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Posts posted by Stealios

  1. I love rebuke because it puts an extra dot on the target and that makes a big difference in a close fight. I got a kill a couple of days ago with the damage reciporicated by rebuke as the final blow. This makes me wonder if the amount of damage rebuke does is related to certain stats. It would seem to be a force power since it does yellow damage but im not really sure how it works. Is it a set value or does it depend on your stats?


    Depends on your stats. Seeing as it's yellow dmg it would be your force power, crit etc.

  2. L2P & learn about resolve. Since this game came out, everyone that didn't understand resolve have been qq'ing about it. Playing on my sent, scoundrel & sorcerer I've never had any issues with resolve not working or my stuns not working.
  3. When the thrown blade MAKES CONTACT with the target, that's when you see the evade/parried takes effect.


    Often though, the blade does not make it to the target at all.


    A blade not making it to target is not a parry or a miss, it is a bug. One I'd love to see fixed.


    Have had it happen quite some times as well. usually happens when target is around 9.8m away when throwing and then moving further. Made quite a few tickets on it, no response or anything so far

  4. I dont mind that the servers are down.. "well I do but I can understand the need for a reboot, for the greater good" I am a network admin not at your scale but I have about 23000 users. I have NEVER just shut down a server let a lone ALL servers.


    BW EA whom ever makes that call.. needs to communicat. Let users know even if its only 5 min. Send a broadcast. Make a post, make something appear on the launcher.


    Your communications dept should be sacked for the BS that has occured over your short lunch period. So much of the community fuss could have been fixed with simple communication.


    If your communications dept had a clue I would see 50 posts all ready just in General about Servers being down!




    We were in a Ranked WZ. At the moment of server shutdown we had about 30 secs left before we would have won it. Since our rating is 2.1K ish we have to play quite some games to get that lost rating back because servers went down without any warning.


    Ofcourse I understand that they had to go down, but if we would have known we wouldn't have queued. So thanks for that.

  5. good to know, however between no leap range, and very fast leap timer on watchman, i dont get kited much anyway. the only things i really like from combat are the transendence run speed and the 2 hard roots. other than that in my humble opnion watchman far out plays combat in pvp. but in a team setting id roll combat. solo queueing is watchman all day or you get frustrated a lot. I also enjoy focus forsome pugs just to do some omg numbers by the end from AoE. plus its a healers nightmare in voidstar when they are turtling a door and you take 4-5 imps to 65% in 1 hit


    Same here. Combat has nice burst etc. but the survivability can be an issue in pugs.

  6. does the speed boost from atraru from actually work? itdoesnt seem to, to me


    Yes it does and it's useful as well. At first I didn't notice it too much either, till i got kited a few times while in watchman spec. Once you play combat for a while and switch back to watchman you feel quite slow for the first hour or so.


    Don't forget it's 'just 15%' while in combat and with all the slows etc you won't always notice it, but it's there and it's epic.

  7. Don't want to be rude & burst your idea but sentinel hybrids don't work and here's why:


    The top tier abilities are way too important not to have:

    - Blade rush, if you don't have it there's no point in being combat specced since your entire spec evolves around this ability for focus building & procs


    - Merciless slash: Yeah, DoT damage is nice, but only because you have a hard hitting skill with low cooldown to use in between.


    Also don't forget that all the critical damage increase on bladestorm, dot's etc. are 25+ skillpoints in the tree.

    Is it worth to give up +30% crit dmg on your attacks just to get another attack that does less dmg? Seems a bit pointless.

  8. like said before, the ability "strikes" as soon as you leap. Which is NOT after you landed.


    Thats why leap -> overload, will never apply.


    you have to overload-> leap instead.


    Read his post again, he says that after that GCD (when you land with leap) you can do your other abilities. He doesn't say that overload saber is applied by the leap

  9. Do you have any lag? other than that i can't think of anything if you're pressing them back to back.


    If it's only the visual you mean, that can happen due to some weird animation trigger/timing, but the effect itself (the 3 stacks you get) are instant.

