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Everything posted by Lovia

  1. pre 1.2, there was a clear sustain issue with guarded healers in case you hadnt noticed there were games that no1 really died. First they took a bat on the healers, they overdid it a bit with the resource management for commandos and with the sage survivability, now they are taking a look on the tanks, they are switching their roles to more AoE oriented aproach, i assume 1.4 will be the normalization of all dps.
  2. You got some decent ideas there, but the trooper and bounty hunter concept is already done, it would be cooler to get new concepts in the game to play with, like a fully ranged tank using medium armor and cover along with a healer focused on short term/high cd buffs for their team.
  3. Lovia

    POLL - Tenacity

    Fix any and all issues? There is no objectives in that area, they need to revamp it or better yet leave it closed before we discuss systems for it.
  4. what else can you do on an open wound? brake the knife that created? stitches and band-aids is all you got.
  5. Play the game however you want, let others do the same, if a smuggler wants to run around with a sand people skirt a jawa hood and a slave girl top, let them, it means nothing for you. I for once would like the system to expand in all gears, trooper helm with smuggler furr coat and a a sage skirt should look awesome on a sentinel!
  6. Organized CC and exploiting the gaps in the defenders will win the attack, the team that can buy the most time and doesnt allow gaps to be exploited wins defence, sure you can argue how its best to create those gaps but more often than not its all of the above (AoE dmg, healing, tanking and so on)
  7. 1. Why is server merge/transfer not in the game at launch. They didnt anticipate that population would spike like that and thought that a guild system would be enough, thus they started developing the tools to fix the population issue too late. 2. Why have 90% of the pvp playerbase left the game. Random % are random, each player quit for a different reason, some had to get a job or found one some wanted to play diablo some HAD to unsub cause they couldnt kill their 5th companion a lot quit because other ppl quit. 3. We still have bugs from release. bugs are part of reality, there is no perfect code, even if they stopped development all together, bug fixes would create ripple effects of off themselves, why they didnt fix X or Y its about priorities, they may get to it eventually, they may not. 4. Lack of communication. ( this is droid X2-Y4) we have recieved your report/ Now its closed .... bye bye. They designed a subpar ticketing system, they seemed to improve it down the line but meh, those tools take time and resources to develop. 5. The game is freaking Static and boring.... Its a themepark, its supposed to be static. 6. All the hype about pvp ranked WZ and illum and PVP in basic is simply just a scam.... Open world pvp is a lie, it cant happen today, even if they create a server were 3000 ppl can fit in an area the size of the space station, the solution is dramaticly large warzones (80vs80) that winning/losing would have an effect on planets (bonus loot and xp there, Opening unique vendors and the occasional flashpoint) with a cool event if a faction gains galactic control. Its a rather simple design, pitty the only one that grasped it is making a game without factions -.- I personally have no idea whats the delay on ranked pre-season, all the answers are cryptic (we wanna do it right or something on those lines)
  8. Normal que isnt a place to compet, its a place to play, test builds, test items, test strategies and tactics. Ranked solo que is required for most ppl to actually be able to compet, it will be a couple of notches up from normal since it will be expected to not go in it without expertize or to test things. If ppl think they will be able to succeed at 8man premade, with randoms found on the fleet well a lot of groups will be thankfull for the rating groups they will provide. Running a competive premade will take a lot of work with a decent populated guild and it will be hard or clutcy to get a proper composition to work with, it will require voice coms, strategy and tactics preparation and other stuff. So even for ppl that are organized they will be able to participate in it only in limited windows however if they so choose to compet why should they be limited to these windows and not have a seperate que? Since we discuss it though i hope developers wont have any genius ideas to make solo que duo-able or anything, if they want that stuff into their game they should just create multiple seperate ques but i doupt they will get the population to run so many different pvp ques provided ppl will have the ability to que for certain warzones and stuff.
  9. they have said that cross realm will be their last resort and that they arent there yet. What that means is, its not in any form of development as we speak thus, even if they wanted to put it in it would be after 6 months or maybe even 9.
  10. cream of the crap. Not the game ppl want it to be, still better than anything else.
