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Everything posted by Lovia

  1. there is no concievable way there wouldnt be qq in the forums, remove pvp and NPCs would be to OP or weak. Remove the class system and then skill x or skill y would be unbalanced make it a jump only arcade and some ppl would come and cry about something, thats the mentality of a lot of people.
  2. 2 or 4 man warzones, even with arena theme, would be extremely detrimental to swtor game play. I played wow arenas and grow to hate them, a deal of them was roflstomp, a deal of the was 30+ minute matches wating for a healer to go oom and a deal of them was just frustrating cc fest (not swtor frustrating but 1 gcd free every 15 seconds till the 4 mins it took the enemy to kill your teammate and that means 15skills done in all the warzone) Arenas would be detrimental to balance since you cant balance across a different set of numbers, eg since there is no mana healers would need to be pegged down so 1 dps can kill them even guarded and then they would be useless at every other bracket or the 2v2 matches would last for ever. Arena gameplay would do more bad than good since a lot of mechanics would need to change, revive timers and battle revive timers along with a good amount of cooldowns medpacks etc. And its the best case scenario for balance that a game only has one standard population in a given match, balance would need to be altered even if bigger matches were added, for example 16v16 or 24v24.
  3. Lovia

    Skilled players

    yeah, playing as a shadow/assassin (non-fotm or op or anything) in the low level bracket does idd make you understand balance properly. I am generally all for judging the ideas not the person but meh, not really worth it here.
  4. be extremely happy to have an additional fully moddable item, its an extreme boon. You can for example use the mods from the offhand drop to mod your mainhand. Every class pays the same commendations for mainhand as for offhand though.
  5. Well people cry about the damage of vanguards/powertechs also and their defensive cooldowns are nothing compared to what other classes have and about the damage-to-survivability ratio of shadows/assassins that is the highest in the game at the moment, even higher than that of marauder/sentinel. There is a chance for an outright nerf, there is a chance of them leaving all of them unchanged and buffing other classes or buffing the defence and healing component of expertise making the 4 or 6 second defence cooldowns less impactfull and adressing to the tears of healers.
  6. pvp tank shadow in pvp dps gear springs to mind.
  7. Well most likely they will have to cater to people that arent going to move out of aoe, will do nowhere near the dps they should and will not use interupts or whatever else their class role requires of them. And for the ppl that care for their game they will give some titles and access to some gear a few weeks earlier. I doupt they will nerf content unless in cases like Soa although i doupt they will add so much RNG in future fights, Instead they will make better gear more readily avaible, like black hole relics and rakata chest from Lost island, so 2-4 ppl can hard-carry the content. Denova though was better designed than EV/KP and is a step in good direction and we still havent seen nightmare. sadly i cant comment on rift as i havent played it.
  8. On class balance across factions, yeah there are issues but at some point they will be fixed hopefully. On the abilities that only affect NPCs i cant understand why people are suprised by this, most of your abilities have different factions depending on target, its also on par with the whole weak minded and force persuade idea. You may feel cheated that you cant use a pve perk in pvp but well its a pve perk, leave it at that. On the knockback idea, you may have noticed that all physics emanate only from the body of the caster, thats partly for balance and party due to programming issues, if you have a powertech/vanguard or a shadow/assassin and used their pull skills you will very fast notice how they can be extremely problematic and fail to do their job a lot of the time due to a wierd angled object however minor. Possible though the tech is there as evident by guardian force push, although its single targeted and with a very small range.
  9. what wow dude... Dungeon term is from Dungeons and Dragons. DnD terminology in a role-playing game is to be more than expected. Whats this deal with renaming something new every system? There are more terms used for the name of the pvp xp-bar than there are words for valor in the english language, not to mention that every game has to call its character abilities something else or the customization points. Stop beeing grammar nazis when there is no need for it.
  10. Shadow/assassin pvp tank spec deals the most damage have more survivability along with more utility than the other two. Guardian/juggernaut pvp tanks deal less damage than vanguard/powertech pvp tanks but their extreme battlefield mobility makes up for that.
  11. There is a suggestion forum, stop spamming the pvp forum pls. Pings can be nice and useless spam at the same time. i can live with or without them, so i guess i would prefer the resources to be pushed towards more needed features.
  12. they told you, your class is crap and you ragequited? i have had over a thousand wishes to get cancer just playing league of legends, not to discuss how half the globe has had sex with my mother or so dota players told me.... What can we say? its the internet, every1 is a big bad-*** behind a screen and a keyboard. You can shut the chat down if you dont see a possibility to communicate for victory over it, some would say choose your teammates but alas premades are up to 4 ppl in this game.
  13. Yes, you need the recruit gear, buy it and use it.
  14. Limit yourself as you like, its wrong to ask for others to limit themselves for your own pleasure. If some1 wants to wear a skirt and a trooper chest and a rebreather on their scoundrel, let them imho.
  15. in reality no one really wants a cross server, warzone que or lfg tool or gtn, we just want a huge server.
  16. Perks shouldnt be a credit sink since its a customization per character but instead it should be a skillpoint tree, where legacy level provides you with points and works as a gating mechanism for some of the perks.
  17. Autofacing doesnt work in general in pvp unless a certain number of conditions apply. For example casting or channeling a spell when initially were in LoS or in the frontal cone of the target wont stop because you went out of it and although it feels unrewarding for you that you did something with your positioning while the other guy just stood there and you still took the cast/damage etc in the face, the issue here runs deeper. While you may feel like that the other guy just stands there doing nothing and autofacing does everything for him, in reality he cant do anything at all, he cant chase around you or just wheel around to face you because that would cancel his action, so unless we get a system where you can move and cast (via castbar not just instants) at the same time where it would make sense since both players can move to reward the player that did and not the one that didnt we are stuck with 'autofacing while castbar is up'. There are other factors to this like cover that i wont go through, i hoped my example/analysis helped you.
  18. Lovia

