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Everything posted by swpoop

  1. This is not our first game with PVE world firsts. We have players that have been in top 10 wow guilds, and top guilds of other games as well.
  2. Its very easy to blame bugs when you are missing a mechanic in a boss fight. There is a very real way to beat this boss without depending on "luck". Watch we will post our video guide of it soon. You may figure it out before then but if not you will see. However, there are without a doubt bugs in the instance like bosses not resetting correctly with the pylons being one. I am saying that if you are beating the boss by luck you are doing it wrong. If the turrets "lock" up, you have failed the fight. If you mess up on that boss you will need to reset the instance and re-clear the trash in order to properly beat it though.
  3. I won't debate the difficulty of the content. Its easy to run 100 meters, anyone can do it. However, there is something to be said about someone who can do it faster than you.
  4. That is incorrect. They were locked to 8 man last week. The reset was today.
  5. You posted about your accomplishments in 8 man, I was congratulating on that. To answer your question: no.
  6. The lockouts were bugged, and did not reset yesterday. This has been confirmed by Dev's. The lockouts for ALL RAIDS reset today.
  7. You can play that game. Like Falconer said. We did our research, and have some pretty credible confrimation. If an EU wants to step up and claim it we will see. Regardless, our goal is 16 man nightmare (bug free).
  8. I'm not in a casual guild by anymeans. Gearing for hard mode ops is easy. Do HM flash points on hard mode for the same gear as regular ops.
  9. Working as intended. The gear is very very easy to get through hardmodes so stressing on this gear is not necessary. Crap half your raid gets stuff each boss kill.
  10. Lol, what? Most of the SERIOUS end game are in operations for the past week. If you mean all the casual probably will cry when they hit heroics because they are too hard crowd, than you are right.
  11. It seems each hard mode has the one "really" hard boss. Doesn't necessairly mean the last boss. Its not over tuned, you are under geared. The fight will be trivial shortly.
  12. No, absolutely not. No way, no how until you way out gear the place.
  13. Normal mode has that loot bag crap. Hard mode allows you to set up master loot. Our first chest was bugged on master loot for the second boss. Switched to FFA and we could loot the 4th boss no problem. Unfortunately we could not go back and get the previous chest. Hopefully the helpful protocol droid in a can will help us with it.
  14. Not bugged. Well tuned fight. Pushes you to the limit which is why they are called hard mode.
  15. Yup same issues with us on chests for hard mode. However, if you don't do master loot, it fixes the problem.
  16. For the record alacrity does effect the GCD if used with a casted ability. For example, my AMP has a cast time of 1.1 seconds. I am off the GCD when I finish my cast for this ability. It does not effect the GCD if I use kolto bomb or bacta infusion etc.
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