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Everything posted by Lu_Bei

  1. Each INSTANCE of a planet holds 175 people. There are usually 3 instances on each planet. You bothered making a thread about something you don't even have the slightest clue about? Also, most MMOs cap servers at about 1000.
  2. This read was an interesting break from the usual forum sociopathy.
  3. I found it very boring. Guild Wars had good high end PvP.
  4. I don't understand what you're asking. You make it sound like you want rewards, but that rewards aren't enough. Maybe you could start by describing what you want. World of Warcraft had similar gameplay (capture the flag, capture the base). I'd agree PvP is pretty simple in this, but to say it isn't fun? I think it needs some seriously competitive forms of play. Other than that, wait till people hit 50 and see how you like Ilum?
  5. Thanks for not reading. I said it also had a skill tree. The games of this franchise had skill trees, so why is it out of the ordinary, or a WoW clone, because this one does?
  6. First paragraph: you let other people decide for you what to think. Second paragraph: Knights of the Old Republic also had a skill tree, and that predated WoW.
  7. The community did force them to add raids. The people saying "this is a WoW clone" were the ones who told them that they had to add WoW's features. Many of us were campaigning against raids and Tank/Healer/Nuke
  8. When I first played Guild Wars, everyone on the forums were making "I HATE THIS GAME IT WILL FAIL I WANT TO KILL MYSELF" threads. Now Guild Wars 2 is coming out.
  9. All you're using is focus building skills? Maybe you could just get a drinky-drinky bird to replace the human element. Poor T7 having to do all the work.
  10. Warcraft was a top down STRATEGY GAME. World of Warcraft is a third person online role playing game. That has to be the most misinformed thing I've heard since.. its been a few days. That's completely unture. What are you play, a level 14 inquisitor? A level 30 smuggler uses 3 full bars (36 skills) in one fight. A level 30 SW:J uses about 24 skills. Again, very, very misinformed. You make it sound as if you haven't even played the game.
  11. The combat is a lot faster paced than WoW. The combat is a lot more dynamic and skill based. Its a lot more complex. WoW had no storyline. Period. Swtor has hundreds of hours of story. Most of the stuff that was added which mirrors WoW was requested by WoW fans. The people who call the game a 'WoW clone' are WoW fans. Did they force BioWare to add raids, etc, in an attempt to sabotage the game? Kotor ran the Heroes gameplay design in 2003. WoW came out in 2004. WoW is a KOTOR clone.
  12. I'm glad you know the game is going to fail, seeing as how you just joined this month and know nothing about it. >.<
  13. Make your sith characters on a different server. or go into options and hide your legacy surname. The point, really, is to have an 'account' per server which gives you unlocks based on how much you've played the game in totality. It has little to do with surnames. That said, it would be nice to have the option for your legacy and surname to be separate in some way. Where legacy unlocks surnames, but you can pick per character or something once they reach the 2nd chapter.
  14. So that everyone would be forced to be the same class throughout the majority of the game? Why? To compare with maple Story's leveling scheme?
  15. See one of those people running around? invite them to group with you. Makes doing bonus content 100 times more fun, and 100x faster. Also, you don't need to do bonus content. I do agree, though, that Taris can feel repetitive as towards scenery. But there's so many cool and unique quests! Like the one with the Nakghouls, the exiles, etc.
  16. See all those people running around? Click one. Press 'invite to group'. :/ Try to group with people for regular quests and you'll have a list of people to play with. It also strikes me as amazing that most of the people never played WoW before LFD. If you did, you'd realise that this game takes 1/10th the time to find a group as WoW pre-summer 2010 did.
  17. Hahaah! Yeeees! Wooo! Thank you, Bioware!
  18. The count at the top of the screen shows how many people are in an instance, not how many people are on a planet. TO my knowledge, most other mmos only hold 1000 people per server. Double that is a problem? -.- Also, make sure to see a medical professional after your binge.
  19. In some understandings of Quantum Mechanics, isolated systems (like the insides of houses) are in different instances.
  20. You should have seen him in beta, when he said the same line about pleasing you ever 5 seconds until you dismissed him and never used him again. What I don't like is when he comes back from a mission during a space battle, and hes like "dearest Master, I tried to obtain optimal results in my incursion for which you sent me, but the in turn I stumbled and failed you. Please be patient with me, for next time I will do better -" "SHUT UP!"
  21. In the "Whiners" thread you said Which is obviously untrue. So, you seem to be saying this for the benefit of people reading who don't own the game. Go to Dromund Kaas right now. What's, there like 170 people on each of 3 instances? Find me a WoW SERVER that has 510 people on right now, let alone an area.
  22. You have been trolling since beta, and it wouldn't surprise me if there were corporate marketing saboteurs.
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