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Posts posted by Stealios

  1. Probably because the tooltip matches the exact numbers for the rage guy. Check screenshot better next time.


    As you can see my char. name (Stelios) is highlighted green, probably means that that is me. Then as you can also see, i (can't remember why) but selected the char name above me to check his dps. My dmg is only 40K behind smash spec while i'm in Juyo. Check screenshot better next time. lol

  2. LMAO Pro is PRO, matter of being smash spec and having 4 healers on the other team and people standing in a clump. Hahaha freakin HA learning to counter. What does slam spec counter? Movement?


    As you can see I have merc slash & overload saber, tell me how that is smash spec? The other sentinel is the one in smash spec, not me. Check screenshot better next time


    As for the other comment, yeah my bad. Just realized it's pre 1.3.

    Altho my numbers didnt change for the worse since 1.3 hit

  3. So I'm playing my Sentinel and was looking through my abilites, and Zen doesn't talk about having a duration. It only says it 'lasts for 6 charges'. I realize it has an internal duration that is not shown or explained, but it'd be nice to see what it's duration is. Unless there's something I'm missing in another ability.



    Think it's a 12 or 15 sec duration if you hover over the stacks of zen you get at start. (obviously only if you don't use any of your stacks of zen, which would be stupid)

  4. All I know is that it actually works, i.e. the relic activates when you heal yourself from the dot crits.

    Anyone knows if it's worth it?


    I'd say: No, just no

    You get like a 50% chance to heal someone for 400 hp or whatever every 20 sec?


    Better get a WH power relic with 113 power and just kill sh*t

  5. No issues here (played all 3 specs a bit today)


    Have to say I found combat really nice to play since precision slash is off GCD, it makes it harder for the enemy to counter by stunning you or whatever. Also with the relic change our average dps should be even higher than it was.


    Maybe you had an off day, or maybe the other players were just better than you. Can't say anything about that, but me or other sents in my guild haven't noticed any difference

  6. People will always complain won't they?


    No queues >> *cry* servers are empty/dead. we want merges/transfers!


    Transfers come >> *cry* I have to wait 10-30 mins because BW did what we asked them to do.



    I know there's still a lot bugged in this game, but cut them some slack the times they actually do what people want them to do and don't cry about it

  7. If I get disconnected right before my team enters a WZ, I have no way to rejoin the WZ if they all enter. This is not good.


    Agreed, we've had a WZ where our defender on west in Novare dc'ed after about 1 min in the game, had to work our asses of to win the 7 vs 8 we ended up in.


    Sadly, everyone (apart from BW) foresaw this when it came on the PTS and bioware has (afaik) not responded to this issue yet.

  8. Seen plenty of healers with 21/19/1 specs (so without the aoe heal) on my server running around doing 500k+ healing without guard.


    It's a matter of reacting quickly on situations (ie healing people up when needed and running/healing yourself when needed as well).


    Not playing a sage/sorc healer myself but the one thing i notice with the ones I've killed: they think the bubble makes them invincible and refuse to run. And tbh running & making good use of LoS is a healers best friend without a tank guarding him

  9. I am playing Watchman spec, and I just realized, Riposte is off my skillbars and I haven't been using it for a LONG. time.


    I want to ask if it's worth using as Watchman, but it seems the obvious answer is "yes."


    So my question is, is it so good that it should be mandatory to be used? Like, will I see a HUGE increase in DPS if I start using it again as a Watchman Sent?


    The obvious answer for watchman is actually: 'No' you don't want to use it if you're talking PvE. The biggest dmg comes from your burn attacks, if you put riposte in between you'll have a hard time to maintain enough focus for your burns + merc slash etc.


