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Posts posted by Stealios

  1. Does the offhand weapon not benefit from power bonuses even on the enhancement component and color crystal built into the offhand lightsaber itself? Or is it just power bonuses from other equipment besides the offhand lightsaber that don't apply to its damage? Just looking for clarification. I have no idea how to examine these numbers properly in-game. :(


    Basically your Mainhand weapon benefits from every strenght/power/crit/surge & accuracy point on every piece of gear


    Now for your offhand (to keep it all in line with other classes) they made it so that power/strenght don't count for it.

    The 'base' damage of the offhand weapon is determined by the level of hilt you put in to it.


    Let's compare a offhand that has full Rakata mods (ie. Crystal/hilt/Mod/Enhancement) to one that has only a rakata hilt & no other mods.


    Both will have rakata item rating( which is 140)

    And in both cases your offhand 'base' damage will be the same, 66% of 306-459.

    Ofcourse it would be stupid to use a 'empty offhand', but if you purely look at base damage of the offhand, it will remain the same.


    Now if you look at your character sheet ingame, and hover over both your mainhand & offhand dmg (probably listed as primary & secondary)

    You will see that for the mainhand(primary) the dmg is calculated by base: base dmg + bonus dmg= primary dmg

    Whereas for the offhand (secondary) it will state something like: ''base dmg * offhand modifier= offhand dmg''


    Now since your offhand attacks are counted as 'normal' attacks when they hit, they will benefit from a higher critical & surge rating.


    And if you hover over your accuracy you'll see that secondary (offhand) attacks have something like 67% base accuracy. So increasing accuracy will make your offhand hit more often as well


    TL: DR offhand is affected only by it's own Hilt + overall accuracy, crit & surge. Not by power & strength

  2. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501uMrRRrrdGzZMZdc.2


    That is the spec I swear by in ranked pvp.

    Keep in mind it's not the 'best spec', but it's the spec that suites me best.


    With my gear it gives me 101% acc which is why i didn't take any points in steadfast.


    Put the 1 point in jedi crusader because combined with the point in recompense I found that the uptime of my rebuke in battle's has been getting close to 80/90%, so it's quite some focus i gain from it.


    To me having 3 x a 3 sec root is a no brainer, against some sorc builds or good kiters in general it can be just the few extra seconds you need.


    Also I'm all for having MS hit as hard as possible, as often as possible. Hence the points in master focus.


    And finally: never put points in 'Insight'' in combat spec, the 1 force attack you use regularly (bladestorm) should have 100% crit chance when you use it anyway.

  3. I won't post an entire story about pro's and cons but a short version:


    PvE: While it isn't bad, there's usually better stuff to spent points in. (A lot of times rebuke will only be up 6-10 secs so you'll get 3 or 4 focus of it every min. Not that great imo)


    PvP: Must have talent, more focus = more burst dmg = more win (Also most players have the same intelligence as pve trashmobs, so don't worry about them stop hitting you. in fact if they stop attacking you for 6 secs, easier to kill them)

  4. o.O

    are you sure?


    as far as I know, offhand should be 33%?? of primary damage.. however, if what you have said is true then offhand is basically just 33% of your weapons..

    I do believe you btw, just wondered if you were 100% sure.


    Offhand is 30% of damage on that specific offhand weapon (66% if talented)



    OT: It's already known that power does not affect it in any way, only the hilt in the offhand + skill points determine it.

    And yes offhand does benefit from crit, surge & accuracy.

  5. Honestly, if you are not that far along re-roll this as a Jugg. I say that to you, personally, because I know you already saw the Knight story with your Sent. From a pure aesthetic standpoint I find the single saber stance looks so much better on a Jugg than a Guardian.


    Anyway, that nonsense aside, right off the bat I would take 2 points out of dust storm and defiantly take Lunge and Pacification. Here I tweaked your build a tad, while considering things that you didn't want to use. IE still no blade barricade, though I like that skill and use it on my pvp build. I also left your Vig tree alone.