    Ofcourse you still have to use 3 melee attacks before the stacks are applied on the target

  10. If you actually read the first post this isn't about making it do anymore damage. Its about actually negating a targets health despite healing done. Have you guys actually fought against rated healers? By what I'm seeing i have to say you have no idea or you may be a healer yourself and want to continue this undead healer face roll that we have. The fact that it take multiple DD to take down an OP without a tank nearby is ridiculous. I'm sorry but with this gear tailored to pvp already took away the "skill" and the "L2P" people want to talk.


    As of right we've seen heals that throw out number greater then dps power techs or sentinel. So whether or not i 4k crit on blade storm and 3.9 with the follow up Dispatch we see healing throwing out greater heals that lets them face-roll tank themselves.


    I did read your post, and never did i mention anything about damage. But you're suggesting a 50%-100% healing debuff, which imo is an 'I win' button.


    Yes, I fought against rated healers and in combat spec I can take them out as long as there's no guard on them or tank taunting me.

    If you can't kill them maybe you need to l2p and learn how to use your other 30 skills as sentinel.


    Also as it is atm, a good healer dies as quick as a good dps. The only reason why a healer is face-roll tanking is because the people that try to kill him are bad

  11. 20% healing debuff is negligible sorry, it just is. You can be in denial all you want. Your mistaken by assuming i have a problem with the class. its the description of the ability. Your failing hard here.


    So just because it's called crippling throw it should be an epic 'I win' move? There are tons of abilities in this game that sound cooler than they really are, this is not one of them. Also since in combat crippling throw actually cripples a target for 3 secs, I do not see the problem in the description.


    And 20% debuff on top of the 30% that comes from the trauma debuff is quite huge. Do the math. 5K heal becomes 2.5k instead of 3.5K (that's 1K healing you miss for 1 ability)


    Ooh, and it's *You're failing hard

  12. You clearly confuse the lack of utility of a move with the ability to play a game mode. I would argue about your inane comment and how you could have even said I don't eat enough Wheaties at all but I'm not going to derail my own thread any further.


    You clearly don't understand the word utility.

    20% healing debuff for 15 sec is quite huge tbh. Also in combat when you get a 3 sec root on it (which is not affected by resolve) gives the ability quite some utility.


    If you fail to understand that; I'm sorry that i can't help you any further. perpaps you should try out the other class that has a healing debuff & root in one. Oh wait... there is no other class that has this

  13. Master strike is fine as it is & working as it should be.

    If commando puts on his shield which makes his cast uninterruptible he can still be stunned/ pushed back.

    Also once your resolve is full you don't have that issue anymore.


    I think you were just assuming that uninterruptible meant: Lol, i win button, which as explained is not the case

  14. Funniest thing about this entire thread is that it's different from server to server. On one server you have more geared republic players on the other you have more geared imperial players.


    So let's just take away all the gear in pvp and run around naked then atleast we don't have these threads anymore

  15. So the newest trend is using Rakata stims to boost power and key abilities. I feel that since we are forced to grind PvP gear for the supposed reason so that PvEr's can't dominate PvP then these items and items like these should not be useable in warzones.


    That is definitely not the newest trend, been there since biochem was there.

    Also exotech stims have better stats than rakata stims. And here's some news: you can buy exotech stims and use them even if you're not biochem

  16. he said there were two Operatives. Flash bang lasts 8 seconds. 2 flash bangs add up to 16 seconds. It happens, but I don't see what the complaint is about seeing as one person cannot lock you out for that duration, it was two people. Nerf teamwork!


    Oops, my bad.

    And yeah, OP should definitely be able to win every 2 vs 1 he gets in, instead doing it like other people and call for help :p

  17. If you get steamrolled in 8 vs 8 you and your group just weren't good enough. That's the idea of 8 vs 8, ruling out the pug player that loses turrets etc. and coordinating with your teammates.


    And there is no thing as a guaranteed winning setup. My team (1 tank, 2 healers, 5 dps) just beat a team with 3 tanks, 3 healers & 2 dps. They might not die quickly but they also don't have the dmg to take us down. Little bit of focus fire from our side and stuff dies.