    Now in PvP it can be really good, but this is situational. I preferably use it to get hits in trough defensive cooldowns of scoundrels or tanks or whatever ( you know what i mean hopefully)


    The main spec where riposte can be really good is in combat during precision slash to get some more attacks in, but again; only if you have the focus for it. don't let it interfere with your high priority abilities


    TLDR: Can be good in PvP, but PvE watchman should stay away from it

  10. I'm getting destroyed as a sentinel worked out great at first, then when i hit alderaan i just kept dieing alot. I respeced and i got barely past balmorra, did ok on quesh (only because i avoided some fights) and now im at belsavis, getting destroyed, on a dead server, and credits are going down the toliet for me.


    Should i balance each tree?

    Anyone got any idea let me know, thanks.


    Upgrade gear and plz give some more info about which spec & rotations you are using. companions are useful as well. With just stating 'I die alot' no one will be able to help you

  11. I notice that relatively frequently, if you target a player and attempt to leap at them as they are running out of range, you will instead leap to another target entirely. It's also infuriating when you are targeting a player who has just stealthed as you are casting leap, and it will again leap you to another target.


    -easily confirmed by seeing that you are still targeting player x and not the player you have lept to


    You will leap to the spot where the target stood at the moment you press leap, so it can happen that target is a little further away when you land. Never seen it happen where i target someone & my leap put me on someone else. You sure you're not just bad at switching targets?


    Also 'casting leap' ? as far as i know it's an instant ability.


    Some video's of this happening would be useful to see what you mean

  12. The reasoning behind power > crit at a certain point is because in all specs sentinels have talents to increase crit chance (for some attacks to a guaranteed 100%(


    Watchman-> 5 stacks of juyo form add 15% crit chance to your dots & Zen makes your next 6 dot ticks 100% crit as well


    Combat:-> rotation is all about getting bladestorm guaranteed crits & precision slash


    Focus-> Everything is based around the 100% crit chance of force sweep

  13. I'd assume too allow the last tick of Cauterize to damage before refreshing it.


    That is exactly right.


    If you refresh the effect of it you will have spent 2 focus to add base dmg from cauterize + only what was gone from the dot. So if the dot for exapmle had 2 secs left, you'll only add 4 seconds of dmg instead of the 6 it usually does.


    Also instead of spending 2 focus on cauterize you could have used it to (always situational) to gain some more focus or do a different dmg attack.

  14. Based on these additional comments, I may rethink using it. I just know that in PvP I am busy enough. The fact that it is indeed off the GCD does make it attractive.


    I'll throw it on for a few days and see if I have a sudden DPS increase or its negligible.


    You won't notice anything in overall dps since there is nothing to measure that accurately in wz.

    Where you will notice it most is usually in 1 vs 1 or situations comparable to them. Especially against classes that are using good defensive CD's (Scoundrel Dodge, shadow's deflect etc.) it's quite awesome to get a guaranteed 1~2K hit in.

    Or just hitting that final hit on a healer before his cast finishes and you don't have an interrupt

  15. Honestly, I get a sad face when I see mercs on my team. Why? They're heals aren't the great, they depend on others to get their dps, and they can't hold their own in any 1 v 1. Them having to rely on others to get their dps is fail, and them being probably the worse 1 v 1 class means they need babysitters with them at key points on maps. You can't depend on to gaurd a target due to them having little survivability. Too bad it will take Bioware about a year before they come around and actually make any viable changes to the class.


    On the other hand, I love seeing muraders and assasins on my team.


    Don't let my commando healer read this. 907k healing BOOM!

    I'd say that sorcerers/ sages die more easily usually.




    OT: I don't really hate any classes on my team as long as people that are playing know what they do.

  16. all the skill comes to ranged players kiting and staying alive... except for snipers who have the dmg and knockbacks.


    Marauders and assassin especially need a nerf. They have too much dmg and too much survivability to be balanced.


    It's funny how people don't realize how useful the tools they're given are, but only notice the stuff they don't have.

