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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. I want to play GSF but don't really feel like playing the character I've leveled my ships on if ships were linked to legacy

    It wouldn't matter what character I was playing.


    Not much of a reason to fly more than 1 toon per faction anyway. (other than more dailies/weeklies)

  2. At least if you max heavy lasers, seeker mines etc on the same character. Let the next ship in your hangar benefit with the same upgrades. The one hangar cant supply the same grade weaponry to all its ships?


    Quit trying to apply logic to a game.


    Want logic? no pilot would ever suicide for an ammo reload...

  3. Zharik that makes no sense. Your skill tree never changes. And I obviously would HAVE to had the correct drone and mine selected or I would not have been able to use any of them.


    Yje skill tree fully developed allows for 2 interdiction mines and 3 seekers...but in a match last night I could only lay 1 drone and 2 seekers


    You posted looking for help. You got it. Don't ***** at me if you don't like the answer.


    Your skill tree CAN change.

  4. You know how the Blackbolt's camera is a little off center compared to the larger ships?


    #1 cause of my death in that ship.


    Pretty sure that the striker class is the only ship where the little circle in the middle is where you are actually traveling. All other ships are significantly over that (which means you cannot shoot and travel directly at the target at the same time, you'll turn).

  5. I have several bombers mastered. Just now I was using my onslaught.


    Fully mastered in the skill trees so that I could deploy 2 interdiction drones and 3 seekers.


    However each time I tried to place a 2nd interdiction drone my first would self destruct, and each time I would try to deploy the third seeker, one would blow up leaving with me only 2 seekers and 1 interdiction drone...even though I have mastered the 2 skill trees allowing an additional one of each.


    I have done a bug report in game, but anyone else seen something like this since the last patch?


    Make sure that you have the correct items selected on the appropriate tier. If you change to something else (say a railgun drone) and then change back, your choices are reset to the left side for all choices.

  6. Oh, I appreciate it. I just spent an entire game getting owned by Large on Ebon Hawk. Some of that was his piloting - I acknowledge his excellence - and some of it was his support (props to Iktovian in particular), but he was also able to keep boosting away right after laying mines, so we couldn't follow him, then by the time we caught up, he'd either blast us with lasers or do the whole thing again. It was a bit frustrating, to say the least.


    So, what were you flying? A type 2 scout perhaps?


    Your brief description includes acknowledgements to Large's skill and help. So a better "team" frustrated you? Is this not a normal reaction? (meaning it wasn't that he was using a bomber, per se)

  7. Fair point, though drone carriers do more damage than minelayers and get better consistent req. A minelayer during a sat match is a potential game winner, and trumps the drone carrier at holding sats. Its just a shame it isn't rewarded enough. I have both and consider the minelayer more fun to play

    The match after the one I mentioned scored me this -


    I didn't receive a non-contribution or afk penalty, surely I should get more? I was second in the list and fought hard to defend C sat.


    1. I would argue that drone carriers "do more damage"... minelayers can AOE a lot more.

    2. Without a screenshot of the earnings tab, that screenshot is meaningless.

  8. If you build a bomber around this theme, you can do very well. Interdiction drone(s) (2 at tier 5), interdiction drive, the copilot ability "servo jammer". You are a slow garbage hauler, but when you drag them down to your level, you beat them with experience...


    Works particularly well vs scouts, bombers, and most strikers when defending a satellite. Gunships are still a pain though. Not so effective in TDM, though in mesas you can trap the tunnels through the walls and make some people wreck.


    The damage output is fairly dependent on your lasers too, I recommend laser cannons for a nice blend of range and accuracy that the heavies lose at the edges.

  9. They addressed this by dropping almost all the forcefields around point C. The few girders left in place hardly makes a difference.


    This is not an obstruction issue (I think that was more to deal with attacking it once it was occupied than anything else) it is a distance issue. The Pubs have a huge advantage, 2 ships (anything with barrel roll will do) take it before an Imp can even make it there... meaning the Pubs are scoring the whole time that both sides are fighting over it.

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