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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. - Getting a wide variaty of ships first


    This, save your daily/weekly ship requisition (not fleet, spend those asap) until you have your fleet in your hangar. This will maximize the effects.


    For specific components, I recommend getting tier 2 on any engine ability that breaks a missile lock. Work on your defenses first and learn how to be a "pain in the rear" type of target for the enemy. THEN worry about offense.

  2. If it's such a big deal to you, why not just go to any of the dozens of regulated and free ventrilo servers, hop in a channel, and then spam info every time you zone in? Why not? Costs you nothing, right? Why doesn't ANYONE do this, ever?


    Because it is unrealistic. And if the game had built in support (BF2, et. al.) it would get used.


    You really think that people would tab out to load some random Mumble/TS3/Vent info and that they'd be back in a minute? I don't, since that is too much of a hassle. What about the late joiners who back filled someone's vacant slot? You honestly think that anyone is going to post the info for a late comer while they're dog fighting? How about lost time for the back fill to get into the proper channel/client/etc.? Bet you'd be happy if that guy was on YOUR team, huh?


    Dude... be realistic. What is your issue with built in VOIP (assuming that *YOU* can opt out)? (In other words - Why don't you want other people to have this?) Is it that you will get called out as a gunship to hunt constantly? Both a compliment and a frustration at the same time no doubt... People can abuse chat the same way you have claimed they would abuse VOIP... zero difference.

  3. I played Battlefield 2 for a long friggin' time. It came with built in VOIP for when you were in a squad & a radial button style prefab message spammer. All the squad leaders had a separate channel for comms with the commander. I don't *ever* remember an issue with a problem like is being described. If you think that society "can't handle" the less than 1% of the population who will be *****hats, then unplug yourself from the internet...


    You cannot call that "nobody uses program X's VOIP", but that in this game we'd have immature racists using it to spread grief. (Either people don't use it at all or they use it improperly, you cannot call both!) We're not playing X, and overall OUR game population is really good at being humans.


    And it is a mic, not a mike. (short for microphone)

  4. A brand new, completely stock strike fighter has 1440 shields and 1450 hull. Burst cannons at point blank range do upwards of 1000 damage per shot. If you're getting two shot, you're probably also eating a cluster in that timeframe, which is another 882 damage.


    GSF is fast paced. Lots of kills are made in a second and a half (generously). Don't give your opponents that big a window of opportunity unless you're 100% positive you can get the kill first.


    Don't forget that hitting F1 weakens your shields... I think that they made it +20% damage (down from +30%) and -10% from engine speed and shields, so there is 144 shields gone before he even got shot.

  5. In short, cartoon character exaggerations of proportion don't have a huge effect on the tactical considerations of pre-/early engagement maneuvering.


    My point was that you can say that the ships are "faster than an F-22" but since everything is actually relative to the sizes we see and not the ranges that are listed by the numbers. We are in fact going *much* slower than the numbers list...


    Now to the people that claim this game is slow paced? HUH?!?

  6. This. If a ship the size we have in-game was 500m away, you would barely see it, and certainly not make it out against anything with the same colour. These are 2 seat craft at most, not frigates. How big does a van look like from 500m away? You could hide it with your thumb and starfighters in Star Wars aren't much bigger.


    Pretty sure mine are all at least "5-seaters", cause I carry 4 people with me when I fly. Sometimes I wish I could shut my copilot up though...

  7. Well each weapon type (seeker mine, seismic mine, etc.) has a different default and upgrade limit. The limit is more what they can do individually than what it totals with other weapon load outs...


    I'm pretty sure that the total is no more than 5 weapons, with a repair/hyperspace beacon drone as a utility one as well

  8. I hope you all realize that unless a tier of upgrades specifically says that the number of active drones allowed increases by 1, that a new drone "kills" the old. And there is only 1 drone that you can put 2 out with... the interdiction drone, which is the shortest range with laser only.
  9. Compare to a gunship that has a baseline unboosted speed of over 600 m/s.


    The problem with this is that the distances in GSF are GROSSLY exaggerated compared to ship size. They could knock a decimal place from all ranges and speeds and it would make a lot more sense but still be too large. Sit at "500m" from an enemy ship and ask your self, "If I am 500m away from that ship, just how many football fields in size is MY ship?" Or have a friend park at one end of a "star destroyer" while you are at the other and see that they are like 8 miles long. Heck those satellites are easily a few miles across...


    So I could multiply the speeds/ranges listed by 100, doesn't make the ships "faster than the speed of sound", it just means my ships are "even bigger" than they should be.

  10. EMP missiles are not weak at all, but they are a very niche weapon. If you are firing it at something that can evade, you are doing it wrong. If you are firing it at a single target and not utilizing its AOE potential, you are wasting a LOT of damage/debuffs.


    Step 1, target a defense turret or anything else that doesn't evade missiles.

    Step 2, stop barely within range (note, consider using cover from as much else as you can).

    Step 3 Lock on and, "Fire zee missiles!"

    Step 4 switch to your other missile (I recommend concussions), target something dangerous and take it out...

    Step 5 barrel roll past and set up for another volley starting at Step 1.


    The whole process should take about as long as an EMP missile reload...

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