    A mara leaps on you? ->knockback & slow + start walking a bit

    Operative opens on you? stun/knockback & slow + start walking a bit


    The way to ruin any marauders or operatives 'rotations' is by slowing & kiting. Hate when it's done properly, but I just laugh when I'm on my sentinel, marauder or shadow at ranged dps that think they can stand and fight while i circle around them

  17. Just remembered a WZ a few weeks ago where one of the imps in my team shout out for help at 'side' in civil war. Sadly we had both sides west & east/ snow & grass + the mid so i had no clue where he wanted me.


    But then in a voidstar after that the same guy uses the same words to call for help: 'Side needs help'

    I was like; Really? side needs help? thought we were defending our spawn door in the middle

  18. Well, it is a 4% damage from strength reduction and 4% crit from strength reduction (not 4% reduction to actual crit %) yes you get extra damage from power, but as I stated, you also lose the lower cd time for GbtF = less survivability, and lower range of Dispatch = less damage to kiting targets. Not worth it for a possible 1-2% gain to a proc damage.



    You are now talking about 2 different situations, let me start by the first one;

    1) You only lose out on strenght & endurance if you use it as your pve gear, in pvp it's as good in stats as weaponmaster gear. And since it's a pvp orientated bonus seems weird to go for it in pve.

    Only reason I use it during our raids is because my augmented war hero has better stats than my rakata gear. (ofc once i complete my augmented campaign gear i'll be swapping to that)


    2) Now you start talking pvp, how many times does it happen that someone kites you on more than 10m range while they are below 30% hp? the very few moments it happened to me, I usually leap onto my target or just realize it's not worth chasing them.

    If those final 15 secs on GbtF are that important to you, sure go for it, but same for that; how many times do you actually need the reduced CD?

  19. You are saying that you only have a 50% chance of knowing which way snow and grass are from mid. Seriously?

    I know which way snow, grass, east or west is at all times, it's called "Situational Awareness" and "Attention to Detail". I learned both of those in the Marine Corps. You should know where you are at all times. This map has been here since beta, you should have it memorized. Just because some people learn or interpret directions differently doesn't mean they are a douchebag.


    So if you are sitting in your living room and a family member runs in and yells "FIRE IN THE GARAGE", are going to sit there and tell them "Well this is a combat situation and you have to tell me if the garage is north, south, east, or west, I can't tell from the living room". "I'm going to have to open all the doors here to figure out which way the garage is and there is a 50% chance I could be wrong and have to turn around and not get to the fire in time to put it out". No, you are not. You are going to run directly to the garage because you know which direction it is.


    Wether or not someone calls grass/snow, east/west should not matter, you should know both.

    Please announce yourself if you join a warzone with me in it so I know that I will have to hold your hand.


    Wow, i take my hat off for your stupidity. I'm just gonna assume you're american because you actually think that the marine corps has anything to do with being good at this game. lol.

    As someone stated before; in the heat of battle, especially in something so symmetrical as the centre of CW it's quite easy to go the wrong way at some point.

    Also since your camera doesn't always face the same way as your character it's even easier to get confused.


    And he's not calling them douchebag for using different names for directions, he's calling them douchebags for the way they let him know they use different names.

  20. I've made several posts about this.


    Frankly, force choke is the single most broken skill in the game.


    The DESIGN of it is flawed badly enough to just throw it out. Seriously, a move that stuns ME? But the implementation is several exits past horrible. First, since it stuns ME it should ****ALWAYS**** instantly stun the target, screw resolve, screw outs, it should ***ALWAYS**** work.




    They should just make force grip baseline. If they go that route then resolve is fine, outs are fine, even the stupid "MUST PRIORITIZE ANIMATION OVER FUNCTION" lunacy is ok.


    But as it stands, I have at least 1 of every class and there is NO move in this game that is horribad as force choke. People will argue that there is, and they're wrong - because while there are several "worthless" moves there is only one "vastly worse than just 'worthless'" move. *AND* if you're rage spec, it's REQUIRED that you use it.


    ... I haven't got the capability to even try a facepalm that equals the fail here.

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