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Everything posted by LordChucks

  1. Unless the planet has an elevator anywhere on it. Every time I hit an elevator, and my character sits there while it fades to black, then I wait while it fades back in and I am in a totally different location (and a totally different map is now present), that does not feel very seamless.
  2. I had a similar train of thought at first, especially as a Bounty Hunter, but after awhile it seemed like every Imperial quest became killing the rebel scum, poisoning the locals, exterminating something, enslaving escapees, etc etc. The Sith Empire here is pretty blatantly evil. Which is a shame really, because as the lore/story/website tried to explain that many of it's citizens were just born into an overly harsh/strict society and not necessarily evil. I would have loved it if the Sith Empire was presented as a little more prone to military or combative resolution to problems, a little more "ruthless" for lack of a better word, without being quite so mustache-twirling, dog-kicking, downright evil. In that regard, I think Malgus is one of the best questgiver NPCs in the game (as it comes to his flashpoint briefings). Never is he petty/evil, but frequently our orders are quite harsh.
  3. Thinking about it, I would find it much less annoying if the elevators we walked into on the stations actually worked. If they actually just closed behind us and sped up/down for 3 or 4 seconds. It might be the same amount of time wasted as the current load screen takes, but the perception of it would be that I actually spent time IN the elevator as it moved. Right now the constant fade-to-blacks makes the elevators seem more like teleporters than anything else. Until just the other day when I decided to look up/down in the elevator before and after leaving my docking tube I never even knew if these elevators were taking me up or down. It is amazing that when you get to places like Cademimu and actually take elevators that physically move up/down how much larger it makes the maps feel. Again, the current elevators just feel like teleport pads
  4. Coruscant kind of does it right. On the one hand their spaceport is oppresively large to run through, but it is nice that the class-restricted halls that lead to our ships are not elevators (we can walk right to them, kind of like we do on the docking ring of the fleet hubs). Really wish more of the spaceports did that, especially the orbital stations (ridiculous that we take an elevator to an empty 50ft hall just to wait for another load screen, the very small number of cutscenes that happen there could just as easily have happened in a single corridor that led to the station with no elevator). Similarly, it would be nice if, when flyign to a planet that has an orbital station transition point, we were given the option when disembarking our own ship to either go to the station or transition right to a surface shuttle (unless a quest required us to go to the station first, then just temporarily disable the straight-to-shuttle option).
  5. All the better, have the cycles last for different lengths and run at different times on different planets. If I leave one planet at night it would see much more "alien" for the next planet to be day, or dusk, or anything else randomly. Going from night to night to night on each planet at the same time is almost as stale as the current setup of never-changing timeframes. Currently the planets feel more like "levels" in a singleplayer game, looking exactly the same each time you return there. Day/night, and weather effects too, would go a long way to helping the atmosphere. As for how we all still use the same time units, just say that all ingame clocks run at Coruscant Standard Time and use a unified galactic calendar regardless of local planetary cycles. Pretty much how they explain it in the books. Like others, I recall how it was explained that for atmospheric/story purposes they chose specific times of day, and I find that reaosn lacking. Having played up through Voss so far (as a JK, SW, BH, and Trooper) I have never encountered any scene which was make/break because of the time of day and atmosphere. Perhaps the closest I can think of was once on Tattooine for my JK when he fought a lone enemy on a cliffside peninsula, but sacrificing the liveliness and visual diversity of actual cycles for that single scene was waaaaaay too heavy a price to pay. And it would have been a fascinating scene at night too now that I think about it. Maybe the other classes have some exceptional scenes, but I am yet to be convinced it was the right decision to make.
