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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. Yep, I have noticed this. Now I myself have a very strong english accent. (basically if you listen to me speak I sounds as though I almost did the voiceover for the Imperial Agent.


    When I was RPing on Teamspeak (my character actually happens to be an imperial agent turned smuggler) everyone asked me to please speak instead of type, because the accent is so realistic.


    I don't complain the the Englsih are always the bad guys, cause we are the ones that have class!!


    Empire is the better system in my opinion, much more organized and get more done through that. However they are as you say authoritarian and slightly speciesist.


    heh.. I know what I'm guess are your guildmates mean. I had a friend who I used to run instances with in WoW, who would literally just keep up a running dialogue while we were grouped. *sigh* He was funny too but the accent helped make things more fun. I believe I told him to just keep talking and the friends who I had over thought for some reason I was listening to the radio. :D


    The accents are probably why I love playing the Imps, that and I just like them more anyways.

  2. my dog...would try and wedge herself between my bf and i for make out time...

    " durr hurr you two are having fun with whatever it is your doing,...so i want fun too!"

    bf's cat... wil try and walk all over us.... and meow....

    and then as for annoying pets watching...imagine the killiks


    I'm trying not to think about the hive mind there... it's creeping me out....


    Soo... back on topic...


    I can totally see Vector, Lokin and my IA going out to have a guys night out with the whole theatre-opera type thing. Mostly because I play my IA as an educated sort.


    Vette, LS Jaesa and my female SW might go shopping or something and if my SW is feeling especially mean, she'll drag Quinn along and turn him into a packhorse. :D He's not allowed to open his mouth to speak for any reason during said shopping trip.


    My JC and Iresso, for some reason I just see the two of them hunkering down and watching a holovid or something together, especially that one he mentions in his letter. Or I can also see her playing a strategy game with Tharan for more intellectual stimulation.

  3. My little tauntaun pet jumped up on the galaxy map during a ftb scene once. It was awkward.


    Yeah... pets are annoying that way.... It's like they're trying to get your attention at the most inopportune times. Needless to say, it doesn't usually end well when a pet is being annoying when my SW is getting it on.

  4. LOL, I think the exact same thing. That, and the captain's chair...


    Granted, on my SW's ship, it's only when Quinn's off duty... Man's gotta get a full work day in apparently... :D



    FemTrooper and Aric: I can see them finally hitting up that restaurant he mentions in one of his letters.

  5. Good to hear...


    How does that work with the romance option for multiple companions? If i'm married to to kaliyo can i be married to Ensign Temple also?


    I believe there is only ONE way to do that particular silliness and I think it will get overridden later by the later romance. You can't complete both of the romances with them there together, but don't worry there's a bit in Chapter3 where Kaliyo is off ship. I'd suggest checking the IA forums about this, I read about it somewhere. I just don't remember how it goes.


    For the case of the male SW with Vette and DS Jaesa, you'll have to choose one or the other. You can't have both, even though it's got some great lines about that. =D


    Male SW and IA, I believe are the only classes where there are 2 fully romanceable options, everyone else gets one with the possibility of a one night stand (mostly the girls). *sigh*

  6. Am I the only one who thinks that when you send all your other companions off on missions, you and your love interest are spending time alone on the ship together? (Or some cases, spending time together in every room of the ship... *cough*)


    No, no, you're not the only one... I think that Galaxy Map has seen a fair amount of "action" on my SW ship.... :D

  7. Wait... you CAN'T kill Quinn? I debated for a long time with my LS sith warrior whether to kill him or not because, LS or not, you can't have a traitor who tried to kill you hanging around your ship. Not with my wife-to-be on board, no way. I ended up keeping him because my SW was a goody-two-shoes but really, really couldn't wait until I re-rolled DS. Here's hoping they put it back in with a clear warning to all the ******* complainers.


    Killing companions is just about the most impactful, awesome thing you can do in RPGs. Remember Mission and Big Z? Hands down, the best dark side moment in Star Wars.


