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Everything posted by mrphstar

  1. giving melee more gap closer abilities or reducing the mobility of ranges to compensate your suggested DPS changes in PVP, would ultimatly reverse these changes because this would lead to more uptime for melee and less uptime for range in PVE again. so whats your point exactly? when i last checked, the meta already was merc>sniper>any melee. why would anyone want to give them even more damage. same goes for DoT vs. Burst. you cant reduce the gap between DoT and Burst specs because no DoT spec would be viable in PVP anymore (DoT specs are rarely played already anyway). unfortunaly for the most PVE players, balancing is bound to both PVE and PVP. you didnt take that into account while posting these ideas.
  2. the problem of "wasted" furor stacks only occurs in the opener. so thats once in each fight, maybe twice when you got fights with very long downtimes (Cora, Revan). any furor stack after that can be activated an applied exactly to the ability you wanna use it for. i dont see the problem there. and one could try to change the opener to put3-4 hard hiting abilites right into the furor-window. carnage and vengeance do this anyway. rage and fury could swap some skills to do it as well. for anni someone gotta do the math if delaying the DoTs for 2 harder hits after Annihilate is worth it. from a quick thought about it, i would say yes. if not, maybe atleast the other way around: apply both dots followed by furor anni + ravage + procced saber throw + vicious slash. so honestly, i dont understand your frustration. its a crisp clean dps buff, probably the strongest of all lvl 75 abilites. so thats complaining from a high level of comfort.
  3. there is a droid on odessen right next to the lvl75 terminal which ports you to onderon
  4. First, if at all it was Darth Plagueis, palpatines master who created the clones (including Anakin) to live forever. as Palpatine says in Episode III: "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…". He also says, that Plagueis tought his apprentice everything he knew, but thats obvsly a lie, since Palpatine himself (while converting Anakin to the Dark Side) admits that he doesnt know how to save Padme, but that they could work together to find the secret. (After his defeat in Episode VI, Palpatine was actualy "reborn" into a clone and lived on for some years, but thats part of the EU and officialy not canon anymore. ) Bioware just took some parts of "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise" and created a similar story for Valkorian.
  5. thats absolutly reasonable and i appriciate the work and effort behind this project. we wouldnt have any other solid way to rank all specs and compare them in each boss fight. so dont get me wrong, not wanna be ungrateful here. on the other hand i dont think these kinds of project are designed to get payed for. the community using them is to small and if you would hide them behind a paywall nobody would use them anymore. one should be aware of that situation when starting such projects, and i´m sure the creators of parsely were. you either do it correct, or dont do it at all. but yeah, thats why I/we cant demand anything from them. but in this case its a very easy check to implement to filter these bugged perks. and seeing the impact of them to such a nice tool, makes me kinda sad. at this point i think all top100 parses overall use this perk. theres one guild who discovered it first and literaly spamed the board with these 1.2GCD parses from all specs. on a side note: even some of the "legit" parses arent realistic, as they use pre-build resources to skip some parts of the opener like non-sorc did, since the opener of anni is very slow. you wouldnt have that pre-build rage with anni in a legit bossfight most of the time. but these are minor differences compared to the 10% dps boost the perk provides.
  6. The guild perk is just bugged. It gives 10% alacrity instead of 5% as described, which leads to the next GCD threshold without loosing any crit stat. Parsely-Admin knows this, but refuses to delete these unrealistic parses allthough all other parses with significant bonuses like guild orbital strike got removed. One could simply filter them by removing all parses with higher APM then possible for each class, but its "too much work". if you want to compare your dps with realistic parses just ignore the ones with 1.2GCDs. (you can calculate the average GCD by looking at the rotations tab i.e. and see if these are legit parses)
  7. this person obvsly wasnt aware of the fact that there are more than one fixed spawn point for every culinary specialty. while they were sitting there for 3 hours straight, it might have spawned atleast 3-4 times on other places and was picked up by other players till it spawned on the specific spot again. i found all 3 remaining non event things within one hour with other people around looking for them as well, just by moving around and observing ALL possible spawn points.
  8. the 3 i'm talking about werent there during the event. they are only available when the event isnt running.
  9. as mentioned in the other thread, did you overclock? swtor managed to kill my "stable" overclocking setup, while heavy benchmarks like prime95 could run for hours in all profiles without any of the cores quiting. if not, what harddrive is swtor installed on? their might be no writing (hence you can download and install it) but a reading error with that drive, causing the game to crash while trying to access certain files. did you try to install it on another (physical) drive?
