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Everything posted by DarthRaneDeer

  1. It is a sad, sad shadow of what could have been the KOTOR 3 story. But yes, it is all we are ever going to get.
  2. TOR is proof that KOTOR 3 would have been dollars better spent.
  3. incorrect. That was Bio-ware. Black Isle now Obsidian Entertainment used Bioware's engine for Baldur's Gate to make games such as the following: IceWind Dale 1 IceWind Dale 2 And then, they later made NWN2 on their own. We all know how that went. Bioware was 100% responsible for all the Baldur's Gate titles.
  4. Nope. Can't support the worst Sw movie of all. Also 3D is fail.
  5. At the expense of others. Love seeing this attitude in an MMO.
  6. ^^^ This is coming soon. And no. I like this set. Keep your capes to yourself.
  7. I find kira's comments incredibly annoying.
  8. I think the reason they are'nt is they already have 216 servers. This means when they add, remove, or merge servers they have to take the corresponding actions in the forums. This layout makes that unessescary. It maybe be unpalatable, but it is scalable.
  9. I am guestimating 500k to 750k subs by summer. Just a guess...I hope I am wrong.
  10. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1898519#edit1898519 Please learn 2 dev tracker. Also I beleive petitions are against the forum rules.
  11. *sniff* *sniff* me smells SWG influence...perhaps it is just the wind...but maybe not...
  12. It's fun the first time. Every time after that it is for the loot. I speak for myself of course. I'll do each FP once, that's it, and frankly the concept of HMs elude me. To each their own.
  13. This post is cluless. The silder is still there. It is the dimming of the button that is no longer present once resources or conditions are met before the slider reaches it's full cycle.
  14. I wonder how server transfers will impact your legacy levels.
  15. I want to be a fan boy I really do. But, I am actually worried about this game now. Things like this don't occur without Management issues. It is hard to beleive the engineers in the trenches were not aware of these or some of these issues. What is more beleivable is that other things were prioritized. I am not there at HQ and I don't know what is occuring, but I would put money on the fact that there are some serious command chain/communication issues at Bioware/Mythic.
  16. Nope. I am always 4 levels ahead of the top level.
  17. 37, 2 kids, spouse, SW Developer. We're out there. It is a bit more common in my field. Always a little surpised when I find out one of our VPs or Directors is playing an MMO. Tough to talk about though, because of the opinions that people can have. I do find it is more accepted these days. I'm guilded up with some RL friends in the same age group. Some professers, astro physicists, IT guys like me...etc..
  18. You mean farming level 10s and 20s in WZs as a 50 with valor gear? Right.....legitimate...
  19. That's encouraging. Glad to hear it. A little ray of sunshine in this thread.
  20. Edit: I see, I didn't click the link like a noob. That seems terribly inconvenient. The Empire:Rebpublic Valor ratio must be weighted heavily towards Empire now with all the level 20 WZ farming by 50s, and now this. Hopefully it all comes out in the wash. I think the damage is already done though. The image as stands is: Want to look good? Roll Empire. Want to see other people on planets in your faction? Roll Empire. Want abilities with short, responsive animations? Roll Empire. Want to be competitive in PvP? Roll Empire. Want free valor on Illum? Roll Empire. Want long WZ queues? Roll Empire. Want your WZ's to be weighted towards same faction Huttball? Roll Empire. Want to play solo PvE? Play Republic. Want to wear brown? Play Republic. Want to have 3-4 second animations on instant ablities? Play Republic. Want to have short WZ queues? Play Republic. Want to be converted into a valor pinata at 50 once you hit Illum? Play Republic.
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