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Everything posted by Lord_Itharius

  1. There's no grinding in this game, if you define grinding as killing monsters or doing repetitive quests or dailies for the sole purpose of leveling. There's always a questing path you can take that's interesting and story-driven. The only grindy part of questing are the bonus objectives, which you can very easily ignore and still level well. I have an imperial agent friend who snuck around and assassinated his targets all the way to lvl 50 for roleplay purposes, completely ignoring bonus objectives and superfluous quests, and he never fell behind in levels.
  2. I agree, the speeders need to be faster. Also, flying mounts CAN still be implemented on any NEW planets so long as the questing structure and datacrons account for the fact that players can fly. I see them designing a zone much like WoW Cataclysm's Vashj'ir with a zone-specific flying mount. TBH, that sort of creativity is something this game lacks in its present state.
  3. What super elite awesome guild do you belong to that refuses to recruit juggernauts because they're slightly underpowered? Last time I checked, guilds with class diversity progress faster because they don't have to throw away items.
  4. You will never use vicious slash as a vengeance Juggernaut.
  5. Shien form is for Rage spec, which is mostly pvp.
  6. Confirmed. Whenever I pick a dark side diplomacy mission, I lose my Light V and I have to do a flashpoint to get it back. This is especially annoying when you're doing diplomacy 340 skill mission discoveries and it only gives you a dark side option.
  7. I hit lvl 50 a few days after launch. I'm STILL waiting on most my guild :-(
  8. I don't understand all these people decrying PvP Juggernauts. Are they trying to pretend their class is underpowered to receive FOTM overbuffing? Because I play a vengeance juggernaut and I always score in the top 3 damage in warzones in games with multiple pvp-geared lvl 50s. I got pocket heals the other day and managed to go 58-3 KDR in a losing game of voidstar with 320k dmg and 12 medals. Juggs have great burst damage in PvP if you're not terrible at rage management (something you'd know how to do if you've ever played a WoW warrior). They have the best mobility in the game (charge and intercede), they have a spammable aoe snare, an aoe taunt that reduces all enemies' damage by 30% versus other players, an aoe cc, and many other utility abilities. They are almost invincible as dps spec with enough expertise. Seriously, I just think most people in these forums are < lvl 30. I really can't explain why else they would perceive Juggernaut as underpowered in PvP. Try running a ball in Huttball or defending a node in Voidstar with a pocket healer, you'll realize how powerful dps juggernaut can be. They fill the same sort of role as tanky dps in a game like Warhammer Online.
  9. It ruined WoW for people with low gear scores. Seriously, why care? If you're pugging, it allows you to gauge whether a person is geared enough for a particular operation/flashpoint without having to inspect them, assuming they're gearing themselves correctly. If you're raiding with a guild, it shouldn't matter anyway. I've played WoW since launch. Trust me when I say that gearscore isn't the thing that killed it. All a "gearscore" mod would do is add together armor item levels anyway, and pass it through a certain algorithm based on player AC/spec. Item lvl already exists in the game, and mod support is being added. So, sorry OP.
  10. Well, something is giving me 15 fps in warzones, and it isn't my specs.
  11. I'll be laughing when I think back to why exactly I bothered quitting WoW for this game if they don't fix the warzone lag issues, just like I did after going back to WoW when Aion and LOTRO turned out to be meh.
  12. I think that's just your own monitor's dead pixel. The little orange pixel is haunting just you, bro. I'd be scared if I were you.
  13. This. If you ran into my lvl 50 Juggernaut, I'd force charge you, pop chilling scream, and burst you down with 80% health left afterward. That is, if I had more than 15 fps at the time.
  14. I have the same problem with a Geforce 560 ti, 8 gigs DDR3 ram, and a Phenom II x4 @ 3.4 ghz. I'm almost tired of posting here fishing for a response, the best I got was a copy pasta GM response with no ETA or information other than "We're working on it." Well I can't freaking PLAY until you fix it, broskis, so get on it. Meanwhile, I'll be playing BF3 over there with my account renewal cancelled.
  15. Both PvP and PvE gear are so easy to get in this game that I don't understand why they have to harken back to the good ol' WoW resilience stat. They put resilience gear in the game in WoW because people argued that PvP gear should be for PvP, and PvE gear should be for PvE. But ALL gear in this game is accessible. Even nightmare modes are doable for many decent guilds just a couple of weeks into launch. So why even bother with expertise? Just let the free epics be free epics and be done with it, or bump up the difficulty of acquiring PvP gear so that it's on par with PvE gear.
  16. Reacquired mods are bop anyway. That guy must really like shoes lol.
  17. You get like 100k a day just from PvP and Heroic dailies and from credits off boss kills. I've been wiping my tail off and farming 200+ implants for a fleeting epic schematic, and I'm still breaking even without even doing Ilum dailies.
  18. You can modify your items at no penalty by ctrl+right clicking em. Mod Stations were originally the only way to mod items, but they changed it and left mod stations in for no reason.
  19. Yeah I'm pretty much done as well until they fix my FPS issues in warzones/operations and fix a lot of the HM bugs. Right now, the endgame is just grind. I like my grind to at least be polished. That's something they succeeded with from 1-49, but lvl 50 content is painfully unfinished. WoW endgame was good for the most part because it was never very buggy past vanilla. Bosses were only bugged in the first few days of a content patch, something that Blizzard would immediately fix after Paragon or some other top guild found a way to exploit a mechanic. They would also ban the people who exploited :-) Meanwhile, in SWTOR, almost EVERY boss at endgame is exploitable. I'm completely serious, go play HM False Emperor if you don't believe me. I hope this isn't a trend, Bioware. We're in 2012, not 2004/2005 - bugs were only excusable in vanilla WoW because it was so long ago.
  20. BH and Trooper storylines are Empire and Republic specific, respectively, and they're mirror classes. So this suggestion is impossible and unnecessary to fulfill. There is certainly the potential for new classes with new storylines, though. I'd like it if this game expanded sideways through new classes rather than forward through level cap increases, tbh.
  21. They'll be releasing a combat log soon, it's been confirmed. How would making combat log for player damage only reduce elitism? Personally, I want a combat log for two reasons - to gauge my own dps and how to improve it, and to see what killed me during an encounter. A lot of the time, people drop dead in this game's hard modes and nobody can figure out what caused it.
  22. Agreed. I wish Lucas would get off his huge pile of money and make another Star Wars trilogy. The SWTOR cutscenes make me totally ready to dish out $12 for another Star Wars flick, even if it's CGI or animated. Look how popular SW: The Clone Wars is!
  23. /agreed. Put content on hold after releasing next month's content patch and FIX YOUR GAME.
  24. Good list OP, too bad you didn't experience the MASSIVE FPS LOSS from warzones and imperial fleet that most of us are experiencing and that isn't being addressed :-(
  25. Also, people who got to lvl 50 already are more hardcore gamers, so they expect more endgame content. But I'm just mad about the FPS issues and gamebreaking bugs, the AMOUNT of content at this moment is fine. But I'm mad about the other issues to the point where I'm ready to unsub. I expect a game to work at launch. DICE also released BF3 unfinished, took them until Return to Karkand to patch the game to a wholly playable state. Seems like EA just forces its developers to release games unfinished. That's one of the reasons why Blizzard was such a good company before being absorbed by Activi$ion, then their games began to be buggy and unfinished (like the Cataclysm expansion, for example). From now on, I'll wait at least 3 months before buying any EA published title.
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