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Posts posted by Stealios

  1. Ok, first question... I leveled up as a Combat spec, but have been Watchman for the last 3 weeks... Still not sure what works better for me, so I'm curious as to what the community think is better in pvp for burst damage/taking down people fast.


    2nd Question... What do you guys do vs Powertechs to take them down? They seem to be the only ones, besides Tank Assassins that I have troubles with


    1: In ranked most people usually want a sentinel with more burst & the increased speed, however both can work really well in pvp. For solo pvp I would suggest watchman because you have to rely less on a random healer.


    2: I use pacify and try to take them out ASAP. pacify will lower the chance of High Impac bolt/Railshot to hit by 90%, so that's 6 seconds of lowered burst for them. If that's on cooldown, pray and hope your defensive cooldown are available




    Finally there is the question, “which of the bad guys should I attack?” You must choose the correct target or the group will not function well. The general rule is that you should always be on the same target that the tank is on. This way instead of healing all of the group members the healer should only need to heal the tank since he has all the agro.



    Not true.

    Job of the dps is to kill the biggest part of a group while tank holds aggro of the toughest enemies.

    Kill order for dps is and should pretty much always be: weak>strong>elite>champion.

    By doing that you reduce overall damage taken for the entire group and this results in the healer having to do less healing.


    At least think a little bit before you post a 'How to'

  3. But, it seems I am losing a lot in watchman, like the shortened kick and 0min range of leap. And, I cannot put points in plasma blades, which increases burn damage or burn crit damage by 15. I tried two wzs with it, though and did ok, and I will keep trying with it. I will see.


    I don't have the shortened kick, but I didn't spec in that anyway unless it was for PvE (matter of preference)

    However i do have 0m min range of leap.


    The points you can't put in plasma blades are made up for by the part where you have 100% armor pen on your kinetic & energy attacks (All melee + a few force attacks)

  4. Also i never use force scream unless i'm slowed and need to finish somebody out of melee range (or need to do force damage 'cause of a cooldown). Its just too costly without autocrit and reduced cost... Not sure why is it included in «base rotation» in this thread.


    It's not really 'base rotation' but more of a possible thing to use when people are running away. it's definitely not the best option if you can use slash or dispatch, but as it is with most abilities in pvp; it's situational.


    While i do agree that with the slightly worse focus/rage management you'll have to build up a little more often from time to time compared to full watchman, however i don't feel like it's ruining the spec.

    If the focus management was as easy as watchman it would be really OP to have this spec, since then you could literally just keep going & going


    EDIT: also took a closer look at your spec and for me focus management is slightly easier since i put points in reduced force leap CD & range, so i can use it as focus builder very often.

  5. When I plot out my spec with TORhead, it makes me put 5 in a row to progress. I thought this was the rule, yet your spec and others have less than 5 in a row. Did they change this?


    While you need 5 points to progress to the next row, it doesnt matter if they are spent in a lower row. so i could have 8 in the bottom, 2 in the 2nd row and still progress to the third row. Hope you undewrstand what i mean by that

  6. Let me start by saying you can't trade crit directly vs surge.

    Surge trades off with accuracy & power trades off with crit.


    Also when getting surge past 300~350 you pretty much hit the softcap on it. Your crit multiplier won't go above 80%, no matter how much surge you stack.


    Now with that in mind, just look if it's worth it to you to swap a certain amount of power vs crit chance.

    Personally I have around 30% crit chance

  7. yeah. I think I will switch that. thanks. Any other input? from anyone?


    Combat spec with the suggested change is pretty standard combat spec, so nothing to add to it.

    WIth the watchman I'm wondering if you really feel that the force camo thingy is worth it? I'd spend those 2 points in defensive roll. AoE dmg reduction in pvp is a huge must.

  8. I play Carnage exclusively and with 100% crit chance on Force Scream after massacre I just don't see the need for more than 25% melee crit, I have all 4 class buffs since I have 4 50's and all my companions at 10k affection.


    Same for me, only I play watchman mostly (and hybrid atm) so the dot's critting more often keeps me going longer. For combat I agree with what you posted

  9. Opportune Strike, Pommel Strike, Force Sweep, Force Stasis and Blade Rush all say Force when you look at abilities under Jedi Knight (P button). However Opportune, Pommel and Blade Rush's tool tips all state kinetic damage. While the Opportune and Pommel aren't useful in most raid settings, I do like slamming a mob in the skull for 5900 pommel strike crits out in the regular world. So my question is are these abilities affected by Insight, or is this another example of screwed up tool tips? I did drop the 3 I have in Insight once and noticed a drought of crits on the opportune and pommels, but maybe I was being paranoid. Thanks.


    Insight affect all skills that have 'Force' as their ability category, so that is all dots, bladestorm, force sweep, pommel & oppertune strike, force stasis, blade rush.


    Kinetic & Energy damage describe types of damage, not types of attack

  10. After typing my previous post I realized that usually 'Master strike' translates to: 'Knockback/Stun'

    So I tend to fill with slash & strike till i know my enemy can't stun/KB me or I have full resolve. Takes a bit of luck but i find a lot of my MS hit their final hit and can crit above 5k from time to time.


    Same with precision slash in general: Don't use it if you have nothing to follow up with (or when target is about to die)

    But then again, that's just using your brain a little bit

  11. now with this build, what is the priority and the initating rotation?


    From what I experienced you want to start of with the 'watchman rotation' so that would be: leap>OS>Zealous strike>cauterize>Precision slash>MS>slash/bladestorm/dispatch.


    That seems to be the highest burst rotation since then you keep the dots running while you use 100% armor penetration on your energy/kinetic attacks. (Dot's won't tick harder since they ignore armor anyway, but dots+other attacks is quite high burst).


