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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. It doesn't force you to fight him. That decision is seperate and comes later.


    That quest was kind of weird though. Killing her immediately gets darkside points, but gloating and then killing her a few seconds later despite TImnns' protests gets you none.


    Actually, there's a third option which if I recall correctly didn't change your alignment (my memory is a bit hazy) and that was to basically force Timmns to kill her for you, so he would take the dark side hit. I quite liked that one, it might have awards DS points but in this particular case it made sense.

  2. Black Widow? :cool: Come on, who didn't go see The Avengers?


    I loved that movie!


    But yeah, add me to the camp of female playing a male IA and mine's blue =D *swoon*

    Though I'll likely play a female IA later for Vector, can't really stand Kaliyo and Temple's voice has gotten on my nerves a bit.

  3. ^That! My thought was 'I can't have him as a companion- why?'


    My top-of-the-list villain is Zash. Excellent writing with her. After Zash: Nomen Karr, followed by Baras, then Skavak.


    No, wait, I take that back. Zash isn't at the top. Supreme Villain = Quinn :p


    Yes! He's definitely my favourite villain too.

  4. @JediElf


    I'm just waiting to watch Quinn crack under trying to reconcile his actions with his underlying character or reasons, if he even can. Is he loyal to his own needs and desires, that's a very good question considering the dialogue in one of the romance cutscenes, about how he's not going to "deny" or that he's not feeling conflicted.


    It's probably less interesting if you were playing male SW I suppose but equally annoying.


    That being said, if for my SW if *anyone* tries to touch her captain, she'll flay them alive. :mad:

  5. Did anybody else notice that Quinn always does the Cartoonishly Overdone Officer thing of saying "I've calculated blah blah percentage" of something that may or may not make any sense to numerically evaluate...


    ...but it always comes out to "near zero" or "peak"?


    Even while he's being painstakingly precise, he's all or nothing. Everything about him. Romance included.


    And ... this is why I love the guy...

  6. I just re-read the game script and realized I made a mistake... You could have Pierce or DS Jaesa KILL Quinn, then Pierce would recieve Quinn's rank by default. *facepalm*


    Still, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to change the dialogue to have either Pierce or Jaesa torture Quinn, then you would have the choice of demoting him. I still think that would be a fitting punishment for Quinn, for those who think he deserves it. (Also inserting a line that Quinn could be punished again even though you spare him, wouldn't hurt either.)


    Mind you, I probably wouldn't have taken those options mostly because I ended up with a LS Jaesa and I despise Pierce (go figure) but it would have been nice to have had those options. I'll happily admit that I only started a SW for Quinn and knew about the "incident" beforehand so it wasn't a surprise.


    @ OmegaMCG


    I suspect that part of the reason Quinn chooses to side with Baras is the fact that he owes Baras pretty much his entire career after Druckenwell. He even states that particular fact during the cutscene, Baras mentions that Quinn "owes him his career" at the onset of the Balmorra quest chain. Yes, Quinn has seen what Baras does to even loyal servants or tools, as that is likely what Sith view non-Sith, but in the end does it really matter to him? Probably not, given that Quinn as served Baras for years and owes him a great deal. Its been mentioned before either in this thread or one of the other ones that the "side action" Quinn gets from a female SW is low on the list of his priorities of serving the Empire and doing Baras' bidding.


    Now, I suppose if Baras was doing something that was harmful to the Empire it's possible that Quinn might turn on him but that's just speculation.

  7. I've read that in the beta, you had the option of telling the crew about Quinn's betrayal. I'm not quite sure why Bioware didn't leave that in... (Though it may have been tied in with the original option to kill him.)

    You also had the option of


    taking Quinn back to the ship and having Pierce or DS Jaesa torture him, as well as stripping Quinn of his Captain rank and giving it to Pierce; I'm sure Quinn would consider both actions as fates worse than death, anyways.


    ...I'm of the firm belief that they should've left these options in, even if they did have to remove the kill option. I'm sure there would've been less griping about Quinn being spared if he got beaten down and humiliated a little more...


    Wow, if I had known about from the beta (I didn't get very far on that one or two weekends that I had beta tested) I'd probably be griping more about this whole incident myself, though I must admit, I probably wouldn't have picked to do either of those options myself but it would have been NICE to have that choice.


    I really wished that there were more of the snarky remarks from Quinn, along the same vein as the one you get on Balmorra. It was this one great line and bit of character that more or less fell to the wayside after he joins your crew.

  8. I can't see that at all. I think they would start out tolerant and end up murderous.


    I really doubt that Quinn and Andy would even want to be in the same room as each other....

    Do we really see Captain Protocol hanging out with a pirate? Or would said Pirate be willing to put up with Captain Protocol?


    I can see Doc and Theran getting into a fair amount of trouble together though, unless they're too similar and turn into frenemies.

  9. I *think* that there are some gloves you can by on Ilum for Quinn that look alright, I do not recall if they were mod-able but I don't believe that they are. I do know that there are is wrist armor for that fits quite well on Ilum from just the regular vendor there.