    Yeee-ah... you can't kill him... You can Force Choke him, he passes out and gets back up and there's a little speech moment but essentially Quinn is still alive. I suspect that even with the clear warning there are people who will still complain about it if they picked to kill a companion. It would have been nice to have that option, like many of us have said before but sometimes, just sometimes you have to pander to the lowest common denominator. That and I'm fairly certain that BW got tired of dealing with the CSR tickets from people begging to get their healer companion or other companion back.


    Oh man.. getting Big Z to kill Mission... BEST SCENE EVAR! :D

  8. You can unlock everyone by finishing their companion dialogue-quests. For each companion, you get +10 Presence. There's also another unlock and that's the +StatX and you only get that for 1 of each companion type. It's feasible to get 500 bonus presence if you unlock every single companion in the game and level a human to 50.
  9. Silly enough, I had the exact opposite problem as the OP. ;)


    My warrior started as a big fan of the Empire, you see. And IMO the Dark options for a warrior were often working against the Empire so you could engage in some tasty but pointless slaughter instead. Light Side usually seemed to be about saving lives, at least to me.


    I found a lot of the more tactically sound decisions to be light side, granted I found that out after selection seeing has how I turned off the alignment indicator. You saved lives but they in turn would spread panic, fear and news of what the Empire had done, which was nice and would probably work better long-term towards the goals of the Empire.

  10. Judging by Quinn's approval record, he really, really didn't.


    I played my Warrior a lot more restrained than most, it seems...


    Naw, I think I only force choked a total of 3 people in my entire game and usually that was after I had been a "nice" little Sithie. You know, that guy in the Quesh planet chain who insults just about everyone when they walk in the door.



    I'll admit, Quinn was in that very select group of people who were force choked but he just needed to be taught a quick lesson, and maybe someday my SW will put that whole nasty incident behind her. Maybe.



    EDIT: Quesh.. not quest... *facepalm* This is what happens when I multitask.

  11. @bright_ephemera


    He does complain about his former superiors, a la Moff Broysce.

    Ahhh.. but once you get that stick out of his *** it's all good. =D


    Plus he's an insensitive jerk in some sequences, and when you call him on it he's like "jah?! I was?" *faceplam*

  12. Didn't sound nasally to me, but then again, I <3 me some British accents and his makes me want to drool on myself and wish I truly were my Sith Warrior just during the sexy fun times. Because he makes me melt into a little quivering pile of goo.


    And I do like their looks. They make your companions sexy as all hell (cept Corso and Andronikos, they don't look sexy, cute-ish, but not sexy). But Corso is just all 'aw shucks, ma'am, and Andronikos is all 'my bed NOW, woman!' Then again, Doc makes me want to push my Jedi into her quarters, lock the door, have my wicked way with him and then high tail it out of there before she turns to the dark side just to force choke me. She can do it too, her auntie taught her!


    Granted , I probably prefer a slightly deeper voice but Quinn's is still delicious. There are some words or scenes when he speaks where it almost sounds like he's talking from his nose but those are rare. In all seriousness though, the conversation quest for the female SW called Technical Changes... *melts*

    For me, he's the best looking non-customized HUMAN male companion that I've encountered, after SW, SI, JC, Trooper, IA and (spectating) JK.


    Second sexiest is Vector for humans tied with Aric =D

  13. Well, the sad truth of it is... Quinn is a honeypot. (BTW, a honeypot is an enemy agent, usually female, sent in to seduce the hero; most popularly seen in Bond movies.)


    I'm almost certain Quinn was purposely designed to be irresistable to most (if not all) female players. (The funny part is, I don't think Quinn sees himself as such, but I'm almost positive Baras knew what would happen when he let Quinn join the female Sith Warrior...)


    But it was good honey... wasn't it? Yum!