    And after that use OS & cauterize as much as possible and make sure you can at least do multiple good kinetic/energy attacks (Slash/Bladestorm/dispatch) when using Precision slash without MS. This to prevent losing burst by using strike/zealous strike during armor pen.

    I've had slash critical hits for 3.5k & dispatch ciritcal hits for 6k+


    TL;DR keep dots running as much as possible, ideal combo: PS>MS>Slash/Bladestorm/Dispatch and make sure you have at least 6 focus when using precision slash without Master Strike

  12. So here's the question : What does grant Singularity ? Each use of Force Exhaustion or eack tick of Force Exhaustion ?


    And Second question : What is the duration of Force Exhaustion ? (The website indicates 1s which is obiously wrong)


    1) Each tick of force exhaustion gives 1 stack of singularity, however since it's a force debuff it can be despelled by sorcs/sages also it won't apply when a shadow/assassin uses their force/tech immunity.


    Also if you apply it on a target that's on low health and it dies before Force Exhaustion has ended, you won't get all the stacks


    2) The full duration is 4 seconds (If I'm correct first tick is after 1 sec, 2nd after 2 sec etc.)


    CD is 18 seconds and if specced into it every use of zen gives 4 stack immediately, also force stasis gives 4 stacks over 3 secs. So you will usually have singularity up more than once every 30 secs

  13. Prove it? The only sents/maras I've seen on two different servers with higher bonus damage than mine were doing the same thing I've been doing (stacking power augs) and were just farther along in optimizing their gear (power/surge augments from heal op/scoundrel? gloves). All of their strength numbers have been pretty much in line with mine.


    Prove what?

    That strength augments are better than power augs overall? - There is a thread about it somewhere by LagunaD, look it up. His numbers & charts are correct. Don't want to believe me? I don't care.


    Or did you want me to prove that you get more power by getting the 27 endurance/43 power enhancements instead of the 45 endurance/22 power? that's just basic math. Don't believe me? Couldn't care less.


    But just out of curiosity, what is your bonus dmg?

  14. Do you remember what your biggest Hit was?!? ;)


    Also what kinda of stats you running buffed? (simply for comparing my tweaks vs yours)


    I buff to the following: (finished my tweaking last weekend)


    628.8 Buffed Bonus Damage.


    1607 Str

    18900 Hits

    1208 Power

    1208 Expertise

    26.87 Crit

    99.64 Accuracy

    79.87 Surge


    My biggest hit so far was 6.4K dispatch on badly geared vanguard. However on average they are between 4.5 & 5.4k. Haven't paid attention to master strike hits since final one doesn't hit too often. Also I didn't take the 8% dmg increase from skilltree.


    Now, I take that fully buffed includes a stim? If so, these are my stats with prototype might stim (I'm a poor bastard)

    Bonus dmg: 572.6

    1678 Strength

    19218 HP

    912 Power

    1248 Expertise

    31.51% crit

    101.41% accuracy

    76.77% surge


    I haven't optimized the stats for this spec yet. Probably going to switch 1 accuracy/crit enhancement for a power/surge. and maybe something else.

    I have to say though, that it looks like you're pushing surge a little too hard in your build.

  15. Once again, somebody who tried it before casting judgement. Yet again another person who loves the spec. Yes, you get the most chunky damage fromP S/OS combo, so in effect ~5 out of every 15 seconds. I have played combat and Watchman and I find 1v1 I decimate people with this setup. Hybrid Sent FTW!!! :)


    Love 1 vs 1 in this spec, although I find myself waiting for KB's & stuns more often not to lose precision> MS.

    Just had a voidstar with hybrid spec, this was result: http://i48.tinypic.com/vz2mf.jpg


    Now, I know numbers aren't everything, but i think it shows that the spec is viable.

  16. Ah another bastion Imp guild,how about most people do not wish to play against your stacked Maurader and PT groups? it's hard enougth for many Republic guilds to geta full group let alone cherry picking classes like you guys do,but hey you guys are great PvP'ers and would never need that,right?;)



    take your QQ somewhere else.


    We have the same issue on our server, most of the team getting 2.5K+ now and getting queued against pug teams even when close to equal ranked teams are q'ing. I understand why they did it like it is now though, as it is, most servers don't have a large enough ranked warzone pool to actually do equal match ups, so my guess would be that it will change when they bring x-server warzones (at least I hope so)

  17. Alright, have played 5 games with this spec now and i *********** LOVE IT!

    The spec I use atm: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRMoMZGGrk0brz.2


    I'm still thinking of maybe putting 2 points in 'master focus' instead of 'Repelling blows' or 'Close Quarters', but I will admit that haven't really thought those 2 points through.


    However, in the games I played I was ahead in both dmg & healing of my teammates & the opposing sentinels/marauders.

    Still getting used to the spec ofcourse, but it looks promising so far.


    I'll give a short list of things I immediately noticed in these games:

    - Healing/Self Healing is at least on par with full watchman

    - Overall dmg so far definitely on par with other specs

    - Love the utility with the speed boost & camouflage breaks roots etc.

    - Burst seems to be best when using precision slash while burns are already running (so for example OS>ZS>Cauterize>Precision>Master Strike>Slash/dispatch whatever.


    Minor negative points:

    - 2 skill points that are not usefull (in ataru form etc.)

    - Same problem, although slightly less because of elemental damage, as combat spec: sustained dmg between precision slash isn't as great as in watchman.


    So overall I'm definitely happy how this spec holds compared to full sentinel specs. Will keep trying this out to get some more results/details

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