    I love how everyone that just isn't good at pvp refuses to accept it and blames the game.

  18. I wish sages could heal on the fly, but only have one cast, which is a HOT...commando's...forget it.


    I watched one RWZ where the opps team had 2 smugglers, where one stun was 8 seconds on a character, and right after then stun dissipated, the next smuggler stun the same guy and was out for another 8 seconds...that was a 16 second stun in total...***?


    Let's start with the healing on the fly, scoundrels have it because they have no other real escapes on low CD, a sage has sprint + pushback. Hybrid healers even have 2 sec stun on bubble burst & 5 sec root on pushback.

    The thing most sages think is that that bubble makes you invincible and you can just stand there & heal. which is not the case, you need to run, LoS & heal.


    Now for your second satement. Soundrels get 2 stuns they can use in combat. A 4 sec hard stun (doesnt break on dmg) & 6 flash stun that breaks on dmg. So i don't know how you get stunned for 16 secs, but i call BS

  19. The problem is the WZ design, they prefer healers. HB is the only WZ players actually have to do more than heal, interrupt, throw rocks, heal again. That's all rebs can do. Look at the forum rebs constantly cry about HB, too much for them. We need different type of WZs similar to HB.


    He means that if sages & scoundrels are OP, that sorcerers and operatives are OP as well. SInce they are mirror classes. As it is i'd say sorcs even have a slight advantage over sages due to the lightning still hitting a little earlier than the rocks from a sage.


    Now, as far as OP's qq I will say this: If you suck at playing your class or coordinating with your team, I can't help you.

    Also you compare sages & scoundrels to juggernauts & PT's. Which for one is just apple's & oranges.

    And why name a thread 'The republic side needs nerfing' while classes are pretty much exactly mirrored (apart from a few abilitie delay issues)

  20. The side speeders in Civil War were completely removed towards the end of the 1.1 patch cycle. This was probably the best that Civil War had ever been, forcing teams to really rely on good movement and communication rather than just zerging around.


    Fast forward, and the side speeders are back in, albeit moving at a slower pace. The main problem with this is that the speeders bring you directly into range and LoS of the turret, allowing players to instantly stop caps upon landing. Against very good teams, it is basically impossible to take a side turret.


    This is especially apparent in Ranked Warzones, where the level of competition is much higher. Once a team has two bases, the match is basically over, as it is very, very difficult to take them back with the current spawn mechanics.


    I would suggest either getting rid of the speeders completely again, or changing the drop-off point for the side speeders to in between the base at mid and the platforms at either side, just out of range of the side turrets. This would force some use of smart tactics, rather than the non-stop zerg that currently occurs at side turrets.


    If you position yourself correctly behind the turret there is no way they can interrupt you straight away.


    Having said that, currently it's probably easier to defend 2 sides than mid+side. However a good team should be able to coordinate an attack to take a side turret back.

    Maybe move the landing area of the side speeders a bit to the back, or whatever. but i'm not for removing them completely

  21. How about WH power relic and the campaign internal/elemental proc relic? Has anyone tested the flat increase from to proc vs. the passive power increase of running 2 WH relics?


    I've done some hammering (7/8 mins every time) on my training dummy and dps seemed a slightly higher with the proc relic.


    However, that test was a 8 min constant fight. I think ( and this is pure theory) that my average fight in pvp doesn't last long enough to make the proc relic count. So i personally choose for double WH power relic

  22. The disturbing part of that screenshot is the fact that there are only 3 classes in the entire thing.


    Not that it matters to this thread but: Sentinel, vanguard, commando, sage, guardian* & shadow* (

    *they failed to use taunts for some reason


    Now to get this back OT:

    After little over a week in 1.3 the only thing i noticed is that it made the people that weren't using their active relics properly, a little better, and the people that did use them at crucial moments slightly weaker.

    However sustained dmg has gone up from what i've seen and we don't suck in any of the specs.


    Have actively been switching between watchman & combat, both play really smooth. (combat change was definitely good)

    Played a little in focus, but still find aoe burst not as satisfying as single target burst

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