    Honestly, I personally believe that he and Vector (for me atleast) are probably have the best basic human models, for the guys atleast. Jorgan belongs in his own category 'cause he's a grumpy kitty-cat.

  10. I quite enjoyed watching Jorgan and my femTrooper get together it was this slow transformation of Mr Grumpy-pants to a cuddly (sort of) but still grumpy-ish guy. Some of the lines were not the best but it was almost like watching two real people finally agree to something.


    The other one I quite liked was Quinn but..... there's other issues around that particular romance that isn't so well written... and I'll just leave it at that since there's so many threads out there about him.

  11. I was rewatching footage of the guild summit the other day and there is supposedly footage in the ever nebulous *somewhere* of Quinn dying, they just wouldn't show it.


    I sincerely do hope that there is some sort of resolution or punishment, (personally I just want more resolution or at least a chance for the scumbag to redeem himself since I missed that one scene) depending on your particular flavour that is either driven in the companion quests or even just a side-class quest that you have an option to complete. Something akin to the "optional" quests you get during your story mode in a few of the quests for the other classes.


    I found that some of the hate is just about the character himself and not necessarily directed at the writing on for that quest, granted I don't know how much my S.O. is going to react to the incident itself since he's currently leveling something that isn't a SW. I just hope I'm around to see how it plays out with Quinn for him since he already hates the guy.

  12. @Emphemera


    Yeah, I was really panicky myself over the ESC key during those scenes, just waiting for them to fade to black to mash it. I ended up doing a few vids of the unused responses just to see what they were like and spent the whole time panicking that I would miss the end point and be too late with the ESC. I'll double check to see what else I have on the external drive and upload those if you're interested.


    I also felt quite guilty with the aggressive flirting part way through it though but it was just sooooo much fun. Granted with the whole "incident" it almost makes the entire relationship especially if you



    choose to forgive him feel abusive but it's not entirely clear who the abuser would be, is it him for trying to kill you and you going back regardless or did you push him over the edge and he's just trying to find a way out of it. Though I keep going back to the thought of *why* those war droids, why not something easier like poisoning your food, or killing you while you slept. I'd assume that would be easier especially if he was sleeping with the SW. Certainly, there would be less risk up to a point and his chance of success might be higher.


  13. This has been an issue for people, so may I ask when you cut off the romance line? There are few if any chances to do so, as a rule.


    Was it the opening to Act 2 when he brings up that you once showed an interest, and you can say "Oh, that was nothing, don't worry about it"? 'Cause that sounded like a chance to hop off the train.


    No, that dialogue gets you more dialogue and you can as fas as I can tell continue on the romance arc with him there. I played A LOT with the first bunch of his dialogues on the test servers, I just didn't finish the whole class again so I don't have the rest of the variations.


    Here's a youtube link if you're curious.

  14. Actually, I'm still slightly boggled that the SW takes the Wacky Cultists' word too. Granted the whole conversation with Baras later about how



    you just wanting revenge and don't care either way about who "really" serves the Emperor, in one of the dialogue options makes a certain amount of sense.


  15. The female SW-Quinn romance for all its awkwardness and unresolved bits, was still the one I enjoyed the most. Doesn't hurt that I love just looking and listening to that set of pixels. Vector's getting interesting but ... I rolled a male IA.


    *happily hugs her Quinn* :o

  16. Oddly enough, I think my SW had her one night of fun with Pierce before her and Quinn hooked up. Ahhhh... the umm... first response to Pierce's question after the fade-to-black was hilarious. You know, the "I was expecting more" comment. :D


    I seriously still need something to I don't know.. vindicate Quinn though since I dragged him with me everywhere on Corellia and missed out on the scene where he comes out after saving that Darth Lord.

  17. If you take Pierce with you during the "incident" as I call it, he and Quinn get into a pissing contest which is funny as all hell to listen to.


    I saw that on youtube.. funny stuff...


    Sadly, or fortunately for Quinn, he and my marauder were the only ones on the ship at the time during the "incident." They do work great together though.

    Picture it: Quinn as the uptight dad, Pierce as the fun-loving 'uncle", Vette as the rebellious-probably-going-to-get-you-into-trouble big sister type, and Broonmark as the lovable family pet. Jaesa, I don't know.. depends on which alignment she is I suppose. LS Jaesa as the well meaning/doting aunti? DS as the crazy yet creepy annoying aunt?


    Whatchya think?

  18. He'd be one of those stereotype distant father figures I think... you know the ones with the newspaper up after dinner talking to his kids with that in between, atleast that's the impression of him I get right now. Granted this is all just conjecture seeing has how its unlikely we'll see that side of the story because really, that would be like playing The Sims or something.
  19. Vette, and you know Pierce would be teaching them foul language just to piss Quinn off.


    Mind you, I think Uncle Pierce would be awesome, but he would definitely corrupt the kids in any way that would irritate the good captain.


    You say that like it's a bad thing......

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