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Everything posted by Mhak

  1. "So this is why they called him Han Solo" Man I love the Zero Punctuation guy. Gratned his job is pretty much just to lampoon everything he plays but he does it so well.
  2. You're speaking under the pretenses that the sorc is going to not fight back while you try to interrupt them, while at the same time implying that successfully chain interrupting their spells is the only way to really kill them; you give no other alternative. Of course this is insane, any half decent sorc will be doing everything in their power to make this hard for you. And classes like mine without Purge don't even gain any advice on how to survive against them. You sort of tried to make it seem as though Operatives have a similar shielding mechanism, although sorc shields flatly absorb damage while Op HoTs just heal through the large damage an Op takes 100% of the time. Fallacious comparison. Ops are the squishiest of all healers by far. If it weren't for the fact that I'm a Pyrotech PT and already eat Sorcs for breakfast I might have been depressed after reading this. Not a very useful guide to be honest.
  3. OP all you're doing is creating even more Sages and Sorcs. People will roll these classes and never look back at their old class. Pretty sure you're just contributing the huge sorc/sage imbalance problem.
  4. The difference is noticeable in attitudes. Imps seems to have the "YAARRHHHGGGG DIE PUBES" attitude while Repubs seem to care more about their haircut and what they'll be wearing to the Chancellor's Ball. I'm fairly certain this attitude is also why Imps consistently win more in PvP. One side is out for blood, the other side is a bunch of 40 year olds treating the War Zone like a quest to be completed.
  5. When you explosive fuel, the adrenal that gets you the most band for your buck is the Rakata Surge Adrenal. In fact, if you're pyro and in full champ eliminator, surge adrenal is really always going to be your best bet because of the naturally high fire/RS crit chance you have. Popping Power adrenals I noticed my TDs and RSs critting in the low-mid 4ks, popping Surge Adrenals I've broken 5k with both skills. Add a power relic and it gets to mid-5ks. A Surge Adrenal + Power relic popped with Explosive Fuel has yielded silly results before with the TD > FB > RS combo. Those 3 moves are more than enough to kill people by themselves with all the listed things popped at once. 2k FB + 1k CGC, then a 5.5k TD + 5.5k RS + 1k CGC all hitting at once. Good night to nearly any fresh 50. In PvP gear they'll be at 10-20%.
  6. I love this argument so much. "My speed is the correct speed to enjoy this game at. Go any faster (god forbid people like a game so much they play a lot of it) and you're playing the game incorrectly." This argument is also a serious blow to Bioware, insinuating that the developers are so incompetent that they designed a game which excludes people who want to play a lot of it from having fun. Ahhh funny.
  7. This is the biggest deal breaker for me. When there's so much bad press you try to redact it all....bad sign, Bioware.
  8. Mhak