    'sides he's got a good "average" realistic look to him, I honestly thought those stupid moles on his cheek would drive me nuts the first time I saw him but... then there was the dramatic villain entrance... hawt damn! I do like his voice, I just wish it was slightly less nasal but overall mmmmm


    Aric though.. he's got a nice voice. *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

  14. is there a video of the pierce fling where you tell him he stank in bed? XD


    I'm assuming you mean the Pierce conversation? Probably not, I haven't been able to find it and I didn't record it because it was completed before I got my recording program, just like MOST of my SW conversations with Quinn. The secondary options for "A Better Man" omg... sooooooo freaking awesome, I played that one over and over again by hitting escape till my husband came home one day.


    I'll keep looking for it and if by chance I happen to find it I'll link it for you.

  15. I dunno, I've had some pretty terrible somethings. :D


    I'm really going to enjoy verbally abusing Pierce this time around. *cough* And escaping out afterwards, of course. Politeness feels nice to play, but the awful things player characters can say are so, so marvelously awful.


    Awwwww..... Don't forget to abuse Quinn too while you're at it, wait... he'll probably enjoy it... *sigh*

  16. ...As for Pierce's little involvement, that reminds me of something I read on another thread that tickled me:



    I believe the male SW gets a full love triangle set of scenes if he romances both Jaesa and Vette. The female SW doesn't seem to quite get that issue, but I strongarmed Pierce into a one night stand and told him afterwards that I was a bit disappointed with it, and he said (snarkily) that he was sure he was better than Quinn.


    But how would he know???


    (Source: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?608532-SWTOR-The-romance-thread/page5)


    I would like to know too XD


    Heh, I suppose for my SW at that point it time, she hadn't been getting anything from Quinn soooooo.. technically speaking Pierce was better than Quinn at that point.


    Something > nothiing?

  17. @bright_ephemera


    Wow, a 8000/2000 split? You were way more light-leaning that I was. I ended with a 10000/9460 split for light. Granted she had Diplomacy and ran flashpoints multiple times, which probably padded the numbers a bit.




    The whole female SW and Quinn romance reminds me of a line from a movie in the 90s that seems applicable to this situation: "...Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love...does not conquer all."


    I mean, just because he may or may not love the female SW, doesn't mean he's not going to put his perceived duty ahead of his needs.

  18. Naaww, that's a shame :( I've read some hints that it can be patched up and maybe in future content they can reconcile it better. But it begs the question whether at the end of it all is it even a genuine romance like the other classes can get, guess I'll have to find out and judge for myself.


    Now that I think about it though, female warriors get shafted compared to males lol.



    Male companion interactions seem more 'fun', I mean they get two women fighting over them where as females get one companion you can only have a fling with and the other betrays you, yaay. I think I'm glad I like Quinn rather than not no matter what happens, otherwise I'd hate to see him standing there at the front of my ship still.


    Don't forget, you can control the "flow" of the companion conversations, if you want a certain conversation to happen after the "incident" just don't start it until after you do that part of the class quest.


    And yes, female SW got shafted, but keep in mind that Pierce is just side nookie and it feels like it happens in a vacuum, no one makes mention of it ever.

  19. Ahhh but that's what I love bout Quinn. He probably won't apologize, and in a way, that makes him a bit more real.


    Besides, think about this, if you were in his position, how could you begin, to say that you were 'sorry' enough? What would he say? How could he say it?


    To me, an apology would almost seem weak, especially after what he had tried to do. What's done, is done, he knows it, as do I.




    It's so weird, because my Sith is a butcher, and very nearly mad, but in that one instance.


    I got one hundred, light side points. O_O


    hmm... hadn't thought of that point about the apology, I'll settle for something else then.. reaffirmation of "luv"? I'll take an "I was an idiot, my lord" too.... hmmmm...


    Except with poor Kanpeki, they don't know that mostly because I missed that one scene, so technically Quinn's still in the doghouse over that "teensy" mistake he made.

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