  10. "through windows error?" are you talkin about blue screens? if so, its more likely that one or more hardware components are crashing while running the game, due to the heavy load on cpu and partly gpu. overheating would be my first guess. check your tempretures etc. to find the problem. (before you say it: yes, your system might run newer games without any problem, but swtor and its engine require high single core frequency, which could cause an overheating core for example. especially if you overclocked and the system is not 100% stable under heavy load.)
  11. this. all 3 peacetime-items where present on the bridge while i found each one in their area as well.
  12. that would have been my first guess, but i didnt think BW would´ve allowed such an exploit and fixed this. but yeah.....silly me
  13. i dont think you delete a stronghold while there are toons in it. where would they be ported to? so i guess that wont work. but its worth a try. btw. is tulak hord not affected by this or is it because no germans are playing right now? didnt see any german complaining yet.
  14. is it, tho? compared to the amount you get for doing the heroics and the skill level/group strength requiered in contrast to other H2/H4 of the game, its totaly reasonable scaled. if at all, one has to complain about the rewards over all, not only for solo players. its just your biased opinion that solo players are left out again, which they are not.
  15. as always: play harder (group) content, get better (faster) rewards. how can people still expect beeing rewarded the same amount of currency by playing solo content only as people actualy playing group content? work on your mindset. period.
  16. it isnt, since there is no easy way to get any A or B mods. the ways to get them, arnt worth it. just use lethal mods.
  17. this is the third thread now..... first reply to the top comment.
  18. thats why i asked. if hes talkin about the changes for the upcomming expansion, why ask for an ETA then? as 6.0 is scheduled for september, why ask for july? so i thought i missed something and eric announced that the current gearing system will be changed or atleast made easier with dantooine or shortly after. all i could find was eric talking about increased drop chances from Comand Crates, but that wont have much impact imho. thats why i hope he provides his source... edit: allright, i should learn to read apparently he was talking about INFORMATION for the upcomming gear changes, not the actual changes. thanks for the quote xordevoreau.
  19. could you post the link to the source where eric talked about upcomming gear changes?
  20. there is no DR. but putting in mor ALC just means you trade easier force management for less crit chance and lower DPS overall, since you gotta replace crit augs and enh with alacrity.
  21. again......worst case scenario calculation. reality looks different: you assume that EVERY crate you open would drop a useless piece, that wont be the case. you also assume that the only income of MWS are buying them for UAC. ignoring that he could possibly buy 2 252 pieces per week buy completing all MWS weeklies and earining UACs on another way(OPs, other Weeklies, etc.) to buy 2 MWS every week. cant remember anymore how many times i´ve said that already: the weekly gear crate is NOT the supposed main way of gearing!! its totaly reasonable that people who only do 10 face roll solo missions in 15min per week expecting to get BiS, will need 1,5years to get there. thats why you can get up to 4 (5) MWS per week doing group content to buy your gear. every loot crates supports you with atleast 175UACs to buy you MWS for the week, nothing less. in rare cases it saves you 2 MWS buy droping a needed piece. feel happy to get that bonus.
  22. its not about 258 gear in general. its about B-Mods. if these guys are correct (i didnt test it, cuz i dont wanna waste 500m for the risk to get trolled here), crafting is the only way to get them. so you either run Gods NiM or buy the mats if you want some. regular 258 DPS Mods or 248 B-Mods will do just fine for every tank, but some people like to tune their stats till ultimate perfection.
  23. no Karen, you cant speak with the manager.....
  24. you obvsly forgott that you dont have to be subed to play story content. for endgame pve and serious pvp you have too. and now dont try to tell me subs arnt the majority of paying customers. your assumed 30% are responsable for atleast 80% of the games profit. and to my fellow solo content only player above: again, just because you would like to see the game from that perpective, doesnt change the fact that the game was released as a blueprint sandbox mmo with advanced story content. this only changed after players left and f2p was introduced and again when the two solo content expansions were released in a desperate move of BW to hold atleast one group of players. according to the "success" these two expansions had and looking at the direction the developers went with the game since then, one can clearly see that they realized this approach was wrong.
  25. no, just no. its an MMORPG and was advertised as such, with an extended focus on full voiced class stories. nothing more, nothing less. just because you play the game and interpreted the marketing as single player story, doesnt eliminate the other, more profitable parts of the game.
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