    Nerf Rage/Focus burst

    lol wut? I have a 27 'sin who's best crit was a buffed crit shock with crit chain shock doing about 1.2k damage together. 3k is laughable at level 15
  9. Appropriate, detailed, and accurate. Please sticky.
  10. Against Sorcs/SAges just remember - - Always plan as if their CC breaker will be up, meaning your 4-sec stun will just be another interrupt, and not a 4-sec stun. - Therefore, due to CD times, use Quell > Electro-Dart > Quell to interrupt spells - Grapple immediately after you get KBd - Do not bother interrupting Telekinetic Throw; if you damage them while they're casting it, it won't do full damage anyway. Interrupt their heals, Disturbance and Mind Crush. If fighting a healer, only interrupt their longer heal; their shorter one doesn't heal enough to cover your DPS, and their channeled heal is on a CD and won't heal for the full amount if you DPS them while they're casting it. Their long-cast heal can easily crit for a third of their HP though, that's not acceptable. - For maximum burst use the combo TD > FB > RS. Extremely handy to time when they're at less than half health and your interrupt is not on CD, almost a sure way to end the fight. I'm 620 expertise in full champ gear and have never lost a duel to battlemaster sorcs/sages, all things being equal. Rather epic time I had beating a BM Sage 4 times in a row in 1v1s in an Alderaan as most of the rest of both sides watched (we were winning by a large margin and the game was minutes till ending, it was just for epeen). Last of the 4 duels she even grabbed a red PvP buff, still lost. Just have to know how to shut them down, and a Pyro has the tools to do it.
  11. Graphics/Sound - 9/10 Interface - 5/10 Levels 1-49 PvE - 9/10 Level 50 endgame PvE - 5/10 PvP - 3/10 Total - 31/50. 62%, grade D-. Endgame content and PvP really brings the whole score down. It's just plain lacking. Little content, very grindy, very unoriginal. Easily able to get the best of everything within a few weeks of being max level. Everything before level 50? Absolutely fantastic. Needs work. Betting it will get the improvements it needs, but rating the game as it is *now*, not as it *will be*, it gets a 31/50.
  12. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    There were no Sith in the franchise looking as badarse as they do in the game. Again, developer content. And we're just going in circles. You refuse to acknowledge that developers created this game and heavily influenced the content, insisting that players are reacting to franchise creations which is just plain wrong. I'd say the only person you're fooling is yourself, but I'm pretty sure you know you're wrong too and just don't have what it takes to just admit you're going in circles with dead logic. Keep thinking you're right dude. W/e
  13. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    They disprove your statement that most people go Empire because of Sith? And even if that *were* the case, it's still the game dev's fault for making the Sith in the game to be more badazz than Jedi? You're wrong no matter how you want to interpret this. I'm drunk and can do this all night, please continue.
  14. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    That's not true. There are Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters on the Empire side (I'm a Bounty Hunter) in addition to Sith. BHs are the second-to-most-played class. You're still wrong. Keep trying?
  15. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    I never saw a single Bounty Hunter use Death From Above in the franchise. I never saw a single Jedi use Disturbance in the franchise. I never saw a single Sith Assassin or Jedi Sage in look as huge and decked out as they do in BM gear in the game in any part of the franchise. These are game-designer creations, and the game devs created the vast majority of the flair like skills and armor in this game by themselves. You saying the players deserve to be punished by reacting to developer choices is just fallacious logic on multiple levels. You don't seem to be the kind of person capable of admitting that so there's no point in continuing this, but that's all there is too it. Players react to developer content. That will always, always, *always* be the developer's fault, either way. Period.
  16. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    Designers = designers. Game or franchise, players react to designer choices. The game devs had near complete control on how to create this game. There is a ton of new, innovative, original content in this game, especially things like skills and armor. It is not the players fault for reacting the developer's choices in creating this game. You are just completely wrong sir, I'm sorry.
  17. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    You just admitted the problem is a designer flaw in your post. One side is cooler than the other. Guess what that will promote? Unbalanced factions. Guess who's promoting it? The designers for making one side cooler than the other.
  18. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    No, its not. That analogy makes no sense at all. People order an Imperial sandwich and still like the Imperial sandwich. The problem is being penalized for choosing that sandwich. You have no idea how to create appropriate analogies. The problem is with the 2 factions, not with the people who choose them. You are not superior just because you chose Republic, I'm sorry.
  19. Mhak

    Dear Bioware

    "You chose the wrong faction to have fun while PvPing in this game. You can only have fun if you play a different faction." How is that OP's problem, exactly? Sounds like a terrible design/imbalance (see: developer) problem. Player choice should never be a problem. If it is, that means the game has a serious flaw.
  20. All I know is that as a 50 PT with 620 expertise, Assassins and Shadows of any spec are my least feared AC to fight of all ACs. Granted as a Pyrotech PT 1v1s are nearly always in my favor, but it's still easy to assign a threat level to classes. 'Sins and Shadows are one step above "ignore entirely, maybe taunt them if they're attacking a team mate or something." Nerfing them seems interesting given that fact. I'd say they need buffs across the board. And yes, I've seen great sins and shadows. Yes, the class can be played effectively, like every class can with a skilled person at the wheel. But on the whole it's easily one of the weakest classes imho. Nerfs make no sense.
  21. OP implies that a person with better skill should not be able to beat a person with more time played which earned him better gear. OP is wrong. /thread
  22. Open-ended (does not ever end/reset), dynamic PvP zone with controllable areas/structures/artifacts/whatever that give bonuses to the controlling faction. Illum is such a completely broken attempt at a dynamic PvP zone that someone needs to get fired, no exaggeration, shameful beyond words. Easily balanced despite population imbalance - give the underdog team X amount of champion or boss NPCs to fight for their side in proportion to however many less players they have. Have these NPCs aide in the defense of underdog-controlled areas, and create a feature where the underdogs can call them in as reinforcements when attacking an overpopulated area. Have these NPCs have no threat, just make them very powerful and attack random enemy players, and give them a plethora of player-abilities and come in difference classes (ie Jedi DPS NPCs, Bounty Hunter NPCs who heal, ect ect for every class/spec combo). Make them more powerful than an actual player would be to compensate for AI being naturally somewhat inferior. This can be fine-tuned to be fair, any Bioware dev saying "But that would be haarrrddd" should get FIRED. Hard work only ever = better product. A dynamic system where players can affect real change for their faction is the most profound way to get players to want to log in every day despite having the best of everything. If you're going to make it easily possible to have a full set of champion and rakata gear after less than a month of being at level cap, you desperately need some system to keep players logging in that doesn't involve a carrot on a stick. No the system doesn't have to be exactly like I described, there's a billion ways to do this. But the overall theme of "Dynamic system; players can individually contribute and have that contribution matter; benefits (that aren't gear) for contribution" are all the same.
  23. I agree with this review 100%. Before I earned my 620 expertise and a full set of Rakata gear from Operations, I might have disagreed with a few points here. That's probably a big clue as to why some people here disagree. Give them some time to experience what other people have experienced and they'll change their tune, just like everybody else. The Fanboi Bug can only survive so much.
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