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Everything posted by swpoop

  1. The debuff should have no bearing on how quickly you click. You should employ as many raid members as possible to click. We usually use 3 and click the console as soon as its available.
  2. This is simply not true. If leadership of the top end raiding guilds could keep their members in line this would not be a big deal. We do not need a company to make such tight restrictions that it forces members to behave. Strong leadership and some common sense, and this site should be more than capable of doing what the community wants it to. Its the "trolls will be trolls" attitude that many top guilds accept from their members that creates situations like this. Maybe stop looking at bioware and look in the mirror instead? (this is not directed at the quoted poster, but the community in general).
  3. I would agree. The third and forth encounter in the new op are very well done, and entertaining.
  4. I see modesty is one of your stronger qualities.
  5. We will be bring 2 for our 16 man progression team. You could classify us as hard core.
  6. I do not see any issue with your gear for a normal mode operations. Those are on par with hard mode flash points, and your gear is suitable for those. The main concern would be your hit points to survive some of the boss abilities. However, with heavy armor and your gear I am assuming you are 16K plus and should have had no issue. In short the guy was being a douche. Its a normal mode.
  7. Not even close to the hardest fight. Fight is a joke now.. Back in the day So a was bit more challenging. I wonder how most guilds would be doing on him now if he was never changed. I have cleared both a very long time ago and still feel 16 man is harder with the exception of nerfed to the ground Soa.
  8. The simple solution is to raid 16m nmm. Then you need two tanks, well for one fight at least.
  9. Not one thing you posted is a bug. Everything is completely controlled by your raid. You are asking for the fight to be made even easier for you then it already is. How about you actually have your dps stop around 32% wait for someone to be thrown and land, then dps the boss the last 2%? Similarly, if lightening balls are out, have the people they are on drop first and blow up their balls. Of course make sure they are healed full before they jump and right as they land. There are plenty of actual bugs on this fight, but none are listed by you.
  10. Im going to go out a on a limb and say you have not even set foot in Nightmare 16 man. I have however cleared both a long time ago. Besides what the devs actually said (what do they know?), anyone who has done both levels of the content, 16 man is harder. Im suspecting you are a very clever troll. They are both still easy, thats for you Moliartacks
  11. I can safely say I have a clue. At guild summite Gabe clearly stated that currently 16 MAN CONTENT WAS HARDER than 8 man. He is the lead developer for endgame so I will go ahead and take his word for it. If you don't believe go ahead and pull up hos presentation during the guild summit. He also stated that they intend to make both equal difficulty going forward.
  12. Hi, I am a combat medic healer. I am the raid leader for my guild and we cleared 10/10 on 1/19/2012 for some background of where I come from with combat medic. Our healing setup: 2 combat medics 1 scoundrel 1 sage (for our 8 mans it would always be 1 cm and one of the other healing classes. Several times I healed NM SOA with only a scoundrel) We like the combat medic for their ability to tank healer far superior to the other two. Made Jarg and Sorno a bit easier imo. Our sage is a very, very good player, but his niche is to keep the raid alive, our combat medics keep the tanks and support heal the raid. My gripe with Kolto bomb is its lack of smart healing. Frankly, I do not care if they add more poeple to its ability, but make it smart. However, the buffs it provides with increased healing, and damage reduction make it an amazing ability. Frankly, in our feedback to the devs the smart healing is the only recommendations we have given for change on the class. Its a nice change of pace to have to pay attention to rotation, and plan cooldowns. Overall IMHO its a very well designed class and capable of healing everything thrown at them. P.S.- Ruqu thank you very much for your contributions to the theory crafting community. Both your guide and calculator have been mandatory reads/use by our guild CM's. Look forward to your future works.
  13. This is a fun necro! 8m Jarg and Sorno is much easier than 16m. Soa 8m (now post nerf) is harder than 16m. Anni droid is far harder on 16m now. So with that being said, getting 16 good people is harder than getting 8, so by default 16 man is harder.
  14. We are certainly looking for content that can't be beat the first day it comes out. Our guild has provided tons of feedback to the dev team and we believe they are listening. Some key points from the summit: Raids are too easy as stated by Gabe 1.2 will not contain nightmare mode so it can be developed of metrics gained from hard mode and further test for bugs All 3 levels of difficulties will introduce new mechanics besides just raising HP and damage taken Nightmare will truly be a nightmare as stated by several Dev's So with those being said, you want to make make the worlds best raiding for the worlds best players the basic tools that we are accustomed to should be provided. I do not care about a threat meter, but he basic parsing should be there. Figuring out who is doing what, what is being done when, and to whom is vital for start forming. Time will tell but the indications we have received Bioware wants to create a hardcore raiding scene..
  15. Some other interesting things was Gabe admitted 16 mans were harder especially for EV, but they intend to keep the difficultly the same for the two going forward.
  16. As the above poster stated: we specifically asked Gabe if there would very different mechanics for the different levels of difficulty. He responded there would brand new ones that was the reason for the delay with nightmare. The days of learning fights on normal and cruising nightmare are done.
  17. Portnowhere has the most active Ilum out there. Pve progression is top notch. Very active both sides during peak times.
  18. Most of what you posted is pretty much fixable. Probably the most frustrating for us was the ball pop, thrown in the air. We just countered that by timing our ball explosions better.
  19. I would love to see a screen shot of this. We have full Rakata, and BM geared smugglers and they are hitting just a little over 18k.
  20. Hey Neown, its Trae. Sure there are quite a few from MA. However, you will also notice a few that got WF kill on Akilyos in our raid too.
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