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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. Can't seem to stop laughing about this :D and Quinn after Mom SW's return-


    "They were tediously misbehaved, my Lord. I sent them to their quarters to await maternal disciplinary measures."


    Nah, somehow I doubt that last bit given Captain "Discipline, Efficiency and the Chain of Command" would likely have taught the rugrats to be more well behaved than that but.. kids will be kids, especially since with Vette around you're bound to have someone showing those kiddies how to misbehave. :D

  2. This is what I have been assuming. Why do you think he held out for so long? He did the honorable thing for a while in staying separate. He even did what I think is the one decent thing he ever did just for the two of us...he tried to leave. And couldn't.


    And to think that that reversal was the happiest moment of my SW campaign.


    So he gave in. He let himself take his side action. But he was always ready to carry out his mission.




    I kind of assumed it was my ravishing good looks, obvious attraction, unstoppable effectiveness, and unswerving devotion to the Empire. I genuinely forgot that he would've made that same spiel to a sarcastic senselessly cruel brute.


    Yeah, I tried to forget that he'd be interested in the cruel brutish SW as well, considering I've played all my Imperials neutral/light because of their unswerving loyalty to the Empire. Helps that I have a teddy named Palpatine and another named Thrawn. :o


    Seriously though that's how I ended up when I turned off the alignment indicator and just went with what I thought would best serve the Empire in turns of decision making. I'd be a bit snarky every once in a while, like that time on Quesh when that major insulted me, he *needed* to be taught a lesson. Surprisingly, it didn't matter to Quinn that I did that.


    He was Baras' tool, and now that that bastard is dead, I sincerely hope Quinn is my tool or else that jerk is going to have to sleep on the couch from now on.... :mad:

  3. He's not pushing...he's just indirectly dropping "Maybe our children someday"...and he happens to have a strictly hypothetical plan laid out...it's nothing, though, completely your call, my lord...and next thing you know he yanks the birth control. :eek:


    I think you're reading too much into his ummm... desire for offspring... :rolleyes:


    Just imagine though.. "here kids, stay with daddy on the ship... mommy has to go beat some skulls in ok, behave and you kiddies can torture the prisoners later" ;)


    Ok.. maybe not.. but then my warrior was more neutral, and stupid protective of her crew, especially Quinn.

  4. I do think that Baras mentioned on Dromund Kaas that he would have been able to use the force to get a name out of that poor republic guy, but the Jedi used the force to strengthen his mind. So, this would support the theory that Darth Baras could possibly use some kind of force mind control on Quinn, especially since Quinn was working for Baras for years before he joined the SW.


    How much direct contact would Quinn have had with Baras over the last decade, given that Quinn had been essentially exiled to Balmorra, possibly at the beginning of that decade. Unless of course Baras did his whole mind-warp thing on Quinn at the very beginning.

    The problem, I find with that is depending on the mind-control or what Baras may or may not have done to Quinn, it could potentially have caused damage to the man's mind possibly making him less useful. Much as I hate to believe it, I'd rather think that Quinn's overwhelming sense of debt to Baras caused him to do what he did, considering the tone of the conversation a male warrior has with him. Either that, or Baras is holding something dark and terrible over Quinn and using it to his advantage, or .. he was always Baras' creature to begin with and that the romance he had wit the SW is just essentially a side benefit for him before he stabs her in the back.


    Must admit, I hate that last line of thinking but really, its the one that makes the most sense in my mind seeing has how he could have been posted *anywhere* he wanted, why your ship? There had to be an ulterior motive behind it and what did he and Baras discuss while you weren't around? Soooo many questions.... I crave answers!

  5. That.. Sounds.. Amazing...

    There's also a (3) where before you're given the choice about the Eradicators, you can say that your allies are listening in to your conversation, and that it is being recorded. Jadus then accepts that he will never be able to return to the council and simply leaves without a fight. Even Watcher 2 has a "W..t...f..." moment.


    In the long term, (1), (2.1) and (3) lead to the same thing. Jadus never really returns to the story. You keep going as the normal Cipher Agent, although you probably have stronger ties with Watcher 2 and Keeper because of it. And let's be honest, you outsmarted/outgunned the man 2nd to the Emperor (and saved half the Empire's population).


    That 3rd option was the one I wanted to pick the first time I played through that scene, except I ended up taking the "safe" route. Seriously, should have went with my gut on that one. Oh well.. there's always IA number2.

