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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. (Moar Quinn here: )

    Ha! I know a lot of women who really enjoy the power trip there. For me, something he said early on tripped a switch in my head and from that moment on there was no way I was going to pull something before he said the word, or let anybody mess with him, or otherwise do anything but enjoy what he was willing to give. I have all this power now and I'm going to not-abuse the hell out of it. If I had a different background I could've read the whole dynamic differently, but there's really only one way it could've played for me.




    Edited it a bit for length but what the heck did the Quinn-ster say? You've piqued my curiosity....


    By the way.. I loved Hunter and the crazy dynamic my IA had with this particular character. Strangely enough, this was one story I managed to NOT youtube the entirety of, unlike that other class *coughSWcough*.

    I finished this last night and my mind is still blown.

  2. Agreed! He can be an idiot, but every time he surprises you with some nefarious plan it's just delicious. Jedi with a top-priority message to send? Foiled! General trying to flee the scene of his defeat? Caught!

    Player character trying to...hey, wait a minute! :mad:





    *gently pats bright_ephemera*


    It helps if you don't speed through the romance and finish it up before that "incident" you know..... It really does...

    That and dragging him all around Hoth after he whined so much about the cold. :D

  3. i demand nakeder vector! merely for the fact he won't take his clothes off ingame! My agent has to use all of her secret cipher skillz to pry them off some days :(

    add speedos to his killik buddies too, just for effect XD


    Jorgan has the same problem with clothing. Seriously though, the man is all fur under there.. who cares about what he's not wearing! :D


    But I could also use some more Quinn. :o

  4. I'm pretty sure she'd grab his bum when no one was looking, just to fluster him and make him blush.


    ahahahahah yes! yes! and Yes!

    I can picture the annoyed-aggrieved look he'd give her too...


    Ahhh.. you know.. I almost feel sorry for Quinn, almost....

  5. I hear you, and i'm with you.


    I'll never understand, why so many are screaming, for this games demise. If a game doesn't suit the player, the best thing is to move on, however that would seem to not be the case with SW:TOR.


    It's just...it's just sad, that those of us who are actually having a good time, are such a small minority...or so it would seem....


    We're just less vocal. People will post when they have something to complain about, it's the squeaky wheel syndrome. If you're happy with something, most often people don't speak up about it. They'll remain content and quiet because it's not like they need to validate their enjoyment or happiness with something.


    I'm enjoying this game still and I was playing it very heavily for about 3months since early access back mid-December, on account of an injury that kept me from working for those 3months. Now that we're almost into June, I'm still enjoying myself, though I'll take forays into other games, like ME3 when it came out and I should probably go put some more time into Diablo 3. Given the variety, it's been fun and its definitely keeping me entertained. which is what for me, a game is supposed to do.


    I remember the horror that was the WoW launch, and I seriously picked that game up because everyone else I know was going to, that and I had bought a brand new computer a couple of months prior to that. I'm happy to wait and enjoy what I haven't finished in ToR, namely playing 4 other class stories and hopefully by the time I'm finally done all that and all the bonus series and the like, new content will be out for me to enjoy.

  6. I don't know about best story though, it was definitely up there. I liked the SW one a lot too. I'm more than willing to replay both SW and IA, JC .. not so much same with Trooper and those are the 4 I've actually finished.


    And I just noticed that the ones I'll play again are both Imperial..... huh....

  7. Since I just finished this.. I'm going to head canon



    Hunter as the only person who really understood my male IA and now that she's dead... well he'll just spend the rest of his life never actually committing to anyone. This works really well considering that I haven't actually done finished any of the romance with either Kaliyo or Temple.



    Frakk, now I want to re-roll and do this whole story over again and record the cutscenes so I remember what the heck my character says. *sigh*

  8. I just died laughing.


    And am posting this posthumously.


    If Quinn is our paragon of gentlemanly behavior...why aren't we all dead by now?


    We're sooooo screwed if this is the case.


    I can't stop laughing at this, and my husband is giving me strange looks.

  9. Look, even though you're LS, you're still a Sith and you're still in the Empire, so you will still follow the Empires directives. The difference will be whether you kill your enemies or capture them, or execute your subordinates for failure or chastise them.


    That's it. Oh, and the occasional mocking of the Jedi.


    The mocking of the Jedi are sooooo worth it. That and the reactions you get when you don't kill someone for fun. They're always like.. "what?!"

  10. I have a trooper, she's done (finally) and the kitty is still scowlie... I'm sure she'll make it up to him later with all the cat jokes and what not flying aorund here. Get him a nice ball of string or something. :D


    I rolled male IA first and he's almost finished but I wanted to complete my companion quests first before I go for the final story quest. Unfortunately, I have a distinct lack of hard drive space for recording of conversations and the not-so-nice options so I have to them in batches. I didn't know that Vector has 20 of them ... That's more than even Quinn had. At some point I'll play on the female Agent I have on that other server of mine to experience the cringe-worthy moments of the Vector romance.


    But ... back on topic...


    I could see my SW making Quinn read out loud just to listen to him drone. :D

  11. he interupts his OWN fade to black


    roflmao ahhhh.. Poor poor Jorgan....




    Wasn't the whole lackofnookie syndrome the whole driving force behind most of the female SWs?

  12. but yeah..more interaction. i was rather happy with BH line, cause they actually adress your relationship with torian in your quest line, and you open up the proposal scene with a big hug befitting of 2 lovers greeting each other


    as for FTB.... there has yet to be a game that shows scenes as graphic as what my headcannon can fire >:3


    I'm fine with the FTB, it's the "daily" interactions that I think could use a bit more spice or atleast less "minimal safe distance" we seem to get. Ok.. I get it... Quinn's gotta hang behind the SW and all that for decorum (?) or atleast propriety but on the bridge when it's just the two of them or in a cantina.. come on!

  13. What kills me is that, with Quinn,

    we quite literally try to MURDER each other and still don't get any closer than five paces to do it. Everything is kept at a distance. Life-saving, love, homicide, all of it.


    Then again I picked the really distant-people romances in the form of Kaliyo and Quinn, so that could be part of my problem. Sounds like Torian or Iresso would have slightly more.


    The solution is clearly more snuggling all around.


    heh.. Quinn is trying to retain professional demeanour?


    No, I think most of them are very minimum safe distance romances.

  14. You just aren't playing an Empire Warrior right. LS choices aren't goody two shoes.


    Even the LS choices for the Empire typically weren't goody-two shoes, I found they were often more tactically sound or at the very least less raving homicidal maniac. Granted some of it I had to head canon a bit, for example:



    When you after Jaesa's parents on Alderaan, the LS choice is to not kill them but to send them to Dromund Kaas, where you could keep them as essentially hostages or have Baras torture them until Jaesa feels their torment. I ended up head canoning that as keeping them around to ensure good behaviour or surrender on her part, and that their continued existence was dependent on her actions.



    I did end up fairly neutral by the end of the class story mainly because some of those dark side choices made a lot of sense too.

  15. hmm... Iresso and female JC have this ONE scene in the story quest if you actually romance or marry him



    You basically pull him out of a downed escape pod that he's been trapped in and he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek like he's really really happy to see you.



    First scene I saw like that and went :eek:

  16. rorflmao


    Just occurred to me while reading about the overheated sandbox above....


    Jorgan and FemTrooper on Tatooine: could you see him playing in the sand, like a CAT? XD


    Speaking of cats, mine seems to be buggin me for attention now that the dog-visitor has left.

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