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Everything posted by Darka

  1. Corrupt and Awful? What happened? I do agree the banners are a little annoying, but I would like to see some other forms of guild presence on a planet if they are controlling it. I do not know what exactly
  2. We are a guild from SWG, still going on TOR but were on Chilastra
  3. I think it is hard to really sort out, we used to wander around in the past and see what was going on, but people were never really looking for a consistent fight, the people we caught were just passing through places Though, I have been tempted to set up RP patrols of certain areas and see what happens
  4. Love the name, looks like you guys have a good thing going!
  5. I remember when they promised it would be regularly updated! I would like to see some more items added,
  6. Hey Night Owls, Oceanics, 3rd Shift, Who is out there?
  7. My take for my Merc was he was more seen as an inspirational leader, a reputation as an elite fighter, witha few tricks up his sleeve, while the force focus of the story line can be tough at times, thats the way i tried to explain it
  8. Bioware handled the APAC stuff badly right from the start with the whole "Red Zoning" of countries, then announcing they were going to host servers in Australia months after launch when people would be unlikely to transfer, sure if they game was a success at launch this might have been different, but the area was clearly an after thought, TBH I cant even remember if they got around to launching the Aussie servers.
  9. Later this month Disney have their big con, we may get some more information around that time
  10. Very cool trailer. Good to see IA still kicking around
  11. Malgus was interesting, He was one the faces of TOR pre launch, I had wondered what the original plans for him were before they redesigned the game and content, While it is good to see him back, and watching him just faceroll through mobs, I do hope they have something epic planned with him,
  12. The thinking behind the limit is neither too small or too big, enough to make it feel like lots but not enough to buy it all at once, Sure more would be great, but given CM is one of the games big focuses, they dont want to make it too easy to buy lots
  13. One thing they could do to improve your class ship is allow for more customisation Allow players to decorate them like Strongholds However I have always felt the ships felt more like a location rather than a ship, if that makes sense
  14. Going back well before launch after the classes were confirmed one of the big ideas was how they would add more classes down the line, Firstly they had to met the standard Bioware wanted for them, EG an Iconic Character we could relate to them and still be able to be mirrored by the other side, so what we basically had idea wise was two things, making faction swapped versions of two existing classes, plus to more accurate mirrors So, Bounty Hunter would get a Republic version, and Imperials would get a Smuggler. This was also debated whether or not to allow a faction swap in their class stories so you could change faction. The other idea the community had was adding two classes The Imperial Commando, based around the Iconic Stormtroopers, the Empires elite but this time with much better aim! You would be a Tier 1 operator for the Empire, leading an Elite squad taking out high level Republic Targets The Republic Officer , based Around Leia, Political dealings, back stabbing and undercover work story wise, These two also act as better mirror classes than the current mirrors, as Commando/Trooper and Agent/Officer align much better than Trooper/Bounty Hunter etc But this was a time long ago, before the panic and drastic changes all set in
  15. We need a lightsaber salute, where the saber is raised in the air above the head on an angle.
  16. We need a chopper style swoop! We have lots of nice normal citizen looking mounts, lets get some bad *** swoops and ride! Low Rider style mounts, chopper style swoop bikes
  17. Dantooine is a "tide over" content, Its there to keep you going, its there to show the devs are working on the game, and there to keep you interested until the fresh content, Think of it as the entree before your main,
  18. Seems to be a common issue recently, I know a few have been vocal on Twitter about it
  19. I believe it is 2pm PST I dont know timezones well, but used https://savvytime.com/converter/cdt-to-pst
  20. Account or Legacy name would have been a good use, but I think we are at the stage where implementing something like that is unlikely to happen! While it would be good, i think anything relating to names will be done just like they did in the past.
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