    overpowered melee

    why are they supposed to be equal? they are supposed to bring a balanced amount of utility in a team versus team match, not be equal in every prespective or have an equal chance to walk out of a 1v1 situation which.
  19. i can live without the graphics/minigames but the rest sure i would love some extra developement schedule insight and some answers.
  20. if there were about 20 servers on europe (1 of each type for germ/france 3x for english) we would scarcely need x-realm, although it would be good even then, now we do trully need it.
  21. Although there is nothing wrong with this suggestion, you didnt really think through how huge an undertaking it would be, did you? Information out of a database that a server exports like the api key applications for eve or armory for wow are one thing, but trading in real time data with the server is really different and requires tons of effort to be expending to programming, planning QA etc, not to mention the numerous issues that could arise with server security. Crafting as it stands is accounts only for a little amount of the game and with a ton of really important issue currently on the plate like the urgent need for cross-realm, transfers and merges, i wouldnt dim it worth the resources as it stands and if the future is stuff like open world pvp and/or revamp to space combat i wouldnt really weight it against them. Although its a noble think to ask them to enrich the gaming experience aside for the numerous issues with these perk in reality it wouldnt enrich the game at all, it would be just slicing with 4-5 alts for easy money for most people and thus wouldnt really add anything.
  22. The earth is flat. Any ammount of ppl can be wrong or right, quanity doesnt mean anything in the premise of right/wrong.
  23. nop, agro isnt the indicator of the tank role, damage mitigation is. A good tank would stun a mob before taunting it and would let it go half way through a room to another person and then taunt so it walks instead of attacking.
  24. Legacy unlocks should be legacy wide, period. We wont farm dailies 24/7 to get some basic stuff just because the economical exploits created billions, you cant put out of the economy. Its ridiculous for it to be faster to farm endgame gear than alt unlocks.
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