  11. Its a series of attributes, unlike a chain though its more about identifing your weaknesses and your strenghts and playing on them. A list for your satisfaction should include this and i guess some others: Hand eye coordination In depth understanding of class mechanics and understanding how to make his class perform at any given moment. A thorough understanding of his opponents critical abilities (what to avoid and how, and the tactical tools at enemies disposal) A good feel for your team. Situational awareness on team/enemy and objective positions and how certain players/classes change that dynamic. Communication skills (relaying and responding to critical information) so by braking it down, the largest factor, is playing to your strengh and not letting opponents play on your weaknesses (ranging from protecting the undergeared ppl on your team to avoiding unwanted 1v1s vs a class with an advantage over yours)
  12. The thing about huttball is you get only miss a few seconds of playing each time you die and then you are back in the match, unlike domination maps that you may be well stuck defending a node and get 1-2mins of action per 10-15m warzone. There is the quick win factor of huttball, the better team wins and wins fast and even if the teams are pretty balanced you end up with an awesome brawl and just very small brakes from deaths and a little travel time. I prefer it over voidstar due to the hazards and the fact that you dont get respawn screens upon endless respawn screens, but other than that, give me 100% battle time over lousy semi-afk defending of nodes, any day.
  13. it isnt if you see it through a single player perspective, but from a team perspective having both is better than 2x scoundrel/operative. Its not fair either that other ppl can just kill ppl while you are there watching their backs and keeping them up, but you seem to have accepted that you fit a certain role, the next step is accepting that you fit in a team even if some ppl seem to outshine you in some tasks.
  14. 2 organised ppl can burn a scoundrel/operative down to 30% even with tank support and if they dont screw up and fill the healers resolve before 30% they can stun him and get past the cc braker and kill him in 2-6 seconds at that point, allthough in a 2v2 situation it would be far easier to just dirsupt the pressure the healer and kill the tank.
  15. I will comment to the second part of your post about how armorings with sub-par stats are tied to the set bonuses. Although in its essence to move set bonus to a different modification would be a good idea, i think the core issues are set bonuses themselves, i dont like them, i think they have to go, they are a fossil from the era of diablo 2 (or older?) and add nothing to moderm mmos other than useless restrictions and imbalances between trees (core skills from 1 tree affected by a set while the core skill of another isnt) and between classes since set bonuses are harder to factor in. They can keep the bound-to-piece-type armorings and remove set bonuses, for the next set and balance the game accordingly. Since they will want to diferenciate between dps and healing gear for casters, they could instead make accuracy a core stat for all dps making it more important than other raw stats (mitigation penetration springs to mind) while healers will favor raw stats over the useless for the accuracy.
  16. I think you should have them all in an operation to give a complete feeling, gear checks, complex mechanics, puzzle encounters, encounters like the council in EV, long multi-phase encounters that have a mix of all opens with a complex phase, follows a puzzle and then a gear check for example i also really liked the trash encounter from bwl in wow, you had to progress through a series of rooms with respawning mobs and you had to stop the respawning to progress to a pretty easy boss.
  17. my tip is, drop scavenging take biochem, buy of the ah bioanalysis materials to power level it and enjoy using the reusable medpacks
  18. >Eliminate Tionese crystals<, really cool thought.
  19. there is a difference between a group of random ppl and a group matched together from random ppl based on their ratings, plus solo rated would offer a way for ppl that arent really social in game or have erratic play patterns to still be able to compete in it.
  20. no, sorry likely you have exhausted or already know off all the solo content of the game, however this game is designed with group content as the priority at max level, be it pvp or flashpoints or operations, hard-mode flash points may be just the think for you they take anywhere between an hour or two, you ought to try them.
  21. HM denova has a chance to drop grade 61 armorings, that wields research on RE along with materials and you can RE mods from blackhole and campaign gear.
  22. Pretty much that, give access to reusables to every1 except the rakata schematics, make exotech be research-able to reusable and those tradeable and the whole situation will solve itself.
  23. try asking on the pts forums.
  24. Lovia

    Dueling areas

    performance issues, havent u seen the fps spikes when ppl just throw random aoe? what i would prefer would be a nice seperate ship to fly to inside the fleet area, training or w/e ship, two floors top floor for dumies bottom floor for duels, with various different and spacious areas to duel in and a catwalk to observe from.
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