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Everything posted by krisknife

  1. hover your mouse over your avatar, it will show up in bottom left corner of browser
  2. with the coming update's legacy improvements this will be eased quite a bit.I am Looking forward to using more toons personally after it and I haven't been able to say that since I completed all my unlocks, which was a long time ago. I have been stuck on one toon since, mainly for fear of falling behind, shared resources will help alleviate that a lot I think. That plus the nice population boom, next week is looking pretty dang sweet:D
  3. you are correct it is, he prob made new account for forums would be my guess and plays with another
  4. Hate to be that guy but the APAC loss is being exaggerated extensively, if you total populations in all those countries it's less than 50 million people total, of those how many actually are gonna play star wars(be real)? The real concern is they had no fear to piss off the entire US WC , yea I don't see this resulting in any expansion, at least not one worth calling it that, a dlc maybe?
  5. what ever happened to the idea of giving the community power to ban people after enough reports are made on same person automatically? If EA isn't going to police their own game they should give us tools to be able to handle this on our own.
  6. these things never go down as intended. We may have a first here but call me skeptical I have my doubts. I just hope they don't botch the game, with so much info being condensed I can see plenty of opportunity for a couple massive issues taking place that could drastically affect a lot of us till they get it straightened out. Potential name clashes and legacy losses are a secondary concern.
  7. oh wow the memories, I have played since pre-launch and the game has evolved so much we are back to where we were in the beginning on quite a few things. I remember the first PVP sets were so stupid looking yet we all sported them cause we had to. Good times. Broken bolster, the best times ever. The first introduction of severe class nerfs , the death of the hybrid so much flooding back the QQs where intense back then lol
  8. the fact they tell us to wait a week for reset to fix an issue that could potentially affect a lot of people, speaks volumes about the future of this game. Just saying.
  9. This, I like to believe most people lean light especially on first play through. Hell Revan is default ds in tor when everytime I play kotor1 I love playing light side, revan redemption robe mod (oh god can we get these in CM^^), so was kind of a let down for me they went with Revan still being ds. Marr could be Jedi or sith depending on how you played, just like revan
  10. Seriously this was a bad move on EAs part, BW is just a studio EA owns, And EA owns plenty of already existing servers so they are short on any good excuse. I work with servers all the time , what it takes to run this client is not as expensive as what many of people here are leading on about. To me this is the sign of things to come, EA may string us all along for a couple of years tops but swtor is dead in the water. With no sign of a tor2 in works , who knows we may have a lull in a SW IP MMO being on the market. I for one hope they do, it will suck at first sure, but once swtor makes its way to private servers it will be a much better game being out from EAs hands. Just look what they did with galaxies and imagine:D
  11. as far as the alliance goes, I find it not to hard to believe that two opposing factions battling for control of an entire galaxy, would stop fighting each other to deal with such a massive threat to both of their factions. We can look to our own history for examples how this works, but I do agree, as soon as this outside threat is over the alliance would be dead, there is no mending the rift between jedi and sith, we know this because this game happens way before any movie.
  12. they have killed login servers early for awhile now. It follows reason if you think about it, why let people login when servers are fixing to go down. It burdens the system and user unnecessarily.
  13. just recently come back myself, nice to see I am not alone.
  14. persistence is never futile:D
  15. let's see here, any new player joining the game for the first time, returning players coming back after long break, people to lazy to farm rep like myself and not to mention some people actually want contracts, go figure. Anyway that's easily thousands of possible people there so there is still plenty of care
  16. I believe BW has already stated their stance, the problem is not in how BW believes or stands. The problem is with win trading itself. it's super easy to get reported/investigated for Win trading and it rarely ever turns into a real case, imagine all the man hours spent over all these supposed win traders, it's not something a company likes to do, sink money and time into something only to come up empty handed. Real win trading is obvious in an investigation so all these people you think did and still have their positions and stuff from last season , probably didn't wintrade to get there. If you believe someone/s is/are trading wins then just report him/her/them, I promise BW investigates I have been investigated falsely and proved innocent, so BW does investigate. Just food for thought
  17. all they need to do is tell people how it is, that's it. Come out and officially say it is what it is and we all need to get over it, cause apparently we aren't giving up lol. At this point their "ignoring tactic" failed and this further "ignoring" is just fueling flames and complicating the issue even further, they shoot their self in the foot and now are about to shoot their other. Makes me a sad panda
  18. if BW did these said changes I would have to seriously consider farming gold ,lol ,i jest ofc but allot of people will actually think that way, lol it will be super easy for them you would see an onslaught of never before seen sellers. It's not the spammers we are worried about but the actual drones they use to farm, these would explode, half of china would be logged into this game 24/7:rolleyes:
  19. totally agree, as far as F2P saving swtor this is a flat out lie, it was a hope that it would save the game but it did not, the Cartel Market in all it's glory did with subs pulling most of the weight for it, this is why f2p will never be expanded much in this game past what it is, get used to it. Why would they at this point? A wise man once said, why fix something that isn't broke? our system works fine and it pays BW's bills. Changing anything in favor of f2p will just bring p2w items, REAL p2w items not like the ridiculous ones that caused so much QQ before
  20. basically Rav & ToS about it....sadly enough. Since they removed them from 55s altogether 60 endgame is quite limited atm
  21. big goof either way, that at the very least we deserved a full and accurate apology for. According to BW the only official sources of info are these forums , their emails and their twitter feed. Doesn't say anything about their cantina tours or 3rd party venues
  22. but why? seriously, the last f2p game I actively played i HAD to spend greater than $15 just to stay competitive , I don't see why so many people see an allure to this vs. straight cost of sub. Without the subs backing swtor here the game would be instantly p2w as any f2p ends up being to stay alive, they all start timid and they all end up the same exact way, again I don't get the draw there for players So in other words, the more you push for f2p to be buffed, you are pushing to lose subs and stop people from being "encouraged" to sub, thus creating a need for BW to increase CM sales to make up loss and BOOM p2w items all around. This is a proven history with any f2p model, how about we not play with fire here and leave it as is ^^
  23. lol this is mild, I have seen way worse in allot of games. Expanded F2P with removed credit cap restrictions you will see what people spam can really spam spam spam xD. This game was designed ground up to be sub based, f2p was a afterthought that intends/encourages for people to sub, it's fine as is. The idea that BW needed f2p to stay afloat died with the fact that in BWs own words subs still put more money in the game and way outspend in the CM. The CM saved SWToR not the f2p model lets get facts straight
  24. exactly, BW should have made an official statement to the masses that is what they intended, these forums exist exactly for that not 3rd party cantina talk . Another fail highlighted and no excuse to be given, it's sad we are a really loyal fan base and it seems we get the "shaft" quite often. I understand that their legal team hinders allot of what they can say and we should ALL understand that, but it is still no excuse for NO communication what so ever, you can say something, they choose not to for some reason.....
  25. Most of the suggestions by the OP sound very nice, but if we actually explore the consequences of expanding f2p more than what it currently is. We see that all of these "improvements" to the f2p system will open a floodgate to goldfarmers that no one rightly desires. BW knows this and that's why they haven't bothered "upgrading" f2p or preferred status even though their is constant QQ about. Seriously search forums this topic is beat to death lol
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