended to drag him around with me everywhere soooo.. I missed out on that bit of dialogue.


  6. But, from an RP standpoint, Quinn is like an emotional anchor to my Sith. Kinda like a conscience. I know he won't let me go kill EVERY innocent person in the room- just maybe one or two to get the point across.


    Of course, having read this thread, I see now why he wasn't as enthusiastic as I was when I told him my plans to take Darth Baras' spot. LOL


    Don't worry about that last part too much, things change a fair bit in Chapter 3. =D

  7. LOL, what, Pierce doesn't have enough muscles to replace Quinn in your heart?


    Pierce has .... too many XD


    Besides I liked messing with Quinn in the class quests. *chuckle* Though my other half prefers Jaesa.

  8. I did find after having played through part of the story as a pure dark side character it was almost as rewarding but if you end up playing as lawful evil, especially as a character that looks out for the best interests of the Empire, you may not necessarily be a bootlicking kiss *** but you do tend to end up more gray than either light or dark. My character at 50 is sitting pretty much at neutral from the questing alone. I did find that if I ran instances I'd do another one and pick the opposite options to balance out the scale because I didn't want the slider to be influenced too much by the flashpoints.
  9. My suggestion, decide how you want to RP your warrior and turn off the alignment indicator. Base your decisions on how you want your warrior to respond and you'll end up with whatever story you want.


    I found it better than just farming dark or light points, and honestly some of the light options made no sense to me as to how they could possibly be better than the dark ones; the most obvious one being the kill or spare the General in the Black Talon flashpoint.


    That being said, I've played both a neutral-lightish warrior and a dark side warrior and the options for conversation during class cutscenes are very different, but they were both enjoyable. It was very amusing to see Jedi be confused about your light-leaning sith and diabolical in manipulating Jedi to kill the warrior's enemies for you.

  10. Hate? No hate here. I think for some it's a meta game decision, I know for my warrior, she took the option to force choke him to give an outlet for her frustration and moved on, admittedly, if that option still killed him I probably wouldn't have taken it,


    Some of the dialogue I found barely acknowledge where you were in the companion quests, especially if you had romanced him. For most it was likely that the female warrior may have already been married to him by that point and it really could have used more dialogue or another companion quest to perhaps resolve it. That and Baras makes NO MENTION of what happens with Quinn standing there on the ship during a holocall. It's almost as if the whole betrayal happened in a bubble or something.


    My issuses are more with the resolution of the incident or lack of, especially since I ran around everywhere with Quinn once I acquired him as a companion. There is oppurtunity for Quinn to redeem himself but it's like he doesn't get that chance or for the warrior and Quinn to have a conversation that alludes to the betrayl and you can either forgive him or not etc if you drag him around everywhere. Just my thought on that matter.

  11. I didn't realise at first, but I knew he was a liability, all you'd have to do was convince him an action was good for the Empire and you could get him to kill his own mother. However I found that fact so obvious I didn't even pay attention to it until I got spoilers.


    I completely understand that view though, his transfer to the ship does seem a bit incongruous, and I'd actually like to see more options in the game to refuse certain companions. but then that might unbalance the game.


    I heard that originally you could kill him off however so many idiots complained that 'WHAT? Killing him actually KILLS HIM???" that they took the option out. I think a lot of people would be happier if that option had just been kept in the game....


    Yeah, I'm really glad they took out the perma-death option out of the game, mostly because of how I ended up playing my FemWar. Though really, if the game gives you two light-side options to the one dark, I think the devs are trying to tell you something.


    I know, most people go 'Oh, but my love should conquer all!' but that's just not how it works.


    Except in SW, we already know this isn't necessarily true, given what happens in the prequels (shudder). I knew going into it he was going to do, and this was primarily due to the whole thing I had where I'd go and explore companions on youtube just to decide which class to play next.


    I still found him completely endearing though. definately ranks as one of my favourite companions so far, but I want resolution!

  12. So far the three that I've more or less completed: Quinn, Iresso and Jorgan - hmm.. all military boys.. figures. Though Iresso does seem kind of rushed since you get him at the end of Hoth and there isn't that much time in between conversations especially if you pump rep with present.


    Quinn and the FemWar need resolution of some sort given what happens but the entire lead into the romance was endearing, if you can stomach it, which some people can't. I found some of the stranger conversation options for the romance dialogue more intersting then the standard ones seen on youtube (yes, I watched those too). The non-flirty ones would often lead into a slightly different flirt option as well that and it gave me a slightly different take on their whole relationship.

  13. Why exactly?


    Probably the same reason a good portion of SW do: beacuse of the events that transpire later on in the storyline. If you've read the spoilers then you already know which event I'm referencing.


    Not that I'm saying I'd toss Quinn out an airlock myself but I'm finding that for the most part you either detest him or like him, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. I lean heavily towards the later group and find him a great companion to have for my neutral-light leaning pro-Empire SW, whereas my RL partner absolutely hates Quinn.

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