    Personally even as a hybrid I still really want that second CC in ***** slap...oh sorry lol... 'hilt strike'. This what I had in mind re-specing from my 31 immortal Juggy into.


    Frankly I wish they never removed Unleashed (or whatever the Knight version was called). 30 second CD reduction on CC breaker was awesome.


    Have a marauder as well, so know that story. Main reason for rolling on rep side is because of the guild.


    I see what you changed and while i can understand what you changed, i thought of a question. This would be a pointless post otherwise;

    Is it worth it to put a point in pacification if I don't have Hilt strike or never use cyclone slash?

    Also about duststorm; It looks like something you'd want to happen for sure, or am I making to big a deal of 5% accuracy reduction?


    Other question: Should i use cyclone slash in pvp?

  6. 1. How do you think your Sentinel spec is perceived by other classes?


    I play both watchman & combat quite active and from what i noticed is that most players don't like to play against that in a 1 vs 1 situation and will call for help.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Watchman: Great, love it for solo queueing when you can't rely on teammates to back you up.


    Combat: burst is great. Overall damage is really good, but would be better if both skill tree talents 'Oppertune attack' & 'Saber Storm' would grant their buffs properly

  7. Sentinel/Marauder is the most overwhelming of the classes.

    First, DON'T PANIC.

    Second, learn what works best for which ever tree you use. Example Bladestorm is awesome with the Combat tree but not Watchman. Flip side for Cauterize. So pick a tree and stick with it and its useful abilities.

    Third, there are rotations to use. I go Watchman so I will give you one for that.

    Zealous Leap - Overload Sabers (do while in mid jump, they are off GC) - Zealous Strike - Slash (Merciless Slash when you get it) - Cauterize - Master Strike (I like to use Force Stasis when I get it) then you should be ready to do again. Keep your burns (Overload Sabers and Cauterize) going at all times. Pop your Zen when you get it while being in Juyo form to give yourself heals and crits.

    Combat runs differently.



    One minor thing: you want to use cauterize before your merciless slash. Since merc slash can reset the cooldown of cauterize it would be a waste to use it before cauterize.

  8. Question: Why would you choose Force Rush over Commanding Awe? Commanding Awe is one of the best talents a Guardian has. To go that far up the Vig tree and not get it seems like a waste!



    I'm thinking of running with http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RMGbu0MZZfhrMMhzzM.2


    I know I'm not lvl 50 yet, but to me, it seems odd that you didn't put points in 'improved sundering strike' .


    That being said, this is what I currently made up in my mind, not sure if it's the best or good. but for what i want to use it (which is pvp) it seems good imo.




    Any constructive advice on what to change (if any) would be appreciated. Keep in mind that I use it in pvp only. So i can already tell you i won't put points in "Blade Barricade' since imo 3% temporary defense rating, while usefull, in pvp is not the greatest way to spend 3 skillpoints

  9. Whereas pvp is not all about numbers, 100k-150k is pretty poor.


    The key to pvp is more than just doing your rotations. You need to adapt to every situation, know when to use certain skills, when not to etc.


    Also you say you go crazy and dot everyone up, how do you do that? As far as I know sentinel has cauterize & overload saber, and usually, as a sentinel, you don't run away from a target that you just dot'ed up.


    I'm certainly no expert but I'd like to think that i know somewhat of the sentinel class. And with the info you've given I think it might be that you're reactions are just a little slow or that you're not keybinding everything.

  10. Can Combat surpass Watchman if the player struggles to watch Procs and DoT Timers occasionally? Like, do you have to manage your dots perfectly in order to surpass Combat as a Watchman? I have a tendency to sometimes forget to refresh my dots on my Sage, or sometimes cast them early so I don't forget to refresh them. I kind of want to avoid having to watch the buff bar again.