  6. The linking of all bind points on a planet as potential shuttle-points was a huge help, and once you are familair with where the fleet-shuttles are located (which are supposed to be for flashpoints, but come on we all just use them to return to the fleet) were another big help. But just skipping the middle man and giving us a "Return to Fleet" option button in the corner when we use our 30-minute shuttle would be another huge step forward. I do not have much of an issue with it taking time to get way out in the middle of nowhere, as that is usually at the beginning of my play session. The irritation is far greater when, as I decide to log, it then takes a bunch of load screens and waypoints to get back to the fleet and do my last training/selling/etc for the day.
  7. 7 +1 if it had a better control room +1 if it had better folding wings +1 if it had a better color scheme If it had the three of those I cannot think of many other ways it could be better. Maybe a different shipboard droid, but all Republic ships suffer from him. The Imperial droid is so much less irritating.
  8. THe orange gear is here to stay, but I too am dissatisfied with how limited it is regarding options available. I think all gear in game should be reverse engineerable (by it's respective crafting profession), and any time you RE anything one you get a chance to learn the recipe for it's orange version. The limited, random patterns given by some of the mission tradeskills as it now stands feels very insufficient.
  9. The problem with their tab targetting is that as soon as you cast an ability against your currently tabbed target, the next time you press tab it starts over from the closest target again. Effectively it becomes a huge pain when it comes to using tab when facing 3+ enemies, especially when casting DOTS on multiple targets. For first target: No target -> Tab (targets closest/first) -> Cast DOT For next/second target: First still selected to start ->Tab (targets second) -> Cast DOT So far it makes sense. Now it gets weird. When trying to target the next/third you must now: Second still selected to start -> Tab (selects first again) -> Tab (selects second again) -> Tab (selects 3rd) -> Cast DOT And for the fourth it becomes: 3rd still selected to start -> Tab (reselects first) -> Tab (reselects second) -> Tab (reselects 3rd) -> Tab (selects 4th) -> Cast DOT
  10. This is great news. The ability delay and unresponsiveness in combat is what caused me to painfully cancel my subscription yesterday, and I will be one of the firs to come back if the solutions do what they promise. That being said, I will be waiting until there is notable positive feedback from testers on these changes en masse. Just saying they will be in the next patch (and even if the notes claim they are in) will not be enough. I have seen far too many people claiming these issues don't exist or that those of us suffering from them are full of hot air, I will need to be overwhelmingly convinced by the players that the gameplay feels significantly tighter before resubbing. Good luck though, I really hope these fixes work.
  11. It is (was) the single deciding factor in my decision to now hold off until 1.2 before resubbing. No matter how much icing is on the cake, no matter how much voice over and cutscene and story they inject, the majority of my time playing is spent in combat. And until combat responsiveness and fluidity is up to par, I will be patiently waiting and playing something else.
  12. Their Taris is even more drab and bleak than the Republic's version. But what makes me think they are Imperials is the fact that there is no mention of Coruscant. How anyone who had to work their way through Coruscant would ever think to complain about Nar Shaddaa is beyond me. Coruscant feels like Nar Shaddaa only narrower, greyer, and with fewer aliens or neon lights. Oh yeah, and more droids talking colorful geometric gibberish. I think that it would have been better if there was more time spent on rooftops. The view when flying around in the taxis is one of the better ones, makes you feel like you are skulking around on the top of a big casino at night. My earliest impressions of Nar Shaddaa were from the old Jedi Knight games and they always seemed to feature lots of rooftop areas with perilous drops around, the Nar Shaddaa here would have been wise to incorporate more of the same.