  6. The interesting thing is, if we go with this conjecture,

    Quinn likely can't just up and say "I'm being coerced." It would humorous in a truly cruel way to make him step through the strained reasoning that his own honor and virtue demands this. Not dissimilar to what DS warriors can force their own victims to live with.


    Now try to imagine his codeword, something he would never hear in normal conversation: "Thank you, Quinn, that was very kind of you"? "Wow, you sure can dance"? "I think you could stand to be a little more respectful"?



    Not to make Malavai sound as creepy as humanly possible or anything. I thought it odd that he wanted kids, but you know, the man might simply have some traditional family leanings hidden in all that traditional determined warpath stuff.


    Granted I hadn't given the whole mind controlled Quinn all that much thought and was just throwing out a random idea that popped into my head. Given the dialogue, that I remember either playing through or watching on youtube, it really does seem like he's going ahead with it of his own relatively free will. Hopefully, BW will explore this further in the next chapter.


    As to the whole kids thing, I remember very early on, while you're still on Korriban, there's a few quests/missions that have you go on about your warrior's bloodline, and in the SI story well


    your stupid ghost ancestor gets all in your face about how he screwed up and you need to work to restore the family to greatness or some such, I'm a little hazy on these details, it was a few months back.


    With those two cases it would stand to reason the "family" or atleast ensuring that the bloodline lives on in some for is important to the average Imperial and Quinn doesn't seem to be *just* your average Imp so his whole wanting kids thing makes sense. I didn't get the sense that he was pushing really hard for it in the conversation, he kind of left it up to your warrior to make that decision. Personally, it was more along the veins that he wanted YOU to know he was ready for kids if YOU wanted.


    *shrug* Just my take on the topic starter.

  7. This thread has taken a turn for the really weird.... From kids to mind-control.

    *curls into a ball in a corner twitching*


    Though back on the whole mind control segway, if Quinn had been mind controlled wouldn't that make


    his whole speech during the betrayal moot?



    Just a thought there.


    Now back on topic... Yeah.. genius Force users? I'd think the Empire would be down for that, a whole need breed of Sith. Look out Republic!

  8. You sure about that? Unlike the Agent, Quinn hasn't turned it off. So it means that at any time, someone just has to look up Quinn in the intelligence archives, and can set him on you again, anywhere, any time.


    That's turned my paranoia up a notch.


    Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu! *curls up protectively around her Quinn* "I'll kill you... *hisses*"


    Actually, now that I think about it, that can go so very very wrong for the SW. hmm.. Need something new to make that whole scenario work better for them...

  9. As am I bright_ephemera! That is brilliant, and it makes a ton of sense.


    Also another good point Jenovan! It kind of makes you wonder how many elements from each class story is woven together, in one way or another.


    Oh I'd also like to add my own little addition, because all of this really got me thinking.


    Now why would Darth Baras help out this young man, out of the hundreds of others, or other people that he has recruited, into his network of spies. Remember he owes Baras for most, if not all, of his early career.


    It got me thinking about genetics...and....


    This is Darth Baras (pre-mask) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514003532/starwars/images/2/24/Sith_Lord_Baras.jpg


    ...and Quinn



    I know...I know it's a big stretch but.....what if it was possible.


    He could still be in the eugenics program, still be a failure from it, but perhaps this particular failure is very personal, to a certain Sith Lord.


    My tinfoil hat looks like R2-D2. ;)


    You just gave me nightmares.... Well actually you just gave me SW who's married to Quinn nightmares....

  10. Nope, you're stuck with the helmets *sigh* I did hang onto that microphone-headpiece head slot item though =D


    It does gimp Quinn for stats as IIRC you get that piece as a quest reward on Tatooine at point, I just don't remember if it was the bonus series or the regular part of Tatooine.

  11. I doubt the game will be allowed to enslave new npcs, unless they already came that way like Vette did, if only for the amount of backlash BW would get for allowing something like that. They got enough crap for having the slave Vette as it was.


    The "look" of the slave collar is cool, too bad it doesn't do anything, like actually let you shock people *shrug*

  12. I have actually been more disappointed with the lack of [flirt] options for female warriors. It seems like we don't get many chances to flirt with like quest npcs compared to other classes. I like Quinn though, his voice is dreamy.