    Not really an option to forget them since they are your 2 main priority abilities, if you do forget them you lose almost 40% of your dmg in the longer fights.

    But, since the cooldown of your dot's is longer than the dot it self, it basically means you have to reapply every time they come of cooldown.

  11. So if I am reading what you said right, Watchman is the best dps, but at the cost of being more complicated since you have to pay more attention to procs, buffs, and debuffs, and dot durations, and Combat is less dps (but not as little as Focus) but easier to play?


    Pretty much yes.

    Although i find watchman very 'natural' to play, if you know what i mean. It's has a certain flow with it, where as combat can get a bit boring due to bladerush spam from time to time.


    My personal preference is watchman for PvE purely because of the selfheals, makes a healers life a lot easier.

  12. I know, there's threads like this all over the forums, but all of them (as far as I've read) seem really PvE orientated.

    Now, i'm purely pvp orientated on this char.


    So here's my question; As a PvP tank should i go for a full 31 point defense spec or should I go for the hybrid with commanding awe/blade barrier combo?


    And in case of the hybrid, how far should i go in both trees. I've seen multiple specs for it. I've seen 17/22/2 or 12/27/2 and some others i can't remember.



    Since my guardian is only lvl 30 i haven't tried out alot yet because, well, i'm only lvl 30.


    Any advice would be appreciated with some explanation :)

  13. Oh man, I love to hear a fellow scoundrel that actually knows how to play his class. Far to often I see scoundrels with 500k healing and less than 30k dmg. It's a total shame. =(


    Not sure if sarcasm, but just in case it wasn't: How is it a bad thing that a scoundrel healer does 500K+ healing instead of 300K+ & 100K+ dmg?

  14. The problem with the dps trees of scoundrel is that they both are really gear dependent. In scrapper spec there is no way you're gonna take down a WH geared player while you are in recruit/BM gear.


    But once you get the gear it'll become easier. You still have to pick your fights (don't get caught in too much aoe and big brawls). On my server there are several scoundrel/operatives that can take out pretty much any dps or healer. Usually not tanks since back up arrives before they die.

  15. I would place it Mercenary < Sorceror=Operative. The Sorc has a better AoE heal and better burst healing while the operative is mobile and can stealth. Mercenary is not invitable able to a ranked WZ group. Most groups would be fine taking either the sorc or op heals.


    We run with 2 commando healers and are just doing fine. The commando healer maybe needs minor tweaks but is fine overall.

    The DPS trees of commando are very underperforming imo. While i see the occasional commando still do a lot of dmg in assault spec, they usually die in every 1 vs 1

  16. I do find myself to be more of a team player in PvP, but was wondering how Combat lends itself to be more team oriented?


    Also I have a jugg with the rage tree (shared tree to Focus) and let me say, it is a lot of fun.


    Combat is more team orientated because of the lack of self healing you have, so you'll need a team to stay alive usually.

    Also you get multiple roots and an insane (80% talented) group speedbuff

  17. They added that wall in frist room to prevent this from happening more often.


    Get 2 good coordinated 8 man teams in there and 9/10 times nobody gets a door.

    Imo they should make the 0-0 a draw, so no rating loss, just comms + creds for the wz

    If they don't do that they should remove voidstar out of the ranked wz. In a ranked game there is no place for randomness

  18. Hey all,


    My Sent is currently L42 and i'm focus specced, which means that i'm relying very much on a charged up Force Sweep in PvP. But one thing is very annoying with this: after choking a target stacking Singularity when i'm about to Force Sweep, i get pushed back and the Force Sweep triggers in the push back, doing zero damage. It seems like there's a 0.3-0.5 delay on the skill sometimes. This can of course be avoided, but i wonder if it's working as intended.


    Anyone else experienced this? It's even worse in PvE.


    It's an ability delay bug. They are aware of it, just have no clue how to fix it.

    But yes, it's *********** annoying

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