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Everything posted by Lord_Itharius

  1. Same guy who gave Cataclysm a 10/10 from Eurogamer gave SWTOR an 8/10. Good times in metacriticland.
  2. GeForce 560 ti Phenom II x4 @ 3.4 ghz 8 gigs DDR3 RAM I get 20 fps in Warzones and operations, 8 to 15 fps in Imperial Fleet, 80 to 110 fps everywhere else. Bioware, acknowledge this problem and post a fix ETA in the next two weeks or I'm unsubbing :-(
  3. Months since closed beta. All of these issues have existed since closed beta. Reading comprehension is an important life skill, you know.
  4. Yes. /5char Manners? This is a video game, not a holiday party. They need to fix their product or I quit.
  5. You don't have the problem. For people who do have the problem, warzones run at 15 to 20 fps and there's as much as a 1 second input lag. THIS is unacceptable.
  6. I dunno about you guys, but I'm enjoying /waving on my speeder and reading baby names in the credits while I get 8 fps in Imperial Fleet.
  7. This split mirrors the divide between Republicans and Democrats in American politics. One side is just right.
  8. I would have rated this game 93/100 as well if I reviewed it at lvl 30. Also, old news is old. So really, we're all just going to hate on you.
  9. Patch didn't fix my fps issue in cities and warzones. If it isn't fixed by patch 1.03, I'm done with my sub.
  10. It may seem like a petty one-up, until you start raiding lol.
  11. I think all PvP weapons are purple. That's what distinguishes them from PvE lightsabers.
  12. lol class forums. All the juggernaut class forums consist of are baddies complaining that their class is broken because they can't one-shot people in PvP with no skill, or they can't hold aggro with questing gear from dps players in full epics. It has to be one of the most depressing places ever, next to the League of Legend forums.
  13. Yeah, only the shatter dot means anything in PvP, otherwise you just use Impale and Force Scream for the upfront damage. You aren't a lethality operative lol.
  14. Pro tip - PvP in this game ATM is all burst. It may change once people start getting expertise and you see more healers in PvP, then it will become more like WoW 5v5 with a focus on consistent damage, and Vengeance may pull ahead. But my Rage buddy almost always outdamages me (Vengeance), and we have the same amount of PvP gear. Of course, I have 20 fps and he is lag-free, so that helps.
  15. Sound advice. I can confirm that medkits award healer medal. Also, Rage seems to be the superior pvp spec because of the tremendous burst, but Vengeance can perform nearly on par with Rage if you have a pocket healer, and it can actually OUTperform Rage in situations in which you run around completely unabated, although these situations usually mean you're facerolling the enemy team anyway. But atm there's no dual spec, so many players can't afford to be Rage. I average 8 medals and 250k damage a game as vengeance though, so it's certainly doable.
  16. No, they can't. Stop lying, I've only seen anyone break the 450k dmg mark on one occasion, and it was a concealment operative in full PvP epics in a game in which the other team was entirely low level players, in a super long game of voidstar. I swear, these forums are 100x worse than the WoW forums.
  17. Congratulations, you identified the reason why Juggernauts can facestomp in PvP. Juggs are good in PvP exactly because they're very survivable while dishing out tons of burst damage. A concealment operative or sorcerer will NOT do as well as a rage or vengeance jugg in PvP with pocket heals because they can be easily focused due to their limited survivability. Juggs can't be easily focused, even as vengeance spec, due to high armor mitigation and cooldowns. I solo pvp-geared lvl 50 sorcs in my sleep. Haven't any of you guys played Arms Warriors in the latest WoW build? Juggernauts are virtually the same thing in regards to survivability, mobility, and burst, except they can also reduce other players' damage by taunting and have more utility. - lvl 50 jugg in full champion and columni. Btw, if you need additional e-peen evidence, I've gone Immortal with 28-0 in a game of alderaan, and this is with 20 fps and massive input lag, and without pocket heals (yay biochem).
  18. You aren't losing threat because of the class. You are losing threat because of a combination of a lack of experience combined with crappy gear. I can confirm as a fact that geared Juggernauts at lvl 50 are easily capable of holding threat and are fine tanks. I run with a BH buddy who is in all questing greens and I pull aggro off of him all the time, does that mean Powertech is underpowered? You seem to think Powertech is hopelessly overpowered.
  19. I did 3k damage per target with a shockwave-charged Smash at lvl 35 as Rage spec lol. You can get as high as 5k in full champion gear versus players with no expertise in PvP. It's because Smash goes up to 130% extra damage with garaunteed crit, armor pen, and added crit damage through the rage tree. It's still crap for PvE though because you can only do it twice every 45 seconds.
  20. The problem is you'll be horribly rage-starved. Immortal performs nice numbers when you're tanking.
  21. Like the vengeance spec with impale/shatter ;-) Don't do Rage for pve dps. In any fight longer than 15 seconds, Vengeance will outdps Rage by a wide margin. I saw this leveling up when I switched from rage to vengeance spec. The DPS gain I got on elite mobs was immediate and obvious. Also, contrary to what everyone is saying, you can put out crazy dps with vengeance from what I've seen. The main problem atm with vengeance besides the ravage/force chock bug is the lack of aggro reducing abilities, I will often pull aggro off of bad or undergeared tanks :-( <-- almost full champion and columni epics.
  22. I feel like I should have given Dragon Soul another month before switching to SWTOR lol. Maybe the bugs would be fixed by then :-/
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