    Someone mentioned farming hammer station for a chest piece that was modable that looked like his original uniform. I would love to find him something like that, he's way sexier in uniform. If anyone could link that or any modable imperial uniform type gear he can wear id be very appreciative!


    Either that or you can camp the Galactic Trade Market for the RD-03A recon jacket and pant combo, either on the Republic side or the Imperial side. If you do get it on the Republic side, I know it looks different, don't worry once you send it over it looks like the purple-ish uniform jacket and white pant combo you can get from Hammer Station. There's a couple other combinations you can get one is a TH-seomthing Medic jacket which is more green with a red trim I think, I haven't found the pants that match that yet so....


    Yes.... I spend waaaaay too much time looking for things to make my companions and characters looking just "right". But yes Quinn does look waaaaay better in an uniform top doesn't matter what colour it is so long as it's an uniform top of some sort. :o


    *cuddles up next to Quinn and hisses like a cat at passerbys*

  13. lol, my care package was a bunch of gifts and creds

    " Don't know where you are, but it's a tough galaxy out there, and you will need to make good allies to survive. "


    lol i always tell people on my smuggler that if they need help on imp grounds, look for her mom ( just please...don;t tell her she managed to get herself stranded in pub territory, and now has to do a bunch of errands for them, i>.> )




    You guys are too funny but its freaking ADORABLE that you do this. I'm tempted to start this but probably after my IA is max level since his daughter will be the Knight (Chiss).

  14. You realized this and still forgave him? :eek:

    You sure you're a Sith? :p


    Heh... I know my warrior didn't forgive him... she's still mad at him.. and didn't she married him until



    AFTER Baras was dead. For her at this point in time, she still doesn't trust him out of her sight.


  15. Oh Catboy er... Jorgan... <3


    Heck, he's great even if you play a healer. I honestly think he's the only companion that I've run with on my FemTrooper.


    Worst companion though, I'd have to say is Ashara for a female neutral SI. She makes no real sense to me. I understand that she's there to provide a foil or atleast a light sided companion for a LS sith but.. ugh...

  16. So far male Agent has been fun, I'm playing him as a "James Bond" type with some morals, but those are flexible to an extent, that and to see if he can score every single female he sees XD


    Too bad Watcher 2 shot him down cause he's a Chiss.

  17. Oh yeah, totally. If people knew that, everyone would come down on the emperor right away.


    But the fact is, the only people who know that are Lord Scourge and a handful of Jedi. Quinn and the Sith Warrior... don't.


    I'm going to have to hit up a second playthrough anyways of a SW and I'll probably try and frapps the conversation with the Voice this time, but I had a suspicion that you as the Wrath kind of find out what it is the Emperor is up too. I'm a little fuzzy as I was kind of powering through the first playthrough to hit the Transponder Vessel soooo....


    *hugs her non-infected skinned version of Quinn* MINE!


    Can you tell I wouldn't kill him either? :o

  18. I've played all of the SW story and about halfway through chapter 2 of the SI story and I honestly enjoyed the SW more, especially since I started the SI one first and dropped it to level a SW mostly because I was watching my husband play one and Quinn. :o


    What I found with the SW is that you start out as already a powerful student, and Baras even mentions when choosing between the SW and their rival (I forget his name) that even though you are equals at this moment, the SW has the potential to become even more powerful. Furthermore, the Wrath doesn't necessarily tell the Dark Council that their in charge and it always seemed to me that the Wrath was a separate sort of control-tool that the Emperor would have in case any of the Dark Council decided to get too uppity. Is Baras not powerful? I doubt it, since he became a member of the Dark Council, and it seems that the Council can collectively or singly put down any upstarts. These are the most powerful Sith Lords in the Empire which is why they get to rule as a group.


    With the SI, I found I was more involved in collecting stuff and ghosts, which is where I'm at, so I can't speak to how the rest of the story progresses though I have seen the ending where you beat on Thanaton. From what I remember of the class story and I'll admit it is a bit hazy, I felt the SI was always being treated as a child or belittled whereas with the SW the others characters you came into contact with either respected or feared you, and even though at first you start as a little more than a gopher, you're a gopher with a lot of power.


    Mind you I did play both my SW and SI as more light sided/ neutral leaning so I didn't have too much of the power hungry rawr! thing going for me. Just my take on the stories. I'll have to finish the SI once I'm done my IA though.

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