  13. The patch has not changed my happiness level at all. Nothing about the patch made a notable impact on my enjoyment of the game (the few bug fixes they found/implemented are always appreciated but nothing really worth cheering about), but neither did the patch further ruin any aspect I enjoy to the point of making me quit. Unfortunately that is the problem, none of the issues I had with the game before the patch were addressed (largely combat responsiveness and fluidity), and there seems to be little hope of them being fixed now until the next good sized patch (which rumor has it will be sometime in March). Much of my tolerance of these issues up until this point was based on the hope that they would be at least partially addressed in the first patch. This drops the game to a "wait and see" status for me. Again, not because I am particularly more unhappy all of a sudden, but because the combat problems are so great that I was never incredibly happy to begin with. It is funny because I was planning to continue subscribing for the first few months until the first major patch under the hope that it would address some of the gameplay issues, and by popping the first patch out so early with no fixes to actual gameplay they have convinced me to halt my subscription a little earlier than I had planned. A lack of addressing any of the skill delays, unresponsive combat, and general un-fluidity of gameplay has shaken my faith a bit that they are on the right track with the game. And no, the quick "we are looking into it" is not enough to keep me going after months and months (well back into beta) of people bringing up the issues. This is not something they should, just now, finally be starting to look into.
  14. If it was all mostly the same but in a fantasy setting? Nope. Mostly the same but in a generic scifi setting (or any other scifi property really)? I would have picked it up, but would still be cancelling after a month. The fact that it is Star Wars made it an easy decision to buy, and the fact that it is Star Wars is the only thing that really gave me agonize when it came time to cancel. And to be honest, the fact that it is Star Wars is the only reason I will keep checking in to see if combat issues get fixed to the point of resubscribing. Yeah, I am a pretty big Star Wars fan.
  15. Weird logic. I would like a LFG system so I can spend more time playing with other people and less time standing around by myself spamming chat and having to resort to random messages to people (which always felt dirty in an unsolicited telemarketing sort of way). This game is at it's best when played with others. Anything done to facilitate that is a good move in my opinion. Don't really see what any of that has to do with sandbox games.
  16. Nope. The patch seems about average for a MMO patch, fix a few things while breaking a few others. My main issue is the lack of a fix to the core issue of unresponsive gameplay. The game as it stands right now is virtually identical to it's state around Thanksgiving. Now that last month of beta was a freebie for them, I figured with so much focus on pre-release we were not going to see much improvement (not like the few months prior to that), and that they would keep anything in the pipeline to further fix lingering issues during that first month post release. But after waiting patiently for 2 months now there still has been nothing done to fix core combat issues, and when all is said and done that is what I spend most of my time ingame doing: combat. What got me to cancel was the fact that there does not seem to be any hope on the near horizon, as the little .a, .b, .c type patches see, oriented around crashing and exploit resolution. I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt that fir first round of core improvemnts would come with the first patch, but with that not happening it is sounding like we will be waiting until March before even being able to get out hopes up again. I will come back as soon as combat gets fixed (if it gets fixed), because most other issues/bugs are just bothersome in a cumulatively annoying sort of way. Irritating UI, galactic trade terminal issues, useless tradeskills, random warzones, etc, I can and would happily tolerate al of them. But tight gameplay, responsive combat, is a deal breaker, it is an absolute must have. They got my initial sub because I figured that either way, it was good to be here on day 1. If it all goes belly up, then I was here at the best of times. If it only gets better from here on out, then I got to be there from the start and can appreciate the improvements. But I will not keep subbing for frustrating and below average combat gameplay indefinitely, and that is what the next few months seem to have in store (assuming March is indeed the next notable patch).
  17. I am a sucker for titles/achievements, and I am a bit of a completionist, so I really hope they work on getting combat more responsive sometime before March 19th. I would love to resub and get the title sometime before then. However, timely, responsive, and "fun" combat gameplay is an absolute necessity for my longterm interest, and until I see that improved I will remain cancelled. I would love to come back, but you need to fix combat gameplay responsiveness and ability delay as soon as possible. There is a ton of content already in the game, adding a little more will do far less to placate the masses than fixing gameplay so that we can better enjoy what we do have.
  18. First thing I checked upon logging in post patch was mortar volley. Still has the ridiculous 1.5 second dead time at it's start before it begins. Still has the silly non-arcing trajectory as well, but that is by far the least of the trooper's problems right now. Really hope that they do not hold off until the next content patch